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Hey! So, since starting this Patreon in February, I've been making more art, more content then ever before, and it feels absolutely incredible, and I can't thank you guys enough. But when I started it, I had no idea it'd become this intensive, and there were some projects and merch ideas and overdue commissions I had on the backburner that are definitely still on hold.

So I wanna take this month to chill a lil bit, and focus less on new stuff and catch up on old stuff! Which means i'm still gonna work on getting a comic page done, but I'll probably just do one Special stream this month, and I gotta decide if it'll be a patreon-exlusive Requests stream, or a partially-exclusive Commissions stream. This is just for September; things'll be back to normal for October. So, let me know which you'd prefer!



Will the request stream still have the one OC raffle at the start?

Theo Winters

I would love to be able to finally commission you :)