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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing OK!
Here, the weather is now much, much fresher, and we even have some rain, so at least I'm not cooking in my office :)

Here's your exclusive podcast, and in this one, I talk about:

- 00:48 Being on a Podcast with Brodie Robertson, and a lot of more personal and channel related things

- 07:32 The new Digital markets act, a set of EU regulations that will absolutely hurt tech giants

 - 20:14 Playing some games, and discovering that some games I really liked are actually less good than I remembered, mainly due to "collectible creep"

I hope you enjoy listening to it!




Nick, I must admit I came close to clicking the 👎 on this week's episode. Maybe it's my focus on Enterprise Linux where long term support and backporting of security fixes are mission critical. Did you cover the release of Slackware 15? I missed it if you did. The last release was 6 long years ago.


On the podcast or on a video? I didn't cover it yet, but I'll look into it to see if I can fit it in the next Linux news!


If anyone here wants to learn about the interoperability part of the new European act: https://element.io/blog/a-big-step-to-address-big-tech/


Also this : https://element.io/blog/the-digital-markets-act-explained-in-15-questions/