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Chapter 46: The Slasher of Veils.



There was some light shuffling after that. Those around the edges getting to it, while those at the center of the crowd wandered aimlessly for a few seconds while deciding on a task.

I saw them off with a few words of encouragement, before making my way over to a thing that might be generously described as a pickup truck.

It looked like it had been stepped on by a giant. Multiple times.

The rear side had been flattened so thoroughly that it almost resembled a metallic rug, while the front had obviously been vandalized at least once. Probably more than that. No one would me missing its departure.

In other words, it was free scrap metal.

“Okay Cherub. Here we go. I need you to melt this thing along these lines. We’ll start here and go down this side until we get to here. Then we’ll make another melting trail down here and…”

I had to stop and leap backwards as the metal started glowing bright red hot. As if a potent blowtorch had been applied to it.

The whole left side of the metal plating started giving way, followed by the underside of the vehicle’s front.

I did it! Is this good? Is this going to help the people here?

“Uh, yeah. Totally. I just need you to do that but a little bit slower. Don’t melt it all the way. Just, a little bit.”

It took another half hour for Cherub to get it right and another hour after that for me to start re-shaping the metal into plates. I had been planning on doing some amateur forging, but that plan went out the window when I realized that Cherub had progressed to the point where he could melt the edges of single bars away. Creating a perfectly sharp blade in under a minute when he put his mind to it. From there, we left used straps of cloth and leather the survivors had stashed to fashion hilts.

We made about, fifteen of them before the truck’s remains had been cannibalized of anything I deemed useful. Moving on to another wreck nearby and fashioning arrowheads and spear tips instead. I didn’t have the time to cut the wood myself, as I didn’t know how much longer I had before being forcefully teleported back. And I would be brought back.

Periwig had been clear on that front. Otherwise, any one of us could have chosen to stay in a world they found acceptable, rather than going back to the maze.

Eh, it’ll be fine. They’ve probably got some paper lying around. I’ll leave instructions on how make crossbows before I leave. They should be able to cut and carve their own wood after that.

Granted, that wouldn’t do much against the big boys if shotgun shells didn’t bother them, but there was always the chance that my [Insight] could give them, interesting effects.

And speaking of interesting effects…

I turned my head to look at Cherub. Taking in his jellyfish like tendrils made of constantly combusting air and the way one of them was always wrapped around my left arm. The others would hover over sections of scrap I had pointed out. Tracing them as an artist would with a pencil. Barely making the slightest contact with the actual surface they were affecting.

“Hey Cherub. Do you know if you could be, uh, maintained by other Espers?”

I don’t think so? I feel tied to you and only you. I can’t imagine being affected by others.

Me too!’ Buddy interrupted.

“Hmn. If that’s the case, what about other Intruders?”

How do you mean?

“I’m talking about using [Unstable Reality] and [Manifest Intruder] some more. Maybe summoning another friend. One that could, say, control cement and or steel. I was thinking about building some trenches before we left. Maybe even a moat. That and putting down some barbed wire in front and behind. It still wouldn’t deter the big boys, but it would be something.”

Is that the best we could do?

“Well, that’s an awkward question. I could probably whip up a few homemade guns if I had a proper workshop and way more time than we probably have. Or I could rig up some landmines. Again, if I had the right tools and materials. Though, again, I don’t know how much those would help. Did you see the lady with the bazooka? If she was afraid to go out then anything conventional on my part might be like (Gnome)ing in the wind.”

There was a growl beside me. Low and visceral. Like that of a jaguar whose meal had just been stolen.

I don’t like that. I don’t like leaving these people alone. I want to keep helping them. I don’t want to hear them crying again. It hurts when they cry. It hurt when they yell. The air keeps the pain and I breathe it in. The hurt becomes a part of me and I feel worse. I can’t separate the hurt from me after that. I don’t want it. I want to be like you. I want to feel the happiness and to make it a part of me. I want the hurting to stop.

“Me too. Cherub. Me too.”

