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Oof! I maybe overestimated how much I was gonna get done this month!

So, like I put on my schedule, I'm moving from Connecticut to Boston, MA officially on June 1st, and gave myself some days to prepare. Turns out I needed pretty much the whole last half of May! I've spent my past week packing, driving between apartments to transfer stuff over, and making lots of Ikea trips. It's super exciting, but it means I haven't been to get much art done, and might not be able to get any comic pages done this month!

So, in a way, that's good news for you guys; no comic pages means you guys don't get charged! But obviously, I still feel bad for not delivering on promised pages. I'm gonna at least get the monthly illustration done though! And I'm gonna do that mostly via a big ol' stream I'll be doing tomorrow.

I should be settled in relatively quickly once June 1st rolls around though, and should definitely be able to get a page (probably two) whipped out next month alongside all the other expected content. Thanks so much for sticking with me; I seriously mean it when I say that this move - out of a rough isolated place into a fantastic city - is almost entirely possible because of you guys and your support. It means the world to me, and makes me really wanna make you guys proud and deliver what you guys wanna see most. So hopefully i'm doing that, and continue to do so!

See you in tomorrow's stream, leave questions and comments as always, and thanks so much again!



Glad that you get to move ! We love you too <3


We can wait till you get settled ^^ Don't worry Brae


Good luck with the move, dude!


Braeeeeee I can't wait to hang with you once you're settled! I'm so pumped you're moving to Boston! 💜