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Hey everyone!

In this one, I talk about:

  • 00:34 Going on vacation, next steps for the new flat

  • 12:07 Judging from the results of my recent survey, am I delusional about the state of the Linux desktop? My experience doesn't match at all with the results I got, and it made me think that I might be overenthusiastic

I hope you'll enjoy listening to this one, and have a great week!


Steve C

I meant to wish you "bonnes vacances"!


regarding the question of being delusional about Linux, we recently had a thread in the Signal forum about Linux gaming, and virtually all comments said Linux gaming is amazing. I know it's not equivalent to all the questions you asked, but it still shows that maybe the reason you got such negative responses is you asked negative questions. https://community.signalusers.org/t/the-state-of-linux-gaming-in-2024/61202?u=rassilon1963 (by the way, your video about Linux gaming got a mention!)