I closed my eyes and poured some Psy into [Unstable Reality]. Feeling the very atmosphere being colored with Psy. It turned blind spots in my fog purple. Causing emotions to flare up in places that were obviously devoid of life. I started hearing that faint giggling again. Just behind my ear and out of sight. A quick glance revealed that the nearby shadows were quivering slightly. As if the objects that cast them were suddenly in motion, despite them being things like half-crumpled walls, light posts and the skeletons of cars.

I pushed a little harder. Sending more Psy through the string and outside my pores. Sweating the rapidly congealing energy.

There had been a very faint wind up until that point, yet now it began to pick up. Changing directions from east to west and back to east again within seconds. The currents of air carried a preternatural chill with them. Penetrating past Buddy to give me goosebumps. Leading all my hairs to stand on end.

I breathed. Taking in air through my mouth and nose, only to stop as the incoming oxygen scalded my throat. I coughed, and found that the air was freezing cold as it left me.

Level Gained: +500 Maximum Psy. +12 Ability Points.


Ability Evolving: [Unstable Reality] 4 has grown to [Unstable Reality] 6


“Whoa. That’s. Yeah. That’s trippy.”

What is?’ Cherub asked. His thoughts still carrying some tension.

“Huh? Wha…? The air! The air’s all wrong.”

I don’t notice anything. The hurt is still there but that’s been there for a long time. Way before I came here.

I wrapped my arms around myself. Trying to hold on to some warmth. Oddly enough, the motion only made me colder. It was so unnerving that I wholly ignored the one ability point left over. Choosing to finish the whole affair as soon as possible.

“Right. Let’s get this over with.”

I focused on [Manifest Intruder] and fed the hungry string.

The voices started growing louder. Clearer. Promising secrets when their muttering were out of earshot and vanishing as soon as my attention wavered.

One more mind sprung up to my right. Fluttering over an open manhole. I stood up from where I was kneeling and peered down into the darkness.


The mind did not answer. It did, however, remain in place. As if waiting for something.

“Hello?” I repeated, getting a little annoyed at the random nature of what was being conjured.

Three different voices rose up in answer. Not thoughts, but actual voices.

One of them was my own. The second one was Randall’s. The last, belonged to the thing in the mansion.

“I control.”

“I control.”

“I control.”

I backed off at once. Going for [Banish Intruder]. I needn’t have bothered.

The mind was gone before I had a chance to act. In its place, were raindrops. Tiny droplets of greenish water. Raining upwards instead of downwards.

I backed off some more.

“Come one man. Don’t get distracted. The trenches. The moat. Focus.”

[Manifest Intruder] flared up again. Orbs of ethereal energy floating away from me and orbiting around my body. Going and going until they hit the street and the overgrown grass that surrounded the library.

An Intruder manifested in the grass. Twisting the blades into the outline of a pig, with the empty spaces being filled with loose soil. Another rose from the middle of the street. Gouging a hole from the cement that spiralled into the shape of a serpent with a mole’s head.

“Finally. About time. Right. You two, get to digging. Don’t go so deep that you open holes into the sewers. You can cut any power cords you find. Not like anything’s coming through in any case.”

The two of them obeyed without another word. Only giving me pause when I realized that they both had impressions of my face along their backs. The faces were weeping.

“Now then. The wire…”

Level Gained: +500 Maximum Psy. +12 Ability Points.


Level Gained: +500 Maximum Psy. +12 Ability Points.


Ability Evolving: [Unstable Reality] 6 has grown to [Unstable Reality] 7


Ability Evolving: [Seal Intruder] 2 has grown to [Seal Intruder] 5


I shook my head at the sudden notifications. Startled by their appearance.

Huh? I didn’t even do anything?

I did it!’ Cherub chirped. Sounding like an excited canary as he did so.

Indeed, he had. Somehow.

