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Hey guys!

Time to ask me your questions for the next Patroncast!

For now, I have these 3:

Question 1:

You’ve used Elementary OS a lot, tough I believe I remember you saying you’ve switched to Manjaro. I’ve also heard you mention that Gnome tries to get out of the way and lets you focus on the task at hand. So from a productivity perspective, which DE/distro would you recommend? What do you use currently that helps you get things done (no pun intended)? 

Question 2:

What are your favorite distros?

Question 3:

What do you think of BTRFS? Fedora 33 is moving to it by default, is it worth it ? What are the differences ?

What else do you guys want to know in this month's Patroncast ? Ask down there in the comments, and I'll answer it in a few days :)

Also, the votes are in, from you guys, and the Youtube members, and here are the topics that have been selected:

Pitivi for the Project of the Month, and the "Could Microsoft move to a Linux kernel on Windows" video :)

Don't worry though, if you voted for the other propositions, I'll offer them again in future polls, because I think they're pretty interesting topics as well!


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