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Vote for April's Topics!

  • How to make Windows feel more like home to Linux users 25
  • Nvidia on Linux: let's stop the preconceived notions 54
  • THings Linux can do, but Windows and MacOS can't 47
  • OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 50
  • Is AI a massive copyright infringement? 35
  • 2023-03-22
  • 211 votes
{'title': "Vote for April's Topics!", 'choices': [{'text': 'How to make Windows feel more like home to Linux users', 'votes': 25}, {'text': "Nvidia on Linux: let's stop the preconceived notions", 'votes': 54}, {'text': "THings Linux can do, but Windows and MacOS can't", 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'OpenSUSE Leap 15.4', 'votes': 50}, {'text': 'Is AI a massive copyright infringement?', 'votes': 35}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 22, 14, 24, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 211}


Hey everyone!

Here are the topics I'll be working on for next month!

- Linux News: there will be 5 of these next months, once per week, as usual (either on a Saturday or a Sunday)

- Linux apps to improve your privacy: a small list of apps that will let you definitely stay more private when using Linux

- PDF tools for Linux: a look at various apps and tools you can use to better handle PDF, because, let's put it frankly, most default apps on various DEs suck for that

- Ubuntu 23.04 and its variants: it should release in April, so we'll have a look at what's new and what the variants also bring to the table

- Linux distro tier list: as I did one on desktop environments, I'll also make one of various distributions I used, in the same "not just tiermaker" format that I used last time

- Major distros that shaped the Linux world: a look at ver influential Linux distributions that helped shape the Linux world as it is now

And for the ones you can vote one, here's the list, and I'll work on the 3 that gather the most votes!

- How to make Windows feel more like home to Linux users: a guide to try and trim windows down, and set it up to be more familiar and useful for Linux users

- Nvidia on Linux: let's stop the preconceived notions: a look at how well Nvidia drivers work on Linux nowadays, and trying to stop the preconceived notion that exists around it (and that was true a few years ago, let's admit it)

- THings Linux can do, but Windows and MacOS can't: a list of the various down to earth features that don't exist on proprietary systems

- OpenSUSE Leap 15.4: I said I wanted to look at OpenSUSE, because it's been a long while so here's a chance to have a look at it! Might also include Tumbleweed depending on what I have to say on Leap

- Is AI a massive copyright infringement?: another chance to get that topic on the list, I offered it last month, and it ver nearly won

So, time to vote! You'll notice this month is more "distro focused" than usual, that's because I want to try and see if there's any interest for that content that I haven't really done on the channel in a long while!


Emil Johansen

Can we add "is programming a massive driver of a less secure world?" to match that AI headline? ;)


I see what you mean by that, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a completely accurate title for that video :D


My family asked me what my concerns were about AI. After a long conversation, I thought I could synthesize my points and put them in writing. Maybe you will learn a thing or two? https://blogue.narf.ca/2023/03/lintelligence-artificielle-cest-super-cool-mais/