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Chapter 24: Envy.



“I’m so happy to see you again, Bunny Man.” I said with exaggerated glee.

In truth, I would’ve been happy to have just about anyone join me. Even Randall and his hyenas, treacherous and pox-ridden as they were. Every person was another anchor. A reminder that I was on the right side, fighting for a noble cause.

“Borislav. My name is Borislav.” He said warily. His thin spindly arms trying and failing to wave without it looking like a forced gesture. A quick look downwards revealed that his knees were shaking and that the toenails of his bare feet were massaging the ground in an odd manner. Almost as if readying the rest of his body to turn tail and run. Long strands of thin black hair fell down the sides and back of his head, streaked with hints of white.

“Right! Nice to properly meet you Borislav! I’m Solomon and I’m a good person!”

“Most people don’t start with that, but, okay.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t get your name the first time! I was worried that you might gut me! Like I did the gnomes!”

“I didn’t need to know that.” He said in the most deadpan tone imaginable. “Not that it was wrong or anything. Those guys are a menace.”

“Yes! Yes, they are! Which is why we need to kill them all and free our fellow humans!”

The masked man flinched; a gesture so muted as to be almost imperceptible. Then they allowed their senses to wander around my gathering forces. He nodded once, seemingly satisfied.

“I suppose, this will do. Yes. This force is excellent. As my Babushka used to say, don’t punch an enemy when you can stab them.”

“Sounds like a very wise woman.” I replied with warm courtesy. Not bothering to hide my jubilation.

Well, that was easy. Nice! Everything is according to plan.

“One more thing though. You’re suggesting the gnomes are taking prisoners? Why? They’ve killed people right in front of me.”

“They told me!” I pointed at a dozen ant riders nearby, all of whom nodded enthusiastically. “After I broke their minds and forced them to submit. The survivors are being kept in the city of Happy Shrub. Their fortified base where they tame their mounts.”

I stammered, trying in vain to string sentences together.

“I see. There might be some groups still alive.”

“Exactly! I want us to send in all my minions into their base and have them do the dying and the killing! The two of us can head right on in once they’ve either won or soaked up the worst of the fire. Think of us as World War 1 generals. Like Field Marshal Hague. If we keep sending bodies, they’ll run out of soldiers eventually, right?”

“That sounds very smart. The enemy will run out of powers before we show our faces. That way, we can stab them multiple times without issue.”

He nodded sagely, causing the torn-up remains of the mask to wobble along with his head.

“Though I must admit, I’m surprised someone so…” He waved his lanky arms about. “Mighty, would be so interested in the affairs of the little killers. Why not gather more people and continue to avoid capture instead. Less risky that way. For us and anyone else wandering freely.”

“Because the gnomes will get us eventually if we don’t wipe them out first. So, my plan was to take out the problem before it became a problem, while using another, already-taken-care of problem. I’d never put another human in danger you see! Because I’m a good person!”

“You say that a lot.”

“I know! I have to! Because I need to remind myself or else, I’d go crazy!”

He stopped himself from replying with admirable alacrity. None of my gnome-pesticide plans had worried him in the slightest, yet the mention of my mission shook him. This reaction was followed by a round of deep breaths, accompanied by a thorough massage of his mask-covered face.

“My mistake. We’ve all gone through a lot. I shouldn’t judge. Please don’t take offense.”

“Yes! I mean, No! I won’t!”

Whew! Nice save!

I mean, yes. Borislav was very obviously a wee bit perturbed. His face was covered by the absurd mask, yet his posture indicated that his attention was focused on my tools rather than me. The following I’d gathered frightened him. Especially Dolce, whose jaws shone with malice as they reflected the bioluminescence of his drifting tentacles.

Indeed, the empathic impression I was getting was of someone surrounded by starving wolves on one side and a sheer cliff on the other. Little did he know, I was completely harmless.

“Look at it this way. If we do nothing, people, innocent people, will die. Slowly. Painfully. Alone. They might have kids too. They might have brothers and sisters and parents.”

The faces of my own family resurfaced. Haunted by the scene of the crabs and their crushed innards. By what I’d become. I remembered the revulsion. The doubt.

I pressed downwards on it all with herculean effort and kept talking.

