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Hey my patrons! How are you? #33

I think I am recovering my usual work routine, I have been a little truncated with the heat that has been the last days in my area, since there have been some nights when I have not been able to sleep, but in general, I think I am recovering the routine and efficiency of before.



I welcome as always, our new companions and old companions contributing to my Patreon one more month: Very welcome @Donte Dukes, @Striker12, @Pc2004, and @Only Oni Genji, I hope you find the exclusive content of my Patreon to your liking!

And also give an outstanding reception to the great Super patrons who have joined the campaign! Very welcome @Ethan Emerick! I hope you are as comfortable and happy with everything my Patreon offers, even today I still try to improve it.

This month's theme is "Girls with unusual color eyes", the theme was chosen "secretly" by you, my patrons, so this month's theme is again somewhat open, something that is limited to a physical trait of the female protagonists of my works.

I want to apologize for not presenting a new Poll today to choose the first job next month or the next topic, as I said earlier, I have not slept very well these days because of the heat, and that has prevented me from being able to think with all my ability, That is why today I still do not present the Poll, although if I know, I want it to be something related to summer, I may just do a generic theme of "summer", and the girls in question are in summer situations, but, like I not feel at 100% of my capacity, I have not yet found the female characters to be voted, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I hope to have the candidates for next week without fail.

As always said, please, feel free to comment, rate or ultimately, contribute as you better consider improving my Patreon, I'm always emphasizing that, the feedback between Patrons and creator is important that the first ones can be happier with the campaign, and the creator can improve.



The main problem that I had when I moved again, is that it was difficult for me to sit at my desk to work, today, I think that is overcome, essentially, and apart from having to overcome the interruptions of sleep due to the heat of these days, what The next thing I need to get is speed, this is because I perceive that time is faster than it was before I moved, that is, the day passes and although I am at my desk working, I see and feel that I am not Just as fast as two weeks ago, so the logical thing is to think that the change has slowed me down, I suppose it will be something temporary.

On upcoming works, which obviously relate to the topic of the month, I have the next candidates: Min Min (Arms [It is almost mandatory to make this character, given his recent protagonism]) , Yoruichi Shion (Bleach), Mina Ashaido (Boku no Hero Academy) and, just in case I casually got the energy and ability to a fifth work, also to Karura Kurei (Kengan Ashura).

Something that I am especially happy with now is that I am starting the second part of Kairi's animation, surely everyone's favorite part, and, apart from following the last lesson I got about making animations more optimally (Don't in the phase sketch ALL the frames), I feel that in this part the work is getting easier and more interesting.

Finally, I am still pending to learn how to use CC Animate, if the program is as I think, as soon as I manage it, I will be able to do interactive animations, but obviously, I must investigate if this is the best option or if there is something better and more intuitive out there... that, and fight against the lack of sleep from the heat, a battle that I hope to win shortly, last night the air was refresh (thank goodness) but a neighboring idiot made a noise and woke me up near dawn, and that has left me still a bit dumb today, but without a doubt, last night I managed to rest more than the previous two nights.


I keep working.


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