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I will continue to draw on the contortion training story today. I will let you guys decide who wins. Should it be the girl or should it be the ballet trainer?


William Guan

what is the fun in the trainers winning? it would be interesting to see the girl don't give a fuck or even enjoying the torture. let's say her pelvis got opened up and her head is shoved up her ass, then a lock installed in her pubic symphysis locks her head in the place so she can't pull her head out without the key. a surgery was performed to create a opening that connects her belly button to her rectum so she can breath and even see the outside when she stretch the belly opening with her hands. and she still don't give a fuck and continue to smoke from that opening.

William Guan

later another surgery is performed to modify her digest system, her intestines is shortened so the food she eat can not be fully digested, she has to re eat the partially digested food that fell on her head in order make the food circulate in her system multiple times to be fully digested. then she still don't give a fuck and spits the almost fully digested ex food out from her belly opening to attack the trainer.