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I'd like to get a sense of where all of you generous supporters stand regarding the difficulty of escapes in this mod. We on the Overkill Team have some conflicting visions for how we'd like to proceed going forward, so we need all the help we can get with deciding what direction to go in the future.

Things are especially getting more complicated by the new Damsel on the Edge real-time system, I may need a separate poll to decide what to do about that.

Please select the option that best describes you. If you like multiple of these for different situations, please feel free to comment about it below. We can probably accommodate several of these options with different settings and scenarios, but I'd like to understand what your favorite default-settings would be.



I agree with the other comment. Also I would like to give a feedback: In earlier versions of the mod there was a bug that made it possible to "double click" the arrows. Imo it should return or using the mouse during escapes should be reworked. I have tested it before where I was tryharding using a mouse ("double clicking") and then with a keyboard and I couldn't see any difference in terms of actual speed. I think it was a nice accessibility feature


Interesting, we'll look into improving mouse control, I wasn't aware of this feature, thanks.


While I'd love some sort of toggle setting to adjust the difficulty depending on my mood, that might not be feasible/be more work than it's worth. The suggestion Nathan makes is one I'd second; story harder, optional maybe a bit more. If, ultimately, the way to adjust difficulty is to go back to the custom settings of Overkill and just prevent certain higher tier restraints from being used at all, I can live with that. Luck-required escapes have their appeal, but they can also be one note, overall. There's not much chance for escape-and-recapture with them, and the narrative fun of that can spice up the escapes all on its own. More thoughts to be posted in the discord!