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Hey everyone!

Here is Episode 19 of your exclusive patroncast!

First, this month, there will be no vote on the topics, I'm really sorry about that, but there is a fixed schedule programmed with more hardware reviews, and a few videos I absolutely want to make, so I'll make an executive decision this month, and decide on my own the video topics I'll cover!

No worries, though, next month, you'll be able to vote just as usual :)

Now, about the topics for this patroncast:

- The elephant in the room: Stallman going back to the FSF, and the reaction that inevitably ensued

- Desktop icons, and how I think their current implementation is a relic of the past that could be largely improved

- My pick of the week: Latte Dock. It's a great program that can virtually replace the plasma desktop in itself. Love it.

I hope you guys enjoy the podcast :)