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Hey my patrons! How are you? #31.

If you was read my journal's work from the last week, you will know that that week was very stressful for me, and not only for me, it was even more stressful for my male roommate, I will tell you more in the corresponding section and how this leads to , both I and my male roommate, leave the current floor, although the situation has not allowed me to be as efficient as possible, there is a novelty in my mind that I want to share with you, I will do so in the work section.



I welcome as always, our new companions and old companions contributing to my Patreon one more month: Very welcome @Carl, @Tyler Walters, and @Henry Olsen, I hope you find the exclusive content of my Patreon to your liking!

And also give an outstanding reception to the great Super patrons who have joined the campaign! Very welcome @Cody kruzel! I hope you are as comfortable and happy with everything my Patreon offers, even today I still try to improve it.

As every month, there is a theme around the original works, this month's are the "Femme Fatales", currently I am working on the first two original works on this topic, since in the vote last month the order was chosen , since the subject I had already decided; about the next month's topic, you choose it in a "secret" way voting on the poll of this month, vote for your prefer girl!.

As always said, please, feel free to comment, rate or ultimately, contribute as you better consider improving my Patreon, I'm always emphasizing that, the feedback between Patrons and creator is important that the first ones can be happier with the campaign, and the creator can improve.


Crazy week and moving to another place

I will put you in context first, since March 2019, I have been sharing a flat with two people, a male guy (32 age) and an women (38 age) ... the latter a quite toxic, egocentric, narcissistic, despicable, selfish, lying, and a lot of calificatives plus nothing positive.

To be honest, I had problems with the male roommate at first, more because issues of groups of friends (We know each other from a common group of friends) but because of coexistence, and he is a guy aware of this, with problems and frustrations to resolve, fortunately nothing very serious for coexistence, since, despite this, he has the good will to fix bad situations and an attitude of rapprochement towards you, that is, he has a minimal and logical civility to coexist with other people in a common house; Like any person, it has its defects and that, but you can live with it.

Is it the same with the other, the woman? Not; You try to get close to her to talk, fix things or reach an understanding, and it is absolutely impossible, everything she says can be summarized as: "I do not agree with that" "I do not see it that way" "I do not understand the coexistence that way "" I will do what I want "and ultimately, everything I have said about her before: selfish, annoying, narcicist .. toxic, in short, and the incredible thing, is that it is not only with us two, my male roommate has a good relationship with her mother, they chat on the phone sometimes ... and the mother tells some INCREDIBLE things about her, her own mother says that her daughter is a Person horrible, extremely selfish and VERY difficult living with her, I repeat: HER OWN MOTHER SAYS IT.

The mother tells things, like when the mother had to have an operation to remove cancer or something like that, she did not appear at the hospital the entire time she was recovering, the mother had to ask for help from acquaintances and others, the daughter , zero interest despite being aware of all this ... I also knew before, that she has left a dog in the mother's house, knowing that the mother has allergy and breathing problems with animals. does this matter? not at all, and all for not educating her two dogs to coexist, it is seen that everything that is "coexistence" sounds like an extraterrestrial tale to her.

the mother has also complained that, "Damn the moment I shared a mortgage with her", Mortgage from the mother's house, and that the daughter DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING.

Anyway, I've completely left this week's story, excuse me, I'm going back to it, I just wanted to drop all of the above a little to give the profile of such a person ... the case is, that with the subject of confinement, although she has not been in the shared house all the time of the day (Fortunately) when she returnes, or in the morning when she wakes up early, she bother our, bothers very strongly, I think I already mentioned in the previous journal what she did, but I repeat it: she plays the radio and music from 6:00 or 7: 00 in the morning, along with a washing machine, every day, that is how she started most days with her during the last weeks, the rest of the hours she was at home I don't even mention it.

This obviously served to make me and my other partner complain to the landlord ... Was it of any use? no, in the end, my other roommate, because of the aforementioned and other things, entered into a dynamic of having powerful discussions with her for practically everything she did in the house (Not without reason, I think), that, for the mornings included, many mornings I woke up with a tremendous discussion.