The tendrils that had only recently been wrapped around me were now circling the bits of metal that I’d deemed to small and broken to be of any use. They had now pressed themselves into a thread and then further twisted themselves into barbed spikes that jutted out at random intervals.

“How did you learn to do that?”

I peeked into your memories! I saw the fat man with the mustache talking about Rift response units. I saw him demonstrate how they were made. How you were supposed to put them around the sandbags to keep monsters away and to keep people happy.

I opened my mouth, and closed it again. Willing his own status to appear once more.

Sealed Intruder

(Intruder) (Uncommon)

(Psy: 123 / 200)

An Intruder from beyond the veil of prime material reality. Sealed by Solomon Carter in the ruins of Austin, Texas.

Colored by his desires, hopes and emotions. As well as the lingering shared consciousness of those who once inhabited the location.

This Intruder is not powerful enough to have its own Compulsions.

This Intruder has access to all Tier I abilities possessed by Solomon Carter while it remains bonded and within the range of [Sense Thoughts] or derivatives.

This Intruder has access to [Sense Heat] 3 / [Absorb Heat] 3 and [Conversion to Psy] 3 and can use them at will with no Psy cost.     This Intruder has access to [Melting] 2 / [Attune to Gas] 2 / [Attune to Solid] 2 / [Attune to Liquid] 2 / [Hold Attuned Compound] 2 and [Organize Attuned Compound] 2 and can use them as long as Psy is provided.

This Intruder will be ejected from prime material reality is if runs out of Psy.


Then I shrugged.

So my little summons can get stronger inside a field of [Unstable Reality].

Good to know.

I sent more Psy his way and went over to look at my total Psy pool. Noting how shockingly, full, it was.

In fact, it was about 80% full.

I mean, yeah. I’d been resting this whole time. More or less. Cherub was the one who’d been using abilities. But, this much? In so little time?

Maybe [Unstable Reality] does more than that? Could it be that it increases my Psy regeneration?

It was possible. But it would have to be the subject of later experiments.

Jude was coming over right now. Carrying news of the survivor’s progress.

I walked over to where the rest of them were. Stretching over the hoods of intact cars in a bid to fit themselves into the pile.

“Are you sure this going to work?” He asked.

“Oh, of course. You’re all getting powers today.”

“Sure. But, what about the cars? I can’t wrap my head around how they’ll be working without gas.”

“You’ll probably need to put Psy into them to get them to run. That’s the energy that makes the powers work by the way.”

“O-okay. How do we put this, Psy into them?”

I shrugged again.

“You don’t know?”

“Not really.”

He narrowed his eyes. Regaining that half suspicious, half alarmed look he’d had when I first arrived.

“Meh. It’ll be fine. I already did this with a diary a few days ago.”

“A… diary? Like, a book? How did that go?”

“It bit a friend of mine and chopped off two fingers before flying away.”

His jaw dropped.

“Hu…wha… wait. If a book did that, what’ll happen if the cars start biting people?”

“It’ll be fine.” I assured him. “I’ll subdue them if the get aggressive.”

He looked like he was about to say something else, but I forestalled him by drawing my dagger.

“Whoa! Easy there! There’s not need to…!”

I rolled my eyes. Figuring it would be easier to show him. Then I brought the knife in front of me so that it was in my field of vision without covering up anyone. Making sure the portion of Buddy covering my hand was visible too.

With that, the library’s main doors were within sight, with the newly erected barbed wire below them and the pile in front of the rows.

I steeled my nerves. Gathered my Psy. Found the rope of coiled abilities and flared my [Insight].

I felt, a wall. Made of purple and silver and gold. Rushing forwards like a tsunami. Hitting the survivors so hard that some of them were literally sent flying.

The voices, which had been somewhat quiet after my encounters with them, redoubled. Whispering and hissing and conspiring among themselves. There was a torrent. A vortex where the primordial soup was sucked and drained into the cars and the guns and the whole structure behind the pile.

I had the distinct impression that this was a mess waiting to happen, but I didn’t get to stick around.

