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Hey everyone!

Today is going to be a weird one, which probably won't capture the interest of a lot of you: were going to talk about French politics, as the far right party is poised to rise to power in France.

If you don't care about this, don't worry, next week should be back to the usual Linux & Open Source rant :D

Have a great week!




After yesterdays Election in the UK, I'm absolutely amazed that the UK, of all countries, seems to be one of the few normal ones left in Europe lol. All things considered it was boring politicians from boring parties saying boring things about taxes and whatnot. And whether people like or dislike labour. Now some normal, boring, sane guy is in charge. So refreshing. I just want politics to be boring again 😭


Yeah, from the other side of the sea, it looked like an orderly, sane election. No shouty weird people raving about nonsensical minor problems, no battle of disinformation. It felt normal, and I wish we had that here as well!

Stephen Linsley

Hi Nick, while you classed this patroncast as a rant, it was very informative IMHO. Coming from Australia, it was interesting to hear someone’s opinion on what is happening with their politics in their country. It obviously gives others a better understanding of generally how the country ticks and your basic feelings about where you sit in the whole picture. There are some similar circumstances I think in a few different countries with the way politics are going and I share your fear of which ever way it seems to be going …………..either more people than we think, actually want these things to happen, …………or they don’t care, or the propaganda is that great, that most people have lost their objectivity. Either way Nick, a great insight into what you guys have to deal with.