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Hey everyone!

In today's episode, I talk about:

  • 00:50 The channel, new or returning sponsor, pricing, and my upcoming Holidays

  • 06:45 Pondering leaving Firefox, as it's been getting extremely slow in a lot of day to day operations

  • 14:25 The KeepassXC situation in Debian, where a maintainer started removing features they didn't feel users needed or weren't secure

Let me know what you think about all these topics!

Have a great week,



Karl Keksgesicht

I use Firefox, Librewolf, Brave and UngoogledChromium depending on what I am doing. Firefox based browser still have the best configuration and plugin support for me. When a website does not like them I just switch to a chromium based one for this site.


I use Vivaldi at work. I find the screnshot feature very usefull. Too bad their mobile browser navigation sucks. Brave is very good too.