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Hi everyone!

In this week's Patroncast. I talk about what I could gather about the recent NixOS "takeover".

Finding accurate / unbiased info on this is virtually impossible right now, so I compiled what I could find, and then expanded on why I think this is happening, and will keep happening to every project that doesn't yet have a Code of Conduct.

Let me know your thoughts!


josh plays drums

Thank you for digging into this! It pains me to move from NixOs just after I got a nice configuration but I think there's enough here to rub me the wrong way. The bigotry in the community is enough to make me leave but the involvement with the military industrial complex is unforgivable imo. Software can't be free if it kills potential users. I, like other queer Nix users, will be looking into switching to Guix (plus the syntax is more my style lol)

Stephen Linsley

Well said Nick!! I’ve lived long enough to see many good things, not just Open Source projects, get torn apart by people forcing beliefs on others and in many cases playing the victim to get their own way. I personally have left jobs for “political” reasons because of huge bias or lack of moderation, acceptance or all of the above. A common goal, respectful co-operation, toleration and acceptance are just a few of the necessities for a good community, or project team of any description. It’s amazing that a fair percentage of people don’t believe these things are needed, or warranted. You hit “one of the nails on the head” when you mentioned the point that, whatever guidelines and rules we/they have, if you don’t like them, just don’t join!!! Many people bypass this by thinking, well I’ll just join and change it later………not good. Anyway love your work Nick, would love to hear more about this situation, as I think many other Open Source projects, and the general community can learn from it.