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Hey my patrons! How are you? #34

I'm sorry for the delay, but I already have the Poll for the next month, it is nothing spectacular or elaborate, it is quite simple, the theme will be "Summer", so, you can expect very summer scenes, but you will choose the order of the FFFF in what will i do next month.



I welcome as always, our new companions and old companions contributing to my Patreon one more month: Very welcome @Frostyknight, @Telxon, @Vernon Messam Jr, @Majin BUU and @Hanton Diddy, I hope you find the exclusive content of my Patreon to your liking!

This month's theme is "Girls with unusual color eyes", the theme was chosen "secretly" by you, my patrons, so this month's theme is again somewhat open, something that is limited to a physical trait of the female protagonists of my works.

As I said at the beginning of the journal, although this comes late, the Poll finally arrives to choose the first FFFF of the next month, whose theme will be simply "Summer", with which, the girls will be in summer situations, and for Candidates, don't worry about why, this month is one of those months when only the order of appearance is chosen, so if you voted for the least voted, she will simply be the last to appear in August.

As always said, please, feel free to comment, rate or ultimately, contribute as you better consider improving my Patreon, I'm always emphasizing that, the feedback between Patrons and creator is important that the first ones can be happier with the campaign, and the creator can improve.



In the last few journals I have talked a lot about that I have had trouble concentrating, either because I have not slept quite well (Or I have not even been able to sleep some night), due to the change of environment to which I have been "forced" in a certain way Recently, and I even attribute part of this problem, the summer heat ... all of this may have partially contributed to my mind not being 100% lately, but hey, at least I'm not declining in my activity, surely I'm not taking things out with all the quality that I think I can get, but I know that it is something temporary, something that goes by times, I hope that soon there will be more efficient times for me, now more than ever, I thank the support I receive from you here at Patreon.

Speaking strictly of work already, I have been looking for the Adobe CC Animate on several occasions (For the new Patrons: I want to create interactive animations and I think this program can go very well for it) but at the moment, I cannot find any download in a satisfactory way, I suppose this is like so many other things that do not usually come out on the first try, so I have no choice but to insist until I find it.

On the other hand, an idea has been around my head for a few days, maybe you remember that I was practicing doing UV Mapping with a 3D model of an OC that I did long ago in my other account, the case is, that each time it shines with more strengh The idea of making a long comic with this character in my mind, I think that my first steps with UV Mapping are being very satisfactory and, if I apply it equally well in the alter of this OC (Called Froggirl, a Superheroine) I can have a very interesting result, the main problem I had with making that character, was the suit, which has some somewhat ... annoying motifs to represent in a 3D model in the way I have been doing colors or textures until now, but with UV mapping, doing that would be SO much easier... Anyway, we will see if I take that project forward.

On projects already started, this week I wanted to advance my originals FFFF because for the last week I want start two Commissions, recently I have the desire to save some money to buy a desktop computer, my laptop is fine for certain things, but a desktop computer I It seems like a safer option, also, even with the optimization that I recently made to my laptop, it is still a computer from 9 years ago, and I suppose that a current desktop computer must be even more efficient ... well, I did not want to talk about this XD, I wanted to say, that next week I will have finished two original FFFFs, those of those steps that I publish today: FFFF - Min Min & The Duck Hunt and FFFF - Yoruichi Shion & Kon, as a note, the latter FFFF could be framed within the theme of the next month, and, precisely, Yoruichi, is going to be this month's 3D model for the Super Patrons, today I will publish for the first time a sketch of the 3D views of the future model, (I do this in part why lately I don't publish as much content as a few months ago)

I want to clarify, that today I do not publish a new WIP of Kairi's animation because I think that although I have worked on it this week, I have not done enough to create a WIP very different from the last, I hope that next week if you have advanced enough.

I'm sure that I forget things to comment, it is more than anything, because today is one of those days when I woke up with the feeling of not having rested anything, but anyway, everything will go ahead.


I keep working. 


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