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Hey guys, I'm switching the patroncast to Weekly, just to see if you like it, and to get more interaction going, so here is the first episode of that new patroncast formula :)

It should appear in the Patreon audio feed as well, so if you've subscribed to the RSS feed, you should get it there as well ;)

This time, we're talking about Linux hardware, and Linux ecosystems, and a few personal projects!
Let me know how you like it, and don't hesitate to ask me anything, I'll answer your questions next week !



Hi Nick! I think the weekly podcast is a great idea, it’s probably a smarter way of tackling more fresh topics and news. Regarding the ecosystem issue, I’m not sure if it’s possible to build such a model without a certain degree of concentration and limitations. However, I have to say that I’m an iPhone and Mac user partime and I have few problems to sincronize whats really important to me (passwords, bookmarks etc.). It’s only a matter of selecting the proper apps on Mac OS (ie. Firefox, KeepassXC and so on). I would love to hear more soon about your Mac OS experience. I’ve use it at least for a decade and I have to say that is a strong choice if you value stability and easiness of use. Nevertheless, at the end, if you want more control and sovereignty on your computer use, is a very closed ecosystem. And I found really no big differences on usability and features compared to Gnome for instance (I dual-boot Fedora on a Macbook Pro). I expect to hear more from you soon! Bonne journée! ;)