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Hey everyone!

In this episode, I talk about the recent Peertube problems that prevent my videos from appearing there (thanks, Google...), and more generally about alternative platforms, self hosting, and why it's just not taking over centralized, established platforms any time soon.

I hope you'll enjoy listening to this one, and I hope you'll have a fantastic week!


Druid Piwochlap

Another thought on self-hosting: I'm a passionate self-hoster (NextCloud, Plex, Immich at home, mail server on VPS), but I humbly admit there are things happening sometimes which are just beyond my skills and over my level. To troubleshoot them is sometimes very frustrating. In the end I usually succeed, but there is never a guarantee for an amateur freak like me. I would personally never dare running of these things as a business without an IT professional around me. So I fully understand you are cautious about using self-hosted solutions for your busines.

Stephen Linsley

The short version of my comment is…….i agree and disagree. I have been a productivity nerd and mentor for a number of years. While everyone has the same amount of hours in the day, we all have to choose how we use them, and be intentional about it as well. I support you on Patreon because I hate Google with a passion and they don’t deserve to have as much of my data as they think they do, let alone my money. I do listen to all of your podcasts and patron-casts usually on my way to or from work. Whether the podcasts will be financially viable for you is obviously your choice, for the reasons I mentioned above, we all can only do a certain amount of things per day. But I will say I’m glad you provide these pods. I am currently setting up a self-hosted NextCloud instance, but also doing home renovations. So my time to maintain that will be limited, but it has huge benefits, so understand your reasoning for not trying to do everything. Where I disagree…..my observation is that there seems to be a large majority of businesses ‘perhaps’ forget why they started? Was the aim to provide a ‘service’ such as ‘Linux News’ or ‘New Tech Gadgets’ etc? OR was it to make some money on whatever platform they can and forget about the people who actually care and contribute directly to their chosen business? (which is more relevant to most public businesses I guess) Sorry for my rant🙂 Not criticising anyone or any type of idea. Just putting it out there that, we start these things because that’s what we love doing. But also should not complain when we are doing exactly that, but perhaps not making a huge profit from it. Also while spending time as a ‘side gig’ running a Fediverse server is commendable it’s not something that should be done half-heartedly either, or started at all. BTW Love your work Nic!!! ❤️