The real world faded to nothingness and darkness set in.

I was in a void before I knew it. Nothing but pitch-black spreading in all directions.

There was a light then. A bulb glowing softly from the ceiling.

This was basement. A big basement. And in this basement, was a man. A man I recognized.

He, he had a woman there. Locked in a dog’s cage. Her hands tied behind her back with duck tape.

The man leaned in. Gloating. He told the woman that she’d be stuck here for the rest of her life and that the rest of her life would only last until she stopped amusing him.

The woman pleaded.

The man smiled.

The man told her that no one would come looking for her. That, even if someone did, no one would care. Because he was better than regulars. Better than her.

He said that he’d done this a dozen times before and that any evidence would be swept under the rug. He knew people. Important people. Who would make this go away as long as it wasn’t too public.

Then the man lifted the whole cage, with her still inside. Displaying his Enhanced Strength.

I knew what this was at once.

A warning from the future.

Sarcophagus Solomon wouldn’t have had a chance to intervene in this scenario. This was a vision of the new future I’d created. I would have a chance to do something.

I closed my eyes. My fists clenching and unclenching.

Ah. I get it. It’s like Randall and Anezka. I will have to do something. Because doing nothing will result in evil being allowed to run amok.

The vision had done its job well. I was now determined. This would stop.

The basement cracked and faded once I’d made my decision. Popping like a bubble and sending me back to the road in front of the piled cars and people.

My ears registered a trumpeting noise, while my fog registered a new mind. Or rather, many new minds.

My eyes took in the library.

The building shook. And groaned.


The House That Hates.

(Structure) (Rare)

(Psy: 19, 000 / 19, 000)


A quasi-sentient Structure. Holding a vast number of books within.

This Structure has access to [Sense Thoughts] 15 / [Message] 2 / [Static Illusion] 15 / [Friendship] 15. This Structure will use these abilities while pretending to be a normal building to lure mutated humans nearer.

This Structure has access to [Regeneration] 10 / [Predator’s Instincts] 10 / [Tracking Instincts] 5 / [Bark] 10 / [Leaves] 5 / [Muscular System] 10 / [Skeletal System] 10 / [Nervous System] 10 / [Lymphatic System] 10 / [Cardiovascular System] 10 / [Digestive System] 10 / [Respiratory System] 10 / [Endocrine System] 10 / [Excretory System] 10 / [Reproductive System] 10 / [Grow] 15 / [Harden] 15 / [Metamorphosis] 15 / [Photosynthesis] 15 / [Mimicry] 10 / [Eyes] 2 / [Ears] 2 / [Nose] 2 / [Tongue] 2 / [Proprioception] 10 / [Grasping Appendage] 10 / [Locomotion Appendage] 10 / [Hands] 10 / [Enhanced Strength] 15 / [Enhanced Constitution] 15 / [Enhanced Toughness] 15 / [Enhanced Vision] 5 / [Enhanced Hearing] 5 / [Enhanced Smelling] 5 / [Enhanced Tasting] 5 / [Enhanced Proprioception] 5 / [Slashing Resistance] 8 / [Piercing Resistance] 8 / [Blunt Resistance] 15 / [Unstable Reality] 15 / [Manifest Intruder] 5 / [Seal Intruder] 5 / [Psionic Curse] 15.

This Structure bears the mental scars of its inhabitants and will regain Psy while slaying mutated Humans, Flora and Fauna.

This Structure is capable of self-propagation and will reproduce juveniles at a rate of 1 per three months.

This Structure has been possessed by 27 different Intruders and can maintain them using its own Psy. These Intruders act independently of the Structure but will follow its orders and hunt at its command.


I… couldn’t say anything. I just stood there. Gaping like an imbecile. While the library attached the nearby trees to itself and… used them to rip itself off the ground.

