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Hey my Patrons! How are you? #18, It seems like forty days.



I welcome as always, our new companions and old companions contributing to my Patreon one more month: Very welcome @Wildblade, @Renton Rokudo, @Sausage @Jack Shalashaska, and @Max, hope you find the exclusive content of my Patreon to your liking!

This month we inaugurate, which I hope, is a "tradition" of my Patreon: the theme of the month, which in this case is about nature or Girls closely related to nature, and I think that next month the theme It will be "fighting girls", but at the moment it is something not yet decided.

Please, feel free to comment, rate or ultimately, contribute as you better consider improving my Patreon, I'm always emphasizing that, the feedback between Patrons and creator is important that the first ones can be happier with the campaign, and the creator can improve.



In this second week of quarantine, which will continue for at least two more weeks, boredom has made a bit of a dent in me, nothing particularly serious as it happens to many other people in reality, simply, that there have been a few occasions in which I I have looked forward to doing something different (leaving home to walk including XD) but I have had to improvise, the only book I currently have to read, it is somewhat expensive to read, I do not know if I will even finish it.

My main entertainment, not now quarantined, but always, is my Nintendo Switch, but even if it is entertainment, there is a time limit that I want to spend in front of screens, even if it is an activity other than work ... so Apart from cleaning the house, body cleaning, and other day-to-day tasks, few activities I see myself capable of doing at home, I have reached the point of going up to the roof almost every day to exercise there XD.

For the rest, the usual routine, perhaps the great novelty, is the almost continuous activity of my few whatsapp groups, it is seen that, in times of boredom and total confinement, people want to talk more than usual XD, and I'm in happy asocial mode XD.

but well, how have you? How is the situation in this regard in your country?



About an hour ago, my internet connection was gone, and I thought that it was a bad coincidence and that today I was going to be unable to publish anything, luckily, a short while ago, returned, just in time.

On work, this has once again been a productive week, the only thing that is a bit annoying to me, is that I have the feeling that I have not advanced Kairi's animation too much, probably because, this being the first thematic month (officially speaking, If we don't look at the first October of my Patreon) I have wanted to do a lot of content on the subject, maybe for the following I must loosen a little or, as I am feeling, each time I find myself a little more able to cover a little more work, Time will tell us which way to go.

The Nausicaä 3D model for my Super Patrons will be finished soon too, I am really enjoying the result, I think I will have it this weekend ... after all, I must have it by Tuesday. I would have liked to finish it today to upload the 3D preview, but I had to prioritize today the page of the original comic I'm doing, I want to do one page a week, and I still can't decide whether to do one more page or not ... Finally, I will decide, as well, I have to decide whether to do an "FFFF - Nausicaä" to close the month of the "natural" girls or leave it to tie it with another possible future theme.

Thinking about the virtues of the thematic month, I think that it not only allows me to start from a theme to do new works, but it also gives me ideas for sequels of already used characters or others, even some 3D models that I have not used yet. in an original work so far, So, I would say that this is possibly a gold for my creativity.

Well, this last week the month of natural girls will end, and another different thematic month will start ... for who is winning in the Poll of the next FFFF - Original of the month, I have two possible ideas in mind, a more general one, and another more concrete, I can not give the details, because it would reveal who is winning and by far XD, but anyway, I will see if I can find "material" for the specific idea of thematic month, for the other, I know that there is plenty "material" in bulk.



A friend suggested to me to search for "compatibility" of servers or something like that, he said, with Patreon, to be able to make my patrons have access to the future card game that I am preparing here ... he said this to me thinking if I could not put the game on Patreon, as it probably is, since, for example, the videos, I cannot upload them directly to Patreon, I need something external to it, Vimeo, so, maybe the solution is to do the same for the future game and even other possible ideas.


I keep working. 


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