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Dear PATREON Supporters,

I want to begin with an apology for my prolonged silence. Some of you might be aware that I have been struggling with mental health issues, which have made it challenging to maintain my usual routine, especially in terms of drawing.

My lifelong dream has been to make a living from my art, but I've often doubted whether this will ever be possible. I've noticed that I tend to lose interest in a comic series as soon as I upload it to PATREON. However, I've come to realize that this might not be the entire reason, as I've created three new comic series since my last upload. The first was based on a 'first-come-first-served' theme, the second revolved around a father and his stepdaughter, and now I'm working on a new series that I started over my Christmas break.

I haven't completed any of these stories yet. When I draw, I immerse myself completely in the process, which is feasible during holidays but challenging in everyday life. This often means that my drawings and the time I spend on them overshadow my other responsibilities, adversely affecting my mental health.

Today, one of you wrote to me, prompting a moment of reflection. I've decided to upload what I have from my latest story, which is about the creation of a maid. Moving forward, I've resolved to upload all my drawings, without worrying about whether they are fully finished or not. It's time for a change of approach, to just say "forget it" and go with the flow.

I hope you'll continue to support me on this journey, and I deeply appreciate each one of you for your patience and understanding.

Warm regards,







I'm glad you're back, your comics about feminization are great and you can see that you've developed incredibly in terms of your drawing style. I would love to see more (even short) comics about gender change and breast enlargement :D Are you going to return to "First-come-first-served"? It would be possible to modify the format where, for example, subscribers would choose in a series what will happen to the character from the 3 available options (or their own ideas), e.g. body changes, permanent locks, or mental changes?