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I’ve noticed the exact things you are speaking of become more prevalent, especially in the last decade. The market growth of men’s personal care products should be a warning. When males spend so much time primping and preening, they’re not out doing productive things. It looks like that leads to skinny jeans, non durable footwear, and over-much concern regarding the amount of hair on one’s scalp. Of course, I’m rapidly becoming an old codger, and grew up in a family that produced men who worked and didn’t rely on the system for everything. Of course, as males become softer and more compliant, what options do women have but to go along with them. The times, they are a’changin’.


Just got a call from my son living in upstate New York. They mandated vaccines for his wife who works in healthcare. He told her to quit I pray she does. Land of the free. So sad how many people died to keep us free.God help and bless us all.