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Hey everyone!

Here is your new episode of the patroncast!

In this one, I talk about:

- 00:52 Starfield, and how I'm having fun with it, but it's still disappointing and outdated compared to other titles

- 13:35 Finally editing on the new laptop with the new setup (spoiler: it's great, but it wasn't perfect)

- 22:01 Channel-related updates

I hope you'll enjoy listening to this one, and have a great week!



Hey Nick, it's interesting to hear how your laptop setup is going. I don't need a new computer right now, but sometimes I wonder if I would buy a laptop or a desktop. What advantages do you think your desktop has over your current laptop in your day to day use?

Karl Keksgesicht

I am not sure if the "Overview Effect" is similar enough to Gnomes "Activities View". But can you can bind this to the super key. Qt is not able to handle modifier keys alone. So you have to use the CLI for this. Here are the 2 commands you could use to bind the Super/Meta key to the "Overview Effect": kwriteconfig5 --file kwinrc --group ModifierOnlyShortcuts --key Meta "org.kde.kglobalaccel,/component/kwin,,invokeShortcut,Overview" qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure It is also already bound to Meta+W.


I'd say the desktop still has the edge in terms of GPU, and the setup is less "finicky": you just press the button, no cables to plug in when you want to use it at your desk. It's also a bit less noisy when doing heavy stuff, since it has much more room for cooling. Apart from that, the laptop is more flexible, more portable (obviously), and more "personal", since you interact directly with the device itself most of the time :)