“Meanwhile, the gnomes are all bastards. The good ones anyway. The rest are literal war criminals. One tried to eat me. Why should we care what happens to them? I would argue that its our solemn duty to see this mess through. We are the only ones in a position to help. If we do nothing, then we are complicit in the crime of the gnome’s continued existence. So, are you in on the plan? We can try something else if you have any ideas.”

“No.” The dead eyes of the bunny mask passed over Dolce and the rest of the meat shields that had caught up by this point. Borislav hesitated and swallowed. Clenching his fists.

“Forgive me for hesitating. You are right, of course. All those who would abuse their strength to stomp on the innocent must be brought low. Its only fair that you choose the method of attack, since you are the strongest. I would be honored to join your hunting party, comrade.”

“Of course! Thrilled to have you on board!”

Which was an understatement if ever there was one.

I reached out my hand expectantly and he shook it without too much apprehension.

The information I got back was….




Borislav Sokolov




Shifter Level 27 / Enhancer Level 26

Shifter Abilities:

[Claws] 3 / [Regeneration] 5 / [Predator’s Instincts] 3 / [Regenerate Other] 5 / [Fur] 3 / [Muscular System] 3 / [Skeletal System] 3 / [Grow] 3 / [Jaws] 1 / [Lymphatic System] 3 / [Eyes] 1 / [Night Vision] 1 / [Thermal Vision] 1 / [Infrared Vision] 1 / [Ears] 1 / [Echolocation] 3 / [Low-Frequency Hearing] 1 / [High Frequency Hearing] 1 / [Heat Tolerance] 1 / [Nose] 1 / [Olfactory Navigation] 1 / [Olfactory Threat Detection] 1 / [Olfactory Poison Detection] 1/ [Tracking Instincts] 1 / [Adrenaline] 3 / [Venom Glands] 1 / [Poison Glands] 1 / [Cardiovascular System] 3 / [Digestive System] 3 / [Respiratory System] 1 / [Incorporate Mineral] 3 / [Incorporate Liquid] 1 / [Proprioception] 1 / [Pheromone Trail] 1 / [Pheromone Diversion] 1 / [Pheromone Attraction] 1

Enhancer Abilities:

[Enhanced Strength] 3 / [Enhanced Dexterity] 1 / [Enhanced Constitution] 1 / [Enhanced Stamina] 1 / [Enhanced Agility] 1 / [Enhanced Toughness] 3 / [Enhanced Reflexes] 1 / [Enhanced Recovery] 1 / [Enhanced Vision] 1 / [Enhanced Hearing] 1 / [Enhanced Digestion] 1 / [Enhanced Circulation] 1 / [Heat Resistance] 3 / [Cold Resistance] 1 / [Slashing Resistance] 1 / [Piercing Resistance] 1 / [Blunt Resistance] 1 / [Sudden Strength] 1 / [Sudden Dexterity] 1 / [Sudden Agility] 1 / [Sudden Toughness] 1

Ability Points:



Wow. Just Wow.

“How did you get two Types?”

“How did you know I have two Types?” He countered at once.

“I have this ability, [Psychometry] that lets me see stuff like this.”

“Huh.” A silence followed that word. Deep and resonant. Broken only by the occasional slavering snarls of the monsters surrounding us.

“That is useful. I guess.”

“You guess? You have two freaking Types! With lots of level 1 abilities for some reason.”

“It’s the smart way to go. You never know what might come in handy until you take a shot and 1 point isn’t much of an investment when you’re trying to find hidden gems.” He stopped for a moment, as if unsure whether or not to continue. “Also, that second Type was my hidden ace. I wasn’t exactly advertising.”

“Why not? If I was an Enhancer, I’d be telling everybody I could. Also, you obviously have more points in Shifter than you do Enhancer. Can you assign points freely regardless of which Type gave you the levels?”

Another bout of silence descended, shallower than before, though more intense.

“You would not be so eager to indulge in Enhancer abilities if you’d seen the things I’ve seen, comrade Solomon.”

I was speechless. My confusion must have shown on my face because Borislav continued.

