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The reason I have not looked at Patreon for a long time is that I have done "real drawing work" I have been in contact with a book publisher and they hired me to make illustrations for a novel. The novel is about a woman who lacks the ability to get pregnant. The story is not sexual. But while working on the story, I have been inspired to make a story that is more reminiscent of a short story rather than a cartoon. That is, the story is significantly more text-heavy than previous work. I made the first two chapters and they come tonight at 7pm. feel free to write what you think about it.

best regards Ashifff.




Hurrah your back! Congrats on the contract, any chance we can know what the book is called when it comes out?


That was not really my plan. My artist name Ashifff is something I use to hide my identity. Which frees me up to draw whatever the f*** I want. But my work with the publisher I use my name. And it's not sexual so having to mix the two things is a little inappropriate. :)