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Orde Wingate was an insane person who thought exercise would cure malaria, wore a necklace of raw onions and garlic, and carried an alarm clock that would go off at random times like he was the Mad Hatter. He was also a commander of one of the most famous British military units during the Second World War. 




John Diamond. British General Orde Wingate's Blurred Legacy


David Rooney. Orde Wingate and the Chindits: Redressing the Balance.



Oddly enough my grandad was a chindit - he died in the 70s so never learned anything about it, aside from inheriting a Japanese officers sword that my mum said he used to pop balloons on birthdays. Also apparently ended up being a tax inspector in Northern Ireland (he was from Oldham).


So now I’ve started reading “good bye to all that” keep up the recommendations

Brandon P

I am so invested in Joe's incidental travelogues. Also, Wingate's weird Marxism thing reminds me of that guy who helped start the Para-marines that observed a Chi-Com unit in the Sino-Japanese war and tried to employ consensus leadership in his American infantry brigade.

Chris Anderzon

We need patreon cuts of every episode where the post topic bullshit and pre show rambling is included and encouraged

Jimmy Cresswell

As an Australian, we can thank Greek and Italian immigration for about 90% of our coffee culture