“Back home, when reality tore itself apart, the strong men and women stepped up to defend the motherland. In so doing, they became worse than the monsters. They took food, fuel, clothes, houses, people. Anything they wanted was theirs because they could take it and no one could stop it. The state faltered when they realized bullets could not hurt them. Their greed was endorsed. Made policy. It was the wizards and the beast men who stayed true. Who took in the wounded, the starving, and the orphaned. Where I come from, there is no honor in being an Enhancer.”

Borislav’s face twisted into a sneer. At least, that’s what I think happened under the mask, given how it contorted. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but held his tongue at the last second.

For my part, I could not believe the sheer nerve of this guy. Sure, there were bad apples, but those existed everywhere. Besides, those kinds of things only happened in countries that were, uh, not-so-free. No way that would happen anywhere in the free world. Except that one time with Gore claw, and that one time with Golem, and that one time with Leopard.

I blinked away the rest of the examples. Trying and failing to keep my frustration under wraps. Too engrossed in my own problems. Too aware of all I’d be willing to sacrifice if it meant being like him. To grab the gift he’d spurned.

“Enough.” He spoke. “Let’s drop the issue and get moving.”

“No, we aren’t going to drop this. Not until you tell me how you got another Type.”

He grumbled.

“I had an epiphany. That’s it.”

I blinked. Several times in quick succession.

“You had an epiphany?”


“Care to explain?”


Hoo boy.

Calm down Solomon. Don’t lose your marbles. Not when you’re having a semi-civilized conversation.

Yeah! You got this Sully! I believe in you!’ Buddy intervened.

Me too!’ Dolce piled on.

Quiet! Both of you. I need to get him to talk. Let me think.’

‘Why don’t you try asking nicely?’

‘I’m being nice.’

‘Did you say please?’ Dolce asked innocently.

I paused to consider the suggestion.

Being sincere could help. It sure helped me when you taught me I could feel good while following your orders.

The silence stretched out for a while longer.

That, couldn’t hurt. I guess?

“Uh, please?”


“Would you please tell me how you got the second Type? I know it’s a lot to ask, and I know you want to keep your cards close to the vest. Still, it would mean a lot to me. I want to be a hero. I think being something other than a Telepath could go a long way.”

Borislav snorted.

“I told you. There are worse things out there than Telepaths, comrade.”

No there aren’t.

“Like I said, it would mean a lot.” I insisted. “Please?”

I was starting to realize that there was a fine line between being genuine and begging annoyingly when Borislav’s emotions wavered.

“Fine. I guess a show of trust is warranted since you did help me when we first met. That, and your minions haven’t jumped me yet. Nor have you tried to mind-control me. Though I’m guessing you can’t do that, given that Randall got away.”

He harrumphed in a fashion I could only describe as melodramatic. Somehow conveying a great deal without revealing his face.

I could have corrected him on the very foolish assumptions he’d made then and there. Yes. I could have. But I didn’t. Because telling people I could that sort of thing amounted to a social faux-pas. Besides, he arrived at the conclusion all on his own.

I wasn’t technically lying.

“I got hit on the second day. Hard. One of the big moles with lobster arms disemboweled me. It went right through my fur, the added muscle and the extra bones I’d grown. I thought I was done for.”

He shivered. His hands tensing.

“I tried to run while holding my intestines. My vision got blurry. My legs felt clumsy. I tried to focus. To envision my, well, what was left of me sticking together. That’s when I felt Psy coalescing. In a different way than before. At that moment, it wasn’t a beating heart full of molasses. It was more like a, film. Like shrink wrap. Covering all of me. I felt more solid under it. That’s when the system told me I got a level in Enhancer and I got access to a new ability selection screen.”

“That is so interesting. Do you think we could replicate it?”

“How do you mean?”

I had thought my intentions were obvious, so the question took me by surprise.

“Do you think I could become an Enhancer if I got my stomach sliced open?”

The plastic eyes of the mask became more fixated on me. As if they could drill a hole into my head to peek inside of it.

“Are you serious?”

“I’m completely serious. You’re here so you could heal me as many times as it took.”

“It’ll hurt.” He said, as if I was a dullard.

“I’m aware. I’m also convinced it’ll be worth it. Matter of fact, it seems like a very cheap price to pay. I’m ready to start whenever you are.”

