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Hey everyone!

Here is your exclusive weekley Patroncast, this time episode 36!

In this one, I talk about:

- Losing my internet connection since Sunday afternoon, and how it made me realize I'm extremely dependent on it for everything

- SNAPS being slow to open, and how that probably won't be fixed, and how it also indicates that Canonical doesn't really care about the Linux Desktop anymore

- Other ideas for more channels, and please help me decide because I have too many ideas I want to follow and I can't choose

I hope you enjoy listening to it!




I would definitely watch a general tech channel if you made one. I think a more "beginner friendly" approach would work well with it.


Yeah, I need to find an approach that hasn’t already been done better by someone else, but it could be interesting :)


Hi Nick, thank you for the sobering but very interesting patroncast. I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I could probably do with a 4G-hotspot connection. I think our dependency on internet is one thing, but our dependency on every faster and more stable connections is another. I hope you don't mind me placing a link to other content here, but this article is more sobering: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2015/10/can-the-internet-run-on-renewable-energy.html Sure, I understand that for content such as a nature documentary or a movie such as the Lord of the Rings where scenery is a big part of the experience, crisp images make the experience better. But for a comedy or Linux coverage, do we really need 4K or 8K? For the record, I do put my money where my mouth is. For years now, I deliberately switch streaming videos to 360p or 480p. Only when I need to read text in the video or the image is as important as the content, do I increase resolutions. I play games at lower resolutions by choice and limit frames artificially to 30 or 60 fps, depending on options. I'm not saying everybody must do the same, but I wish more people realize that pixels are not without a cost. Sorry for the rant. Snaps... you are right it is understandable from a business point of view. If it were Red Hat or Suse making such decisions I would understand, and that is that. But for a company with the name Ubuntu and who once had the slogan "Linux for Human Beings", it is sad. I always fell for Ubuntu being criticized for Unity and such. They really did help make Linux usable for human. And I think compared to all other operating systems, their support for different languages is second to none. It really used to be an operating system for all human beings.


Yeah the only thing that makes me unable to use 4G is the upload speeds :/ The internet is definitely a huge sink for energy and resources, and I personally think that trying to add it to everything is t necessarily a good thing. The increase in resolution, the increase in size for games, movies and such is also very unnecessary in a lot of cases. We definitely don’t need 4K to watch how a distro runs, or to watch a few joke videos :)