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New month! Pretty standard month, but I'm gonna test a slight change to a single reward for patrons $10 and up!

There's currently a reward for patrons $10+ that I call "OC Sketch Requests". When I host "request streams" to do live chat-suggested doodles, the first and last sketches of the stream feature randomly-chosen OCs from eligible patrons in the stream chat. Once they were picked, the chat would fill out a poll to decide how they'd get drawn. Those are "OC Sketch Requests", and they're fun! But they required people to be present in the stream to be eligible, and were always kinda hard to explain. So I'm gonna test a different method of doing basically the same thing.

I'm gonna test out replacing/renaming "OC Sketch Requests" with "OC Freestyles". For Freestyles, I'm just gonna make a single Patreon post to every eligible patron, and tell everyone to leave a comment on that post with an OC reference link + a few keywords. From that post's comments, I'll pick a few OCs and doodle them based on the keywords given. That seems a lot easier for basically everyone!

I will still do "Request streams", where any patron can suggest any pic idea they want to an online poll, and I draw whatever gets the most votes. They just won't have that "some of the sketches will feature a random OC" element to them, cause those get their own Freestyles stream now. Hope that all makes sense! As always, if anyone's got any questions or input, leave them below! 



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