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Sean RD

So this is what I'm doing for Christmas. Welp. Man, I hope there's a lot of animal facts.


Merry Christmas to you too Joe


I’m having war crimes on Christmas


Me: Welp, chronic pain is aching up abit, i might lay in bed and listen to some LLBD. Lets check the Patreon Also me: oh no


Thanks Joe. Merry Christmas.


props to the interviewer for not murdering brother #2 right then and there, I dont think I would have had that restraint.


Very few people would have that level of grace especially helping brother #2 into a chair but there’s also a level of keeping your humanity by not becoming what you hate. Killing brother #2 would not bring back a single loved one. Many people hang onto this idea of closure—closure is emphasized as all important in movies and books but rarely happens in real life. Often closure comes when you no longer need it because you’ve chosen to go on without needing the big closure scene. You made peace from within yourself rather than being at the mercy of outside forces giving closure. It’s actually very self empowering to choose closure. This man being in the same room and choosing not to kill him was probably just reaffirming the closure he had already made with the past.

Yairo Martis

God bless us, everyone! And Merry Christmas to us all!


The documentary "S-21 The Killing Machine" is available on Youtube. The S-21 survivors meet some of their former jailers, who reenact their routine for the camera on-site at S-21, from documentation to execution at Choung Ek. No punch is pulled there, they discuss everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uBA1UGI5JE