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You guys are the first to hear about this!

Asymmetricalpreparedness.com is coming!

I am still working on building the site, but it will be up soon.

Question to you guys is; What features would you like to see on the website?




Congratulations, my left coast brother! I would say to have a section for guns, how to clean them, sight them in and shooting them. Also a gear section, what to carry for what position they are in a patrol ect. You should do some in depth food growing stuff to include meat, maybe processing. Medical how to will also help, hands on demonstration helps the untrained, blow out stuff. If you need help with that I can help through email or on the phone. It's a little to far from Maryland to where you to make the trip. I still pray for you and yours and I'm glad to see you doing so well. You have a great thing going, keep it up. God Bless...


Patches you gotta get patches