Cracked windows on the second and third floors bent. Twisting their hinges until they were circular opening filled with jagged glass. Incandescent crimson light erupted from them, their glow reaching all over the road in front of it and beyond our current collation. The barbed wire that Cherub had set up flew into itself. Shredding the remains of the double doors and crawling all over the broken wooden planks in order to fill them with the razor-sharp tips.

Then the wire retreated further. Curling into itself until it resembled a snake’s tongue. Tasting the very air in that same manner. The serrated boards re-aligned. Creating rows of splintered wood on the upper and lower sides of the main opening.

The whole massive edifice breathed in. Sucking Psy and oxygen into itself as it grew larger and larger. The mundane materials inflating like balloons before melting into each other.

Then, it roared. And the bellow was so loud that it sent me reeling to the floor.

The cement quaked beneath me.


I marshalled my will, sending energy to my hums and getting to my feet as fast as I could.

When I looked around again, the library was running down what was left of the street. Flocks of…cars, and motorcycles, flying ahead of it.

“Well. That was… interesting.”

Did we fail?

“Eh, I wouldn’t say that. It only wants to kill zombies. That’s not, necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I would argue that a self-replicating murder monstrosity is a very good thing for this world. So long as it sticks to the mutated things.

So, we did it? We saved the city?

“Yes. Cherub. We saved the city.”

I turned my head back towards the groaning forty-one survivors. Grimacing at how pained they felt.

“Good job everyone.” I said. “I see that most of you are Enhancers. That’s normal. I see some Shifters too. That’ll come in handy. And Jude! Another Telepath! Good for you. A lot of those abilities will come in handy. I recommend putting points in the hums and the… Oh. Right. No System. May bad.”

I sighed. Releasing some of the pent-up tension the last few minutes had brought.

“Buddy, are you doing okay?”


I winced as the imposing thoughts rattled around inside my skull.

“Sorry about that Buddy. No new powerups for another year. That’s how [Insight] works.”


I snorted back a laugh. Too amused by the sudden change in demeanor to contain myself.

“Hey, Cherub. Are also sad?”

No answer was forthcoming. Despite [Sense Thoughts] telling me he was still here.

I patted my left arm and tilted my head to look for him. Yet he wasn’t anywhere in sight.

“Cherub? Where are you?”

In here with my new friend.

My eyes went down. Towards my hand. Where the knife had been a minute ago.

In its place was the outline of a sword. Only, it was missing pieces of itself. Its cutting edges being suspended in empty air while a roiling conflagration ebbed and flowed in between them. The metal bits having sucked in the goo of [Insight] and [Unstable Reality] at once.

A pair of lips formed on the hilt. Remarkably human in their appearance.

“Hello Daddy. Cherub is safe with me now. We can take him home. No problems.”

I dropped it on instinct. Goosebumps and sparks of violent lightning lacerating up my arm.

“What the (Gnome) are you?”

“I am your daughter. The instrument you desired in your heart of hearts.”

I hesitated. Unable to find the right words.

“Tell me, Daddy. Do you kill many Gnomes?”

I gaped. Somehow becoming more stupefied than before.

“I like watching Gnomes die.” It went on. Filling the silence with its feminine murmurs.

I stepped back. My own instincts screaming at me that there was an influence trying to get past my [Suppression]. One that made Mot look like a feeble child in diapers.

“Waait.” It sobbed. “Take me with you.”



I was getting angry glares from five different folks. They looked at me as if I were a tax collector or an architect. Their eyes holding nothing but contempt.

Which was a little fair, I supposed. I did take away their shelter, and all the supplies they still had inside.

The chances of them getting those back were, limited.

I had emptied out my storage ring of water and food in order to make up for it, yet that hadn’t mollified them.

Still, it wasn’t all bad. Jude had come around, as had Joice, his lady friend. They were extremely amicable and welcoming. Him showing off his new mind-reading skills and her, flying and shooting lighting bolts from her eyes.

Yeah. Not all of them were made equal. But he seemed happy, so who was I to judge?

“I still can’t believe this is real man. You’re awesome!”

“Thanks Jude. I appreciate it.”

