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Hey everyone,

Here is your new Podcast, as I'm packing up my stuff and getting ready to leave my flat for the next 2 weeks, trying to bring everything I need to record and edit my videos...

In this one, I talk about 

- 01:15 Troubles in nvidia hybrid graphics land, on my Stellaris 15. Nothing I couldn't solve, but not a smooth experience either

- 12:32 HP Dev One, and how this might be the start of something really cool

- 19:56 Personal stuff and channel, especially youtube analytics, and how badly skewed they are towards making you feel like crap

I hope you enjoy listening to this one!





A retired lady emailed me out of the blue asking about dumping Windoze for Linux about a year ago. I suggested System 76 doubting she would actually make the switch but you know what? She bought a System 76 laptop and has been happy ever since.


HP Dev One - a ThinkPad killer? Not with a glossy screen in my opinion.


The very reflective panel is definitely a drawback, yeah. If you're going to put glass on a display, you should make sure it's non reflective, or it's making the thing really hard to use...


That's really cool! I'm convinced that a lot of people would be perfectly happy with a device that runs Linux out of the box. In many ways, the default experience is a lot easier to get to grips with than Windows!