“That…. Doesn’t sound like a good idea.”

“On the contrary, its an amazing idea! I’d be willing to boil myself alive if it meant being like you. In contrast, vivisection is a small price to pay.”

Borislav the Bunny Man put one of his skinny, withered hands out to stop me. It was shaking.

“How about this; I’ll consider helping you. If and only if we manage to rescue the prisoners. After making sure all the gnomes are taken care of and we get whomever we save to safety.”

“You got it partner!” I gleefully accepted.

Nice! Potential conflict avoided! I love interpersonal relations! What’s more, I found a person that wanted to stick by me! Even after knowing what I was!

Who cares if he has literally everything I ever wanted and still had the nerve to be ungrateful? Not me!

It was almost enough to make me cry. No, I think I did cry a little.

I wept tears of joy and relief as I ordered Dolce to pick him up and kept it up long after we’d started moving again.

Who cares if Randall doesn’t like me or if Pete and Walder wanted me dead? They could all suck on salty sausages for all I cared! Their mothers were probably hamsters and their fathers smelt of elderberries!

We, the real heroes, would get the job done in their stead. Alongside our thousands of brutal killing machines.

Those thousands became tens of thousands after six hours. With a few more Force Serpents to boot.

By the end of the day, we’d completed two-thirds of the journey even though I’d been forced to take some detours due to the prodigious size of our ride.

My minions were as one. Beating hearts drumming in unison. Wholly consumed by the sweet promise of repentance. Not to mention the pushes and prods I included in their programming.

All the emotions, the petty noise of life, painted me in fresh contours. I was in the zone. Willing my hold on the immaterial to be more pronounced. To bathe the masses like the morning sun upon the waves.

Pushing my reservoir to its breaking point. Pushing further still.


Solomon Carter




Telepath II Level 100


[Solomon’s Inescapable Domination X] 17 / [Solomon’s Overwhelming Delusion V] 11 / [Solomon’s Inexorable Suppression V] 12 / [Sense Thoughts] 10 / [Message] 5 / [Mental Bolt] 4 / [Fever] 4 / [Fear] 3 / [Hide] 3 / [Faint Presence] 2 / [Mental Map] 10 / [Precognition] 6 / [Meditation] 8 / [Premonition] 5 / [Psychometry] 3 / [Team Tactics] 5

Ability Points:



It was astonishing progress for so short a time.

It wasn’t anywhere near enough.

I could taste the unrelenting force yet hidden below the turbulent waters. Shrouded as they were by scraps of hesitation.

Waning embers of the weakness I’d shown by refusing to act as soon as I was thrown down here.

I could be stronger.

I would be, given time.

Unfortunately, time was a luxury I wasn’t sure I could afford.

For the past few kilometres, [Premonition] had been crying out. Shivers travelling through me and into my puppets like the bite of a dozen hungry wolves.

Our rampage had deformed the natural order of the caverns. Depleting it of its usual dangers too quickly for whatever foul entity managed the pit to do much about it.

Thereby triggering an altogether different response. I tasted the dread of unreality. Fearing a future that was fast approaching.

Through my chains, it spread to all the prisoners within my enlarged domain. Creating a festering cancer of indecisiveness.

“Stop.” I spoke, keeping my voice steady.

The snake obeyed, slowing down until we came to a full stop.

Afterwards, I closed my eyes and broke free of my stupor. Allowing Psy to trickle back in.

“What’s the matter?”

“I… I’m not quite sure. Some of the newest centipedes I absorbed are dying at the borders. That, and I’m getting a really bad feeling.”

“Hm. When you say that, do you mean a gut instinct? I’ve got an ability that does something similar, but its range isn’t very large. Maybe 15 feet or so.”

“Who still measures in feet?”

“Plenty of people do.”

“I… sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. I’ve always found conversions a hassle is all. My own ability is vague, but it has a wide range. About as much as my…uh. Mind-reading fog.”

“Which is?”

“About 3 kilometers after reaching level 10. I think that’s the limit for now.”

He started shaking again. More fiercely than before. His head swivelled to all the tools arrayed before him. His breathing became erratic and it took him some time to get his next words out.

“My screen says the limit of abilities is 5.”

