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Hey! I'm relaxing after a big convention weekend, and wanted to hear from my patrons about like...how you like being a patron, what you're happy with, and what you'd like to see done different!

I've been so busy with streams, sketches, illustrations, comic pages, all that, that I haven't had too much to reflect on what I could be changing and tweaking about how I do things on here. And it's so crazy important to me that every patron, on every tier, feels happy with what they're getting. So, I wanna hear from ya! About everything, but also about a couple things specifically:

- How do you feel about the "Pay per comic page" payment system as opposed to the usual "pay per month" system? It helps ensure you get what you pay for, but also means it's a little inconsistent. I mainly just worry that if I went to monthly, that i'd end up getting a lot less comic work done, and feel bad about not delivering the exact same amount of content monthly. I dunno!

- It seems like a lotta people would like for me to offer full color rendered commissions, and I could probably offer at least one a month! What do you think would be a fair way to offer this, and if it had to replace something else that I offer monthly (request stream, sketch stream, or voted rendered sketch) in order to do this, which would you replace? Maybe I could switch monthly between voted illustrations and raffled full rendered commissions? Still, what would be the best way to offer that fairly to a lotta people?

Two other notes: I'll be making a post about Goodie packages once i get back, and still hope to get those mailed out by the end of the month. And also, i do hope to switch up how I do sketch commission streams, as I know some people are bummed when they can't attend the streams. Hopefully that's something I can start doing next month!

Okay, enough rambling from me. I wanna hear from you! You guys have made this Patreon, like, the most exciting and productive thing I've ever done, and I wanna make sure everyone's as happy with it as I am!



Jus draw more horse dicks and we're cool fam 👀👀

Theo Winters

I like the system as it is at the moment, though I would like a chance to get a commission from you outside of streams I never seem to be able to make.


I feel the current payment system is good So I would say to keep it :3 As for the comissions that would be nice too! Maybe do it like the sketch comissions, or keep it just for patrons (I just hope I can get enough money to afford one qwq) And as for general.opiniom I would say you're doing a really good job x3 You're delivering good rewards, and immhaopy to support one of my favorite artists ever since I started in the brony fandom (and now furry too uwu) If anything I would say let me win a free raffle sketch >:3 haha Also I'm curious about how you gonna pic people to do cameos on the comic cuz I'm really interested on that Love your work and I'm happy to support such a great artist Keep doing your best! X3


Per comic is perfectly comfortable to me. Either way works. No comment on streams, poll, ect. N/A


I'm pretty happy being a patron so far :D maybe have the fully-rendered commissions be a higher patron slot since it's a bit more of a special thing than the regular sketches? Paying per comic page is perfect for what you're doing I think :) I don't mind the inconsistency of maybe doing a bunch of comics in one month or none at all. Additionally if you do decide to do regular full-render commissions, make sure it's actually something you wanna do! I'd hate for things to feel like they'll get old or too much work for you! Overall your patreon is fantastic! The rewards and prices are reasonable and your art made me want to become a first time patreon contributor! Keep up the good work <3


I usually prefer pay-monthly but if you're okay with people using the limit function it's not so bad either way? As for full colored commissions, I'd love to get one, but at this point I'd be happy to just get one of the regular stream commissions. If it was to replace something I'd say the request stream or voted rendered sketch.


I'm really grateful that I can see your work at such a low price. I'm not exactly rolling in dough, and I have a lot of artists that I want to see work from. So thank you for how things are right now, because it lets me support you, but at a rate that I can actually afford.


The request streams have been really fun and are probably my favorite! But people seem super interested in commissions also.. maybe if someone gets picked in the raffle during the commission stream they get to choose if they want a sketch or a full color pic? like, 4 hours spend on their drawing instead of 2. but keeping patreon payments based on you putting out comic pages is for sure a huge motivator.

Axel Thunderpaw

I love that I get to watch you stream when I can actually catch it, and your discord is genuinely fun and an overall nice environment. I don't have any issues with the 'per page' payment, though maybe if you wanted to go monthly, maybe offer something else small (sketch icons or something) to compensate if you did miss a month or 2 of posting comic pages. The sketch streams, I would love a system to be able to enter, though because of my schedule I can't always catch the streams themselves. And I would also be willing to partake in full color commissions, I think replacing a sketch stream with a full commission stream every 2 months would be pretty nice.


I was thinking about asking about the goodie packages but I can wait for that. As for the pay for monthly or pay per comic page is up to you. I prefer the pay per comic as if life gets in your way (like it does for everyone) You don't have to feel bad about not producing enough pages each month. As long as you keep your followers in the loop of what is going on. Which you do a fantastic job of. I like the idea of switching things up monthly, like changing a request stream or something like that for a full commission piece. Though you would have to really work on a good price for that and a good way of picking. With whatever you pick, someone will be upset about it. So you can't let that get to you. Remember you got to do what you think is right and asking for advice is never a bad idea but at the end of the day it is your choice. The only thing I would really like to see change is the dates for the request and raffle commission streams. Not everyone can have the weekends off to join and get a chance for the raffle. Which I think upsets a bunch of people. A bit for myself as well as I am working towards being a store manager and that eats almost all of my weekends unless I pay for someone's lunch to cover me. Seeing the those dates change to be during the week as well would be great. I mean it has to work well for you too, but I'd really enjoy being able to get to one on a normal day off and not have to jump through hoops to try and get into the stream. Other than that. I am very happy with how you are doing and the pieces you are sharing with us. I'm content with what is going on and look forward to more, no mater your choice. Just wanted to make sure that you do know I am happy with your work!!! P.S. I would like to see lots of different artwork. I know you draw a lot of Pony and that is what a lot of people wish to see as well, but less Pony would be good too. P.S.S Sorry, last edit. I would like to see more desktop sized images! Love having them as a background.


I am okay with payment per comic page, as the comic is the main draw for me (I have not made it into request streams yet)

Jolly Jackalope

I hate being a patreon and only do it to spite you with my presence


the way it works seems ok so far, I look forward to the sketch streams.


Pay per comic system works well in my opinion.


Just became a patreon last week and liking it so far! I'm more of a pay by monthly just due to the fact it helps keep expenses easily trackable/consistent


I think you've got a good system going on here. I never really go to the streams but I do like seeing the products of them.


Actually, I'm only interested in those streams as I'd really like to get something from you someday, so I wouldn't mind a pay/month system.


It'd be pretty cool to have a chance at getting a full colour commission but the way you're doing things at the moment are pretty great. Just a shame it's so hard to get a commission from you. The pay per comic page works out great imo, keep up the good work drawing those cute soft bois!


I'm just here for the prons tbh. Even if I can only afford $1-$2 a mounth, I do it gladly bc I think you are the fabulousest person and I really enjoy all you do and I think you are doing a great job right now. Personally, I'm not interested in streams or getting a specific commission out of you. I (and I'm probably talking for a lot of people in the community (including non-patreons)) just want seeing more content. But thats just the nature of it, you make good art, people will always want MOAR.


Pay per comic is definitely the way to go I feel! So you're doing great there. IM very unsure about the raffled off full color illustrations. Seems like it might not be the best idea in terms of fairness unless you were working on them more often than now. Im still inclined for the voted illustrations and if you have time or space, go for full rendered. Really excited for those goodies, been waiting on them awhile XD Interested to see what youre changing with Sketch Commissions!


I'm here to support the comic and you as an artist, and generally get to interact with you more. So I don't think I'd change my pledge at all if you changed the payment method! I just like being here and watching streams, seeing your art and talking with you.