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Roman invades Mongolia, becomes a legally recognized living god.



If you make Rainflower Moonchild your S-2, pretty much any result other than “everyone gets messily slaughtered” is a good one, though.

James Craft

either Liam needs to be reminded of the animal facts or he's a masochist

Jamie Evenstar

I have no idea how Roman could even fight on opioids. When I had vicodin from my wisdom teeth being removed, I didn't wanna leave bed.


Re the Mexican dollar thing- it was basically a successor to the Spanish silver dollar (pieces of eight as they were known in the Pirate era). They were massively in circulation all around the Pacific Rim and were minted to a standard value of silver so were basically seen as a useful standard trading currency up through the 19th C. Even you look at treaties signed by the British Empire in South East Asia, Spanish or Mexican dollars are used, again simply because x number of them could serve as an internationally accepted standard for x value of silver. Heck until the 1850s the value of the US dollar was defined against the Spanish dollar and they were legal tender. 1921 is a bit late but I guess the Baron was kicking it old school.


At some point, I'm pretty sure Roman called himself the Man in the Yellow Hat and took war counsel from a curious monkey he named George.


Fuck yes! I’m so happy you guys did an episode on Gap Yah Heydrich. Re Prince Michael- I have a theory about Order 15 that Ungern thought he was living out the Book of Daniel, which he cites. The attack on Kiakhta was exactly 1290 days after the October Revolution, interpreted as the ‘great abomination’ the Bible mentions. Daniel 12 also mentions the ‘Great Prince Michael who protects your people’, which is why Ungern sent his dudes to go out and look for a long dead Romanov in the Mongolian wilderness. When I mentioned this to my tutor he kinda raised an eyebrow and moved on quickly, so take that how you want. Im very weirdly fascinated by this guy, especially the Orientalist and mystic stuff fused with end-of-days Christianity


Being a guy who's always had evil wizard as my favourite type of monster this was a perfect early halloween episode for me. Sorry to hear about your job Liam. As someone who's been in the same situation I can only say that at least you're not working for assholes anymore and that's something at least.


intriguing hypothesis. the guy was delusional enough he might have made that connection.