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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well, because here is your weekly Patroncast!

In this one, I talk about:

- 00:57 The channel, securing long term contracts with sponsors, and what I'll be working on this week

- 09:37 Wondering if I should leave Odysee, as the platform as a whole is really unappealing to me, but I also don't want to leave people stranded on Youtube if they really don't like it

- 17:57 The "Too Much Information" topic of me planning to move in with my girlfriend, and the various complexities involved

I hope you'll enjoy listening to this one!



For what it’s worth, I’m subscribing exclusively because of the peertube channel. So that’s a little bit of revenue for peertube at least


Good to know! If I decide to remove Odysee, I'll definitely keep Peertube going, I don't want to force people to use youtube if they don't want to!


Commenting somewhat late because I only just listened to this, but I can maybe contribute some advice - or at least some anecdotal experience - if you are still deciding about your living situation. My partner and I both work from home and we are both comparatively hermit-like in how we live. One thing which we do which is a huge help, and which I think more people should consider is that we actually have separate bedrooms. I know there’s a kind of stigma against not sharing a bedroom with your significant other, and having two spaces does mean that there’s some added communication that needs to happen about who’s room we hang out in when. But truthfully, it works really well for us: we both have a space which is ours that we can retreat into, and we can have very different schedules during the week if we need that, without the differences in when we wake up or go to bed becoming a problem on those day. We have one day a week that we always make sure to have as a dedicated date night and a spending the night together night, and otherwise we generally play it by ear in terms of spending time together or in our own separate spaces. We also have an established rule which is that, if one of us has a low social battery and needs some time alone in their own space, we just say that in as many words, and it’s understood that it’s not a judgement or a slight or anything. We both got way less stressed about living together in general when we decided that we were just going to be blunt about not having social energy when we didn’t have any. I think the most important thing is just being honest and upfront about your needs, and prioritizing what the two of you actually need to be happy over the societal expectations for what living together should look like. Also, 100% agreed about Odysee, and I really appreciate your transparency about this and about sponsors!


Thanks for the insight! We would absolutely try and move into a place where each of us a a dedicated room: my office for me, and some kind of "reading room" for her (she loves reading books). I think we would be able to communicate our need for space as well without it coming as offensive or a rebuke. I try to be as transparent as possible when I can, and on that note, I just decided to leave Odysee, the channel will be deleted there soon :)