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Telepath ability pool Minus Starting: Message / Sense Thoughts / Mental Bolt


Available Abilities:

[Static Illusion] / [Fever] / [Sleep] / [Electronic Interface] / [Floral Interface] / [Fungal Interface] / [Team Tactics] / [Team Spirit] / [Team Resilience] / [Team Momentum] / [Team Doctrine] / [Mental Map] / [Fear] / [Courage] / [Anxiety] / [Confusion] / [Hobble] / [Phobia] / [Puppet Animal] / [Puppet Plant] / [Puppet Fungus] / [Puppet Sentient] / [Puppet Machine] / [Faint Presence] / [Imposing Presence] / [Alluring Presence] / [Hide] / [Mask] / [Hidden Danger] / [Muffle] / [Flash] / [Precognition] / [Premonition] / [Persistent Message] / [Meditation] / [Mark Target] / [Calm] / [Enrage] / [Friendship] / [Resolve] / [Review Memory] / [Share Memory] / [Fog Memory] / [Drunkenness] /  [Sobriety] / [Inspiration] / [Psychometry] /  [Hum of Attack] / [Hum of Striding] /  [Hum of Defense] / [Hum of Harmony] /  [Hum of Discord] / [Hum of Cleansing] / [Hum of Mist] / [Painful Gaze] / [Cleansing Gaze] / [Entrancing Gaze] / [Degrading Gaze] / [Block Mental Detection] / [Block Mental Attack] / [Interrupt] / [Awaken Organism] / [Awaken Object] / [Stable Reality] / [Unstable Reality] / [Manifest Intruder] / [Seal Intruder] / [Banish Intruder] / [Psionic Jinx] / [Psionic Hex] / [Psionic Curse] / [Drown] / [Heart Attack] / [Indigestion] / [Blind] / [Deafen] / [Anosmia] / [Phantom Pain]




Shifter Ability Pool Minus Starting: Claws / Regeneration / Predator’s Instincts.

Available Abilities:

[Regenerate Other] / [Mitosis] / [Acclimation] / [Organ Independence] / [Tracking Instincts] / [Social Instincts] / [Eusocial Instincts] / [Adrenaline] / [Fur] / [Rubbery Hide] / [Scales] / [Chitin] / [Feathers] / [Spines] / [Blades] / [Bark] / [Leaves] / [Spores] / [Muscular System] / [Skeletal System] / [Nervous System] / [Lymphatic System] / [Cardiovascular System] / [Digestive System] / [Respiratory System] / [Endocrine System] / [Excretory System] / [Reproductive System] / [Grow] / [Shrink] / [Stretch] / [Harden] / [Soften] / [Metamorphosis] / [Photosynthesis] / [Camouflage] / [Vocalization] / [Mimicry] / [Jaws] / [Beak] / [Pincers] / [Proboscis] / [Phagocytosis] / [Eyes] / [Ears] / [Nose] / [Tongue] / [Proprioception] / [Grasping Appendage] / [Locomotion Appendage] / [Hands] / [Suction Cups] / [Tarsus] / [Pseudopods] / [Webbed Appendage] / [Fins] / [Mucus] / [Hooves] / [Tail] / [Stinger] / [Pterygote] / [Propatagium] / [Night Vision] / [Thermal Vision] / [Infrared Vision] / [Echolocation] / [Low-Frequency Hearing] / [High Frequency Hearing] / [Olfactory Navigation] / [Olfactory Threat Detection] / [Olfactory Poison Detection] / [Heat Tolerance] / [Cold Tolerance] / [Electricity Tolerance] / [Pressurization Tolerance] / [De-Pressurization Tolerance] / [Radiation Tolerance] / [Venom Glands] / [Poison Glands] / [Incorporate Mineral] / [Incorporate Liquid] / [Incorporate Gas] / [Produce Adhesive] / [Produce Acid] / [Produce Pyro-Chemical] / [Produce Cryo-Chemical] / [Produce Electro-Chemical] / [Pheromone Hierarchy] / [Pheromone Trail] / [Pheromone Attraction] / [Pheromone Diversion] / [Hijack] / [Infection]


Enhancer Ability Pool Minus Starting: Enhanced Strength / Enhanced Dexterity / Enhanced Constitution.


