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Hey everyone!

Sorry for the post storm here, but it's podcast time!

In this one, I talk about:

- 00:58 Setting up a castopod server: it was super easy, and it's a great base to start the Linux news Podcast (hint: it's coming very soon). it also makes me want to start working towards more financial independence from YouTube and sponsors, so I'll discuss that as well!

- 16:54 France banning office365 and Google Docs: something that's pretty amazing, but doesn't seem super well executed, and, if enforced, might lead to some issues for the future employees who never learned MS Office when companies actively use it. Also, letting each school district decide on the solution they'll use doesn't feel super clever either.

So, I hope you'll enjoy listening to this one, and let me know what you think!



Simon Elst

Hello Nick, thanks for this episode ! I would like to understand what you mean exactly by "if it gets applied, which if it gets enforced" on 17'55'' ? More precisely : did that minister just give a consultative advice, or is it supposed to be mandatory ? In other words : is there a next step like proposing a law ? Or were you just underlining that without inspections, those instructions will probably not get followed ? Thank you, have a nice evening !


Hello Nick, Thank you for this patron-cast. I really enjoyed listening and all the subjects were very interesting. I'll definitely look-up castopod later. I'm not a content creator, and I haven't looked at how castopod works. But I feel like there must be some solution to automate the subscriptions... as you mentioned it would be tedious to manage for large channels. Unless it's limited to yearly subscriptions or something. As Runar C N mentioned, it is refreshing to hear someone being satisfied with how much they earn instead of always wanting more. I really hope you'll be successful in become independent from YouTube ad-revenue. I can imagine it would be very liberating and you wouldn't have to worry about those algorithm or policy changes anymore. I would caution about going completely sponsor-less though. I don't know how other patreons feel, but I don't mind the sponsored mentions. If I've heard them too many times, I just skip ahead. The reason I'm saying this is because it would make you completely dependant on Patreon. It's not wise to put all your eggs in one basket. A few months ago, Patreon fired their entire security team. Not sure what was behind it, but it was a pretty wild move. And you also have seen what happened to Twitter suddenly changing owners. Also, you never know if Patreon suddenly starts charging more. Unless you offer/use additional payment platforms and promote each one, you might trade one worry for another if you go all-in. The French education situation is also very interesting. If they do it right, individual schools do not have to pay attention to those journals with legistlation. The (local) government should just pick a solution and inform education institutes that they should switch to it within a timeframe. I hope some Régions/Départements/Arrondissements choose LibreOffice Enterprise or Collabora among the various options. It indirectly supports development of LibreOffice which is very accessible for many people. No need for accounts and such. Your mentioning it did make me curious to check Zoho again, haven't looked at it in years. They have servers in the EU which you can select when you first sign up. So that shouldn't be a problem in France. I hope more countries follow France's example or even that it becomes a European directive. Amongst all things, I hope it make the Open Document Format more prominent. The ODF may offer better inter-compatibility between office suites than OOXML. I haven't found a single competing office program that can interpret a complex Word document flawlessly. I suspect it's in part because the OOXML standard is more complex (many more pages) and part because Word itself by default does not comply to the standard unless you manually switch to saving as OOXML strict. Sorry this message has become rather lengthy. TLDR: Nice patron cast. Yay to castopod. Yay for striving to go YouTube ad-independent. Mabye to stick to sponsers or find diverse sources of revenue. Yay to France's initiative.


The Ministry clearly said that deployment of these solutions should stop, but since it's schools implementing these solutions, unless the inspectors for the ministryry actually dish out sanctions to teachers who still use Office or Docs, it won't change anything :) It's not a law yet, so it might not be followed


Oh absolutely, I don't want to be fully dependent on Patreon, the goal is more to have a healthier mix of ad revenue, some sponsors, and viewer contributions :) Patreon is one platform, but I could definitely set up something like liberapay in the future. I've been growing more and more wary of depending on one single platform, and when the new website has been developed, the next goal will be to handle "subscriptions" or donations there, through other mechanisms. I'll keep the existing ones, but diversifying is the end goal. As per office suites, OOXML isn't implemented correctly by MS Word, probably on purpose: they do some weird things, so even if an office suite has 100% of the spec, it won't render the document as it should be, because MS Office doesn't follow the spec perfectly themselves. That's why I also hope this move from the Ministry of Education might prompt a change in what is used, at least in schools, it could open students to more types of software and alternatives!