“Are you really going to go?” Joice asked. Her voice betraying her apprehension at the prospect.

“There’s another camp of survivors in the next town over and two others camping out in the desert. They have more people than we do and they could use powers too. We could take back the world with these. With your help.”

I snorted.

“I think its only a matter of time until the world is your again, if my monster was anything to go by. Besides, I, have other things to do. I can’t afford to delay my departure any longer. Is Althea ready?”

“Yeah. She’s been waiting over by the bikes.”

I nodded and made my way over to her.

Althea, or bazooka lady as I’d been calling her, was one of the few who lucked out. Two Types. Shifter and Projector. With a lot of high-level abilities spread between the two Types.

She gave me the widest smile I’d ever seen when I sauntered over.

“Hello there dear. How have you been?”

“I’m doing great Althea. Thank you.”

“Good. Good. A healthy boy like you needs his rest. You can’t be too careful these days. People faint at most inconvenient times if they don’t take care of themselves. You will take care of yourself, won’t you, dearie?”

“I will ma’am.”

“Of course. Of course. Let’s get on with it then. I wouldn’t want to keep you.”

We rode the bikes through the air. The newly-bolstered wheels rolling over nothing as we pedalled.

I was weird and odd, but I wasn’t about to complain. Not when all the motorized vehicles had flow off. These people needed all the help that they could get and to their credit, they’d adapted almost immediately.

“Here we are.” Althea commented once we’d landed.

The ruins in front of us were doing a lot better than the rest of the neighbourhood, though that wasn’t exactly saying much. Three walls remained standing. Holding up half a roof.

Any signs were long gone, so I couldn’t check if it really had been a pharmacy. All I had was her word. Though I knew she wasn’t lying thanks to my fog.

“Curious, that System of yours.”

“How so?”

“It still sent you here. Me and two others were dying because we couldn’t get our pills. This was the one spot that hadn’t been looted yet, due to the big tree that ate wanderers. I assume that’s why you were told to bring us here. So, we could have a chance. But we don’t need the pills anymore. I feel young again. Strong. The others don’t need their meds either, so coming here would have been a waste. You found another way to save us, but the System still told you to come.”

I sighed.

“Yeah. It’s not the most accurate tool. I would make a lot of changes if I could. Descriptions for Tier 1 abilities for a start. I could have done so much better with those in hand.”

Althea laughed. Her face and eyes brimming with life and happiness.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself dear. I have a feeling you would have excelled no matter what.”

She came over and hugged me. Bringing me close to her and squeezing tightly.

“Thank you for everything Sully. Thank you for giving us our lives back.”

I hesitated, before hugging her back.


System Excursion:

Student: Solomon Carter, has completed two starter Excursions.

Objective: Help at least one senior until they arrive at the pharmacy.

Seniors assisted: 1 / 1

Third starter Excursion will now commence.

Objective: Save the kidnapping victims.

Victims saved: 0 / 3

Excursion to Earth: TRKG 2004 is underway.






I flexed [Domination] as soon as the shimmer returned me to my world. Knowing where I was going to be dropped ahead of time.

Kneel.’ I commanded. Immediately feeling the feedback of a dozen signals prostrating themselves.

Be silent. Be still.

The guards froze. Their mouths closing shut. Tight as beartraps.

I walked over them. Examining the interior.

Henry and I had partied here once before. During our first year of Uni. Back then, the place had had an intoxicating atmosphere. Barrels of cheap beer stacked atop each other in long tables, with throngs of stupid young adults frolicking about in a haze.

I had been one of them.

My feet moved about the tables now. Noting how bare they were. My fingers caressed a mark that Luigi had left behind when a knife had slipped through his fingers. He’d been trying to cut a steak. A very much still-frozen steak. Fresh from the freezer. With clumsy, inebriated fingers.

I smiled sadly. Lamenting the fact that I didn’t have my phone on me. Any calls made with the landline or with the guards’ phones would most certainly be traced eventually. Which undoubtedly would put my friends and family on a hit list faster than I could blink.

