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Hey everyone!

In this one, we have

  • 00:05 Proton pass is available for Linux


  • 01:54 Duck Duck GO offers anonymous AI chatbots


  • 03:31 Google wants its own Windows Recall like feature


Have a nice day!



Rødgrød med Fløde

We will never have a recall-like feature on Linux, at least not Linux-wide. Think about Wayland discussions but even crazier haha. Maybe Gnome or KDE would implement it on their desktop and applications could talk to that, though I don't think even they could get it through (maybe Gnome). Even so, would I use it? Privacy, ethics, etc. aside, probably not. Most of what I need to come back to are websites in my browser, and there's already browser-history. Maybe for that once every couple months when I can't remember the website, and I could just describe how it looked/some other vague stuff, but that could be done much simpler probably

Simon Moss

Have a nice trip and enjoy your well deserved vacation.