“Yeah. Mine said that too at first. I think the limit increases after getting your Type past level 50. Like I said, until 10.”

“And you’re already past it?” He asked incredulously.

“Yep.” I answered, not seeing any reason to hide my prowess at this point. “Although I have three abilities that broke that rule. I think the Unique ones, those named after me, can get as high as they want. Its all speculation at this point of course, but those are my best guesses. I’ll let you know when I pass level 100.”

My old self might have been hesitant to share this. Say what you want about paranoia, it tends to help in situations where you aren’t sure who to trust.

That was meaningless to the current me.

If Borislav got spooked and killed me, then that was that. I’d at least die knowing I tried to do right by humanity. That was fine by me at this point. If not, then our bond would be strengthened by the trust I’d shown. Win-win situation. 

[Premonition] howled louder. Flashing brightly in pink neon letters. Spelling doom.

I ground my teeth in frustration.

Those below level 20, form a perimeter. Clog every tunnel and every intersection. Create chokepoints where the walls are thickest. The rest of you, gather around me and remain alert.

My transport dutifully coiled around me as the rest took up their assigned posts.

Trailing heaps of chitin, scales and fur re-entered the fray soon thereafter. Finally catching up with my main thrust.

“Get ready. I think whatever’s been building up is about to show itself.”

“Got it. Get behind me. Have the floating serpent cover the rear.”

His form grew as his words trailed off. Scything claws growing in place of hands and rippling muscle bulging beneath thick fur. That very same coat then shone like metal, as if each hair strand was a sharpened filament of shaved steel. All extremities became elongated, with his legs gaining extra joints so that they resembled those of a human-hare hybrid on a mountain of steroids. Complete with an extra pair of eyes at the back of his skull and another pair of elongated ears behind his regular human ones.

Most reasonable people would have recalled the many cases of Shifter on Baseline violence at that point. Unable to keep their minds off how quickly Borislav could end their lives or how often his Type went feral at the drop of a hat.

For my part, I was overcome with jealousy.

I would have given anything to switch places. Even if I only got his main Type. Even if it meant giving up all the power I’d accumulated. Shifters were scary, yet they could heal. They were indispensable to search and rescue efforts. Every rift response team wanted one nearby. Society was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

What I wouldn’t have given for that kind of treatment.

Stop that, Sully. That road doesn’t lead anywhere. Granny Golden said there was a way to get additional Types. If she was telling the truth, I’ll have a chance at becoming an Enhancer later. Borislav’s words suggest the same. Be patient. Focus on the task at hand.

‘For what it worth. I think you’re perfect the way you are Sully!’

‘Thank you, Buddy. It means a lot.’

‘I think you’re perfect too!’

‘Shut up Dolce! I’m still not over the fact that your brother or sister or whatever tried to eat me.’

‘Oh! You mean back then? That was me! I’m the one that tried to follow you past the little hole! I had to smash the wall a lot of times!’

That, was the last thing I’d expected to hear.


‘Yes. Why?’


‘I didn’t know how wonderful you were back then! Plus, you were so small and so tasty looking! What was I supposed to do!?’

Another blaring alarm kept me from following up. Those at the edges had gone quiet. Worse, I couldn’t sense what they’d come up against.

There I sat. Resting without dropping my guard. Fingers twitching with anticipation.

My chest was heaving violently. My nose wrestling with the stench of sweat and foreign odours radiating from my units.

I was finding it hard to sit still.

Every time I felt another squad disappear; I restated my purpose. Saying the mantra aloud so that it may stem the self-hatred.

“I’m a good person. I’m a good person. I’m a good person.”

Repetition had made the sounds nearly meaningless. Each utterance eroding the temporary reprieve from the flashbacks and the intrusive thoughts.

“I’m a good person. I’m a good person. I’m a good person.”

Yet, it was all I had. At least until I could prove it. Until I could free the prisoners.

“I’m a good person. I’m a good person. I’m a good person.”

“Solomon. I’m going to have to ask that you stop that for now. I know its your coping mechanism and I know it helps you keep it together, but its really stressing me out. You sound like a shell-shocked loon and then I feel like a bigger loon having you out of my sight for any length of time.”

