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Hey everyone!

In this one, we have:

  • 00:05 More HDR work in GNOME 47


  • 02:25 elementary OS 8 in september?


  • 05:36 Chrome's manifest v3 transition is ongoing


Have a nice day!



Clint Eschberger

It will be interesting to see if the EU does go after Google over MV3. Vivaldi and Ulaa both have built in ad blockers, but not as good a Brave, which is pretty close to the level of UBO. Unfortunately, Brave has some sketchy and poor decisions in their history as well. If Firefox could get out of their own way, they could truly be poised to take full advantage of this situation. Unfortunately, it does not seem that will be the case. It will remain my primary browser, but I still have to have a Chromium-based browser due to issues with some tools I use for work.

Stephen Linsley

Seems many people are running dual browsers these days. I agree, if Firefox woke up to themselves, they could take advantage of what doesn’t work in other browsers. But I doubt they will. I’ve just started running Brave and Firefox side by side. So we will see what happens.


I decided to follow one Patron's acvice, and just create a webapp through Chromium for Patreon and Youtube studio, I use Firefox for everything else, and these "apps" for the websites Firefox doesn't support well, it works well for now!


Yeah, I'm not a fan of Brave as a company. Their CEO is super sketchy and the crypto related stuff creeps me out...