This obviously served to make me and my other partner complain to the landlord ... Was it of any use? no, in the end, my male roommate, because of the aforementioned and other things, entered into a dynamic of having powerful discussions with her for practically everything she did in the house (Not without reason, I think), that, for the mornings included, many mornings I woke up with a tremendous discussion.

This dynamic continued like this until, in one of these morning discussions last week, in a kind of race to enter the bathroom first (Because my male roommate worked as a security guard from 8:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the afternoon, and he wants to go clean and showered to work) she, running, tries to get ahead of him (It is not the first time she does this, me and he has suffer it multiple times since we lived here), with nudges and blows to his elbow included towards him (unfortunately, nothing new) and in one of these, she slips, falls, gets up, tries to keep hitting him, he stops her with his hands and yells at her to behave, and they have the strong discussion of the usual morning.

This episode, served for her to report him for assault, and the trial, a quick trial, was this Wednesday, (saying that previously, my male roommate tried to fix things with her, but obviously she wasn't want, and like mention, her mother asked her to remove that report) in that trial, I acted as a witness, not visual, but if auditory, I heard everything, and although it is true that I did not see it, I AM VERY CONVINCED of the version of my roommate masculine, because after all this time, I know what she is like.

In short, removing that, in the trial, when the judge asked her what she wanted, it was neither a restraining order nor anything else logical in these cases: she wanted compensation ... of course, she haven't been making no money during these months (because she has not been working at all) I wanted my other roommate to keep her as long as possible... In the end, the judge sentenced my other partner to paid a single fine of 90 euros ($ 101.07) ... a small amount compared to what is normally paid for these things.

Anyway, before the outcome of the trial, my male roommate and I agreed, that if the sentence did not force her to leave the apartment, we were both going to leave, he logically for not living with such a person problem anymore, and I obviously, because in addition to all the toxic ambient that I have also had to endure from it, I do not intend to give him the opportunity to seek ruin for me like my roommate, I prefer to postpone my independence than to risk it, to live badly with such disgust in form a human, and of course, my family is the first to tell me to come home, to run away from there NOW.

I prefer to postpone my independence than to risk it, to live badly with such disgust as a human form, and of course, my family is the first to tell me to come home, to run away from there, so, the same Wednesday I started packing things, and on Monday, I will leave here never to return ... when my Patreon grows a little more, I will look for a flat again, preferably a one-bedroom apartment, no I would like to risk running into more horrible people, but well, the important thing is that soon, I will be better than in a long time.

Anyway, with all these situations, I hope you understand that I have had a difficult time having an environment conducive to concentration and work, I have advanced this month's 3D model, but I am afraid it will not be on time, but even if late, I'll finish it.



Well, after such a long time talking about my life situation, I will talk about work ... I think this time the section is going to be little.

As I just said, although I have approved the 3D model of this month for the Super Patrons, I am afraid that, due to the issues of the move and all that, I will not have it in time for the end of the month, it will take a little longer, that I would also say with the FFFF - Princess Hibana 2 and the other minor projects that I should have already thought of under normal circumstances, FFFF - Bunny Cards, the script for the second part of the FFFF Animation - Kairi, etc ...

but well, not everything is bad luckily, as I said at the beginning of the journal, I want to share with you a possible format for new future content: interactive animations, it is not a revolution, but a week or so ago I stumbled across a certain video and program Youtube that were not exactly "new" to me, and I thought "I could pick this up, learn this program well, and get very interesting new content with it", the program in question is the CC Animate, years ago, when the Flash, I learned a bit to do interactive things with Adobe Flash, although of course, then I was not as expert and nothing as now ... and I see the CC Animate that works VERY SIMILAR TO ADOBE FLASH, so if I study it well, it could offer my Patrons interactive animations where, for example, you could tickle characters, many years ago, although I did not publish it, I did something exactly like this, so surely with CC Animate I can repeat it.

I will study it seriously.


I Keep working.


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