Available Abilities:

[Enhanced Toughness] / [Enhanced Flexibility] / [Enhanced Reflexes] / [Enhanced Concentration] / [Enhanced Recovery] / [Enhanced Stamina] / [Enhanced Agility] / [Enhanced Vision] / [Enhanced Hearing] / [Enhanced Smelling] / [Enhanced Tasting] / [Enhanced Proprioception] / [Enhanced Respiration] / [Enhanced Digestion] / [Enhanced Circulation] / [Enhanced Immune Response] / [Enhanced Memory] / [Enhanced Learning] / [Enhanced Processing] / [Enhanced Balance] / [Enhanced Training] / [Heat Resistance] / [Cold Resistance] / [Electric Resistance] / [Neurotoxin Resistance] / [Cytotoxin Resistance] / [Enterotoxin Resistance] / [Hemotoxin Resistance] / [Viral Resistance] / [Sleep Resistance] / [Psychoactive Resistance] / [Paralysis Resistance] / [Parasitic Resistance] / [Psionic Resistance] / [Pressure Resistance] / [Vacuum Resistance] / [Radiation Resistance] / [Slashing Resistance] / [Piercing Resistance] / [Blunt Resistance] / [Gravity Resistance] / [Friction Resistance] / [Sudden Strength] / [Sudden Dexterity] / [Sudden Constitution] / [Sudden Toughness] / [Sudden Flexibility] / [Sudden Reflexes] / [Sudden Concentration] / [Sudden Recovery] / [Sudden Agility] / [Enhance Object] / [Enhance Projectile] / [Overcharge Self] / [Overcharge Object] / [Heavy Blow] / [Heavy Shield] / [Heavy Shot] / [Berserk]



Projector Ability Pool Minus Starting: Force Bubble / Force Wall / Force Bolt


Available Abilities:

[Fire Bubble] / [Fire Wall] / [Fire Bolt] / [Frost Bubble] / [Frost Wall] / [Frost Bolt] / [Spark Bubble] / [Spark Wall] / [Spark Bolt] / [Photon Bubble] / [Photon Wall] / [Photon Bolt] / [Sonic Bubble] / [Sonic Wall] / [Sonic Bolt] / [Resonance] / [Pressurize] / [Depressurize] / [Distort Space] / [Mend Space] / [Accelerate] / [Decelerate] / [Reverse Gravity] / [Amplify Gravity] / [Local Banishment] / [Local Apport] / [Local Portal] / [Local Jump] / [Local Regression] / [Local Progression] / [Local Stop] / [Mend Time] / [Sense Heat] / [Sense Electricity] / [Sense Kinetic] / [Sense Radiation] / [Sense Sound] / [Sense Psionics] / [Sense Spatial Disturbance] / [Sense Temporal Disturbance] / [Absorb Heat] / [Absorb Electricity] / [Absorb Kinetic] / [Absorb Radiation] / [Absorb Sound] / [Reservoir] / [Conversion to Psy] / [Condensation] / [Vaporization] / [Freezing] / [Melting] / [Corrosion] / [Attune to Solid] / [Attune to Liquid] / [Attune to Gas] / [Attune to Wavelength] / [Hold Attuned Compound] / [Organize Attuned Compound] / [Throw Attuned Compound] / [Phase Through Solid] / [Phase Through Liquid] / [Phase Through Gas] / [Phase Through Heated Material] / [Phase Through Frigid Material] / [Phase Through Electrified Material] / [Group Phasing] / [Forced Phasing] / [Magnetic Attraction] / [Magnetic Repulsion] / [Analyze Compound] / [Repair Construct] / [Imbue Construct]




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