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Sorry for the late schedule! Thankfully there's not much going on this month anyway!

For July, I'm taking it pretty easy, since I have a big trip planned right in the middle of it. So no comic page this month! And because I currently charge "per comic page", that means y'all won't get charged for this month. woo! 

On that topic though: I know most other patreons charge "per month", so my system of charging "per comic page" leads to a lot of confusion. I figure since i've been regularly delivering a lot of content every month for a couple years now, it's pretty safe for me to finally switch over to simply charging monthly like everyone else! I'll be making this change to the charging structure on August 1st.

I don't plan on changing anything about the quantity/quality of content i'm making: I still plan to make about one "609" comic page per month (sometimes 2! and very rarely, zero. But usually at least one). I still plan to do regular commission streams, request and freestyle streams, etc. The only thing that's changing is that charges will no longer be dependent on how many comic pages I've uploaded the month prior; it'll just be the same charge every month (like most other patreons). As far as I can tell, most of you guys are supportive of making this switch, but if you have comments or concerns, please leave them below!!!




Oooh have fun! Gotta love tree time