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Topics for May: time to vote (repost to add multiple votes)

  • RSS is still the best way to access news 70
  • Is Nobara really different from Fedora 42
  • Reacting to your Linux hot takes 37
  • Why Linux is better for developers 46
  • Nextcloud Hub 4 49
  • 2023-04-20
  • 244 votes
{'title': 'Topics for May: time to vote (repost to add multiple votes)', 'choices': [{'text': 'RSS is still the best way to access news', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'Is Nobara really different from Fedora', 'votes': 42}, {'text': 'Reacting to your Linux hot takes', 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Why Linux is better for developers', 'votes': 46}, {'text': 'Nextcloud Hub 4', 'votes': 49}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 20, 11, 11, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 244}


Hey everyone!

Here are the topics I'll work on in May:

- Linux News: there will be 4 in May, we'll have to see what the Linux world has in store for us!

- Stellaris 16 Review: I should receive a review unit of the Stellaris 16 laptop from Tuxedo, so expect a full review

- VanillaOS: I'll look at Vanilla OS, and what it does differently from other Linux distros. I'll try to not make it the traditional distro review, and only focus on what it brings, and what purpose that serves.

- Unknown facts about Linux: a little "trivia" video about a few things people might not know about Linux as a kernel, or as an operating system

- Operating systems privacy comparison: Linux vs Windows vs macOS: a look at what each OS collects, where does it go, and how to disable it. Basically a "let's check if proprietary systems are as bad as everyone thinks for privacy" kind of video.

And, as per the topics you can vote on, here is what I can offer:

- RSS is still the best way to access news: a look at the good old RSS feeds, and how they are vastly superior to using social networks to gather all your news and interests in one place

- Is Nobara really different from Fedora: a lot of people really want me to look at Nobara, so I'll check it out and mark the differences between it, and Fedora.

- Reacting to your Linux hot takes: I'll ask the audience to send me their hot takes in a form, and I'll pick the ones that I find are the most "discussion worthy", and give my own thoughts on them, trying to stay as objective and rational as possible.

- Why Linux is better for developers: a loot at all the reasons why Linux is the best option for developers (unless you develop iOS apps of course)

- Nextcloud Hub 4: it's a big, big update, incorporating encryption, AI tools, ethical AI ratings, a Sharepoint competitor that lets you build mini-apps, and huge upgrades to the Notes app, which means it's even more of a Google alternative than before

Vote on the ones you want to see, and I'll pick the 3 with the most votes!

Have a nice week :)


Emil Johansen

(Linux is still better for a lot of iOS app developers). It doesn't take unreasonable effort to live in the upside-down, developing Xbox games from macOS and iOS titles from Linux etc ;)

Emil Johansen

Re: Hot takes: Nix/OS is the obvious choice as default in CompSci edu. and our future software infrastructure will be markedly better for it.


But you lose the ability to run the iPhone / iPad simulator through Xcode, don't you? Or is there a tool to replace that on Linux?