It can wait. Its not like they’re in any danger or anything.

Buddy was still in his astronaut form. The visor still darkened from the outside so that my face remained hidden. Still, I took over the security system with [Domination] as well. Disabling the automated monster alarms and the cameras. After sending copies of all the footage they’d captured to every news agency I could think of, of course.

It was, a queer feeling. Connecting to the internet with [Electronic Interface]. Part of me had been afraid. Terrified at the prospect of my head exploding from all the information coming in at once. Instead, what came was, a series of tunnels. Somehow much simpler than the usual tricks I used within my own lake.

Fucking freak! You won’t get away with this! Your collar!

I kicked the guard’s head. Using a little bit more force than I’d meant to. Teeth went flying, though the man kept still and said nothing.

I went down the stairs. Calming my thundering heart by going over the new changes to Buddy, Cherub and my knife. Well, it was a sword now but whatever.


Buddy, Symbiote of Solomon Carter.

(Symbiote) (Unique)

(Psy: 5, 000 / 5, 000)

An upgraded artificial lifeform, fully tailored to Solomon Carter. One step away from true sentience.

Buddy is part of the Expert Tier of symbiotes.

Buddy has access to [Enhanced Toughness] 5 / [Enhanced Constitution] 5 / [Heat Resistance] 5 / [Cold Resistance] 5 / [Electric Resistance] 5 and shares their effects with Solomon Carter.

Buddy has access to [Cardiovascular System] 5 / [Digestive System] 5 / [Respiratory System] 5 / [Grow] 5 / [Shrink] 5 / [Stretch] 5 / [Harden] 5 / [Soften] 5 / [Metamorphosis] 5 / [Photosynthesis] 5 / [Camouflage] 5 / [Eyes] 5 and does not share their effects with Solomon Carter.

Buddy can replicate the shape and properties of all personal non-imbued equipment, absorb a portion of taken damage, regulate temperature and air supply, administer basic wound care, and administer nutrients from its own meals directly to host as long as Psy is provided.

Can only be upgraded through repeated exposure to [Solomon’s Calamitous Insight VII] or derivatives merged by Solomon Carter.



Cherubaustin the Insatiable.

(Intruder) (Unique)

(Psy: 19, 942 / 20, 000)

An Arch-Intruder from beyond the veil of prime material reality. Sealed and nurtured by Solomon Carter in the ruins of Austin, Texas.

Colored by his desires, hopes and emotions. As well as the lingering shared consciousness of those who once inhabited the location.

This Intruder suffers from the following compulsions and recovers Psy by indulging them.

Butcher of Gnomes: This Intruder feels an irresistible hatred towards all Gnomes and must attack them on sight. This Intruder will recover more Psy the more suffering he inflicts on Gnomes.

Shield of Humanity: This Intruder feels a great deal of love and compassion for all Humans. This Intruder will recover more Psy the more he heals or directly protects Humans. This Intruder will lose Psy if they directly attack Humans.

Destroy the Evil: This Intruder is compelled to hunt monsters as well as Sentient Species who breach Solomon Carter’s imparted moral guidelines. This Intruder will use Solomon Carter’s definition of what a monster is in order to guide its actions. This Intruder will resort to inflicting indirect harm if it feels unable to cause direct harm.

This Intruder has access to all Tier I abilities possessed by Solomon Carter while it remains bonded. Intruder may leave the area of bondage for up to 50 hours at a time. 

This Intruder has access to [Solar Sense II] 10 / [Sense Space-Time Anomaly II] 7 / [Absorb Heat and Light II] 15 and [Conversion to Psy] 17 and can use them at will with no Psy cost.    

This Intruder has access to [Melting] 15 / [Attune to Matter III] 15 / [Attuned Manipulation III] 10 / [Pyrokinesis III] 15 and [Photokinesis III] and can use them as long as Psy is provided.

