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I’ve noticed that people don’t seem to use the one time commission discounts very much. I think I’ll keep the permanent discounts for high tiers, but maybe I should replace the one time ones with something else?

I’ll definitely be adding polls on what stories I should write next, but I probably need to have something else as well (since there’s more than one level of one time discount).

So, what do you all think would be good?



Hm. Something may be glitched for me, but I don't see any benefits listed on the membership tiers, and I wasn't aware you did commissions or I'd have jumped on that.


When going to the membership tab on the Destop website, the different tiers only list their price and "Discord Benefits"


Ah, so it’s still doing that? I’m unsure why it doesn’t show them, since as far as I can tell it’s supposed to. (It’s not always the most intuitive site as a creator.)


I wonder if it’s because I have a ‘founder’ account instead of a ‘pro’ one, and they’re trying to get me to upgrade.