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Patreon: Behind The Lines

AP Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=12669683 Save on My Patriot Supply orders with AP: http://preparewithap.com/ Email: asymmetricalpreparedness@gmail.com #prepping #Prepper #preparedness #SHTF #foodstorage #SHTF #emp #foodshortage



Y'all are in my prayers.


Dear Brother, you become so easily down, you worry me. You need to hang on and reach up, not look down. Here is a note I found recently that I like very much which suits you at this time: "The Bible tells us that God always provides the way out (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). Even though you might not see the way out right now, one does exist, and God will reveal it as you trust Him. " Hang on to Him who knows you best, and knows the future. He will see you through IF YOU TRUST HIM, and stop doubting the future. He's got it all under control if we trust Him. Relax and step forward ONE DAY AT A TIME.