This Intruder will be ejected from prime material reality is if runs out of Psy but will return to its bonded Father, Solomon Carter, as long as its full Psy pool is provided after a period of 72 hours.

Cannot grow or progress unless through repeated exposure to [Solomon’s Calamitous Insight VII] or derivatives merged by Solomon Carter.






The Slasher of Veils.

(Multi-form Weapon) (Unique)

(Psy: 12, 000 / 12, 000)


A quasi-sentient transforming weapon adorned with gnomish runes. It has been uplifted by the convictions of Solomon Carter. It houses the Arch-Intruder Cherubaustin within itself and the sealed being retains all of its ego and abilities. Cherubaustin has a separate Psy pool and replenishes his Psy while resting within the weapon.

This weapon is under the permanent effect of [Psy Armament IV] 10 and may be re-summoned by the same restrictions as Cherubaustin if destroyed.

This weapon has access to [Mindscape II] 5 / [Message] 3 and [Friendship] 15. This weapon will use these abilities to influence its wielder, with the goal of inflicting escalating violence upon gnomes.

This weapon may maintain a field of [Unstable Reality] 15 around itself at no cost so long as Cherubaustin or the wielder wills it.

Cherubaustin may use the ability [Portal Network III] at half the cost while inside this weapon.

Grants the bearer the [Regeneration] 5 and [Mitosis] 5 abilities, so long as a warm-blooded creature has been slain within the past 2 hours.

Also grants a + 200% bonus to experience gain so long as a gnome has been slain within the last 20 hours. These effects do not stack with existing bonuses stemming from Tittles or abilities.

Gnomes struck by this weapon are afflicted by [Confusion] 5 and [Total Organ Failure III] 15.

Can only be upgraded through repeated exposure to [Solomon’s Calamitous Insight VII] or derivatives merged by Solomon Carter.



I’m getting stronger by the hour. Always finding new ways to use my powers. This, this is good. I won’t make the same mistakes as Sarcophagus Solomon. I’ll do what it takes to protect the innocents out there. I’ll do what must be done.

My feet reached the bottom of their stairs.

My boots trudging along to where the women were being kept.

There were silent. Their cheeks hollow and wet, as if from crying. Their eyes held a mixture of hope and dread. Hope that the torment might end. Dread for what their savior might do.

I kept moving.

Not saying a word until I reached them.

“I’m sorry. I’ll be sent away if I rescue you right now. I’ll deal with them first. Then I’ll let you go.”

With that, I turned around.

To face Mason.

“I’ve seen the future.” I told him. In a cold, flat voice. “I checked multiple times after the first vision. I saw how your daddy would cover for you. How his connections would make them disappear. I also saw how he would supress the news. (Gnome), I even saw how he’d spin this if you were to be exposed. Did you know you were suicidal? I didn’t. Yet, you will be found dead and the death will be ruled a suicide. The people that allowed you these, entertainments, will go free. And you and them, will be dead and forgotten within the week.”

I leaned over him.

“I don’t want that, Mason. I do not want you dead. Partly because I’m a good person and partly because life in prison is what you deserve. I want you to confess. I want you to pay for what you’ve done here. And for… other things.”

I paced around him.

Bathing in the sheer, insurmountable terror that he was exuding. Ignoring his pleas and the bribes he was offering.

The guards descended the stairs as I moved. Taking their places beside him.

“No. A low-Ranker like you could be disposed off quietly. Before justice could be served. Same with your goons and your victims. I will make it so that you have every opportunity to confess. I will make it so that your conspirators confess with you. I will make it so that your victims cannot be silenced. I will bathe you in my [Insight].”

I stopped moving. Standing right in front of him.

I bade him to stand.

“However, I must ensure that you do confess and that you do try your hardest to expose all the villains you worked with. Look at me, Mason.”

He did so. With supressed tears rolling down his cheeks.

My fingers closed around his throat.

“Suffer me now.”






Old acquaintance. Last seen on chapter 10