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Hey guys!

So, as the poll to define the subjects for May draws to a close, it's time for you to ask your questions for May's Patroncast!

The topics I'm planning to talk about are:

- The end of lockdown in France

- Channel and gaming channel growth and ideas

- Thoughts on Metro Exodus now that my playthrough is done

- My chat with Alessandro Castellani (awesome creator of the Youtube channel Alecadd)

- Pondering moving to 80% at my day job to have more time for the channel

- Considering moving to Pop OS 20.04

- The /e/ project: I was planning to make a video, but it will probably be in June, but I already have some thoughts :) 

Of course, you can ask me anything about these topics, or about anything else: my personal life, living in France, how I edit videos, how I see the channel growing, anything, really! Leave your questions in the comments, or send them to me on Twitter @TheLinuxEXP, or via email at t.linuxexperiment@gmail.com :) 

As always, thank you guys for supporting what I do, and see you in the next video!



Here's a question! Have you ever tried to use Windows applications in Linux (specifically games) by using GPU passthrough to a Windows virtual machine? If you have, how was you experience setting it up and what sort of performance hit did you take vs running running the games natively?