“I’M NOT CRAZY!” I said, with perhaps a bit too much gusto.

“I know you’re not.” He replied softly. “I’ve seen this before. On harder men than you. There’s no shame in it. But you are distracted. I need you to focus.”

I bit back a reply upon realizing he was right.

Instead, I allowed myself to fall prey to my own [Domination] once more. Forcing compliance from an unruly psyche.

The essence of the here and now coalesced with that of long ago. Like milk on coffee. Going into each other to the point where I could not say what sounds stemmed from my dying drones and which birthed from the trotting of hooves on stone.





Deformed metal flew across the room and strikes the opposite wall. Heavy shrapnel shards wedge themselves into the scenery, shattering the surface as they land.

Dust and debris cover the room, blinding me in the process.

I leap backwards and search with my fog, trying desperately to find something, anything.


Another crash shatters the wall next to me.

The collision gouges a hole into an open corridor, stone giving way before overwhelming power.

I sensed nothing.

My feet move before I give out a proper command to my body. They carry me away from the thickest of the fighting as savage roars echo across the cavern. I feel gnomes firing blazing lances at nowhere in particular, while Dolce and Borislav wrestle against empty air.

No. Not against air. There, in their midst, were two gargantuan steel snakes. Their bodies composed of thick segmented plates welded over sturdy-looking wires. In place of fangs, each carried row upon row of whirling chainsaws.

At their base were more robot bulls than I’d ever seen before in one place. They all charged at once, steam bellowing from their nostrils as they trampled centipedes and eels alike. Gnomish artillery kept peppering them from a distance, melting dozens at a time, only for more to take their place.

In the middle of all this chaos, was little old me. Completely exposed to a particularly ferocious mech with the torso of a man where others had oxen features. Adrenaline is propelled within my veins, strings twisting my limbs as instincts roar like sirens.




I dodge over and over again, trusting on [Premonition] to forewarn me of danger. Throwing my body against the floor until I reach one of the many openings to the large room.

From there, I released a blast of [Delusion], recalling from the description that it could affect machines as well. Willing my foes to think that the floor was lava. Not very original, I admit. Though in my defence, originality didn’t count for much.

It worked. Fantastically so. Disrupting the assault like a widespread audiovisual glitch. Hundreds of bulls staggered. Only for hundreds more to take their place. Our side was also getting regular re-enforcements from the streaming late arrivals and it was difficult to say which side would succumb to attrition first.

Moreover, I no longer had enough Psy for another illusory hazard and none of my other abilities registered without being able to target the machines through [Sense Thoughts].

Was there anything more I could do here?


Not with my mortal constitution. Certainly not when Borislav was struggling. Better to beat a hasty retreat till I recovered.

Turning on my heels, I ran. All too aware that one of the hybrid constructs followed after me.

Each breath took more and more effort as I sprinted.

I turned the first corner I saw and the next.

There was a hidden meaning to my choices, a method to my madness.

Observations had been made, despite my terror.

Whatever that thing was, it mainly attacked by charging.

The only logical response was to put as many walls between me and it as possible.

I stop after another turn and begin to slow my breaths, making sure each intake is deeper than the last.

I think I might have broken a bone, throwing myself around like a ragdoll. My hand is hurting, the dull ache returning with a vengeance, a small needle of fire sapping my concentration.

I do my best to ignore it as I take stock of what just happened.

My ability to sense monsters, the only real edge I’d had so far, the lynchpin of all my other powers, had proven faulty.

That meant I needed to revise my plans going forward. If the bloody runts had contingency plans strewn about, I might run out of sacrificial lambs before making a dent.

I needed something else to give me an edge, something to fall back on.

Right on cue, the bull-centaur re-appears. Despite being an unfeeling hunk of junk, it looks pissed.

I bring up the revolver looted from the officer that Mot had killed. The weapon discharges five shots. All of them miss the giant target.

I can’t help but laugh.

“Man, this is not my lucky day. Good thing luck is for losers. I’m going to outlast you. One way or another.”

I brace for the pain and reach out for my trump card. The golden strings of [Precognition] are giddy for action. Far stronger than they’ve ever been after reaching level 6.

A new world was born before my eyes.



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