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A group of soft dicked fascists turn traitor and join the Nazis during WWII. Hilarity ensues.



Uhhr, while Mosley entered Parliament as a Conservative, he left the party after three years and then (after another coupke of years) became a LABOUR politician. And it was as part of the Labour Party that he was a cabinet minister. Dissatisfied with his progress (even his enemies gave conisderation to his campaign for full employment which was moderately New Deal-like (though before FDR), he did what all extremists do and started his own party. Basically, he was a Strasserite. Very posh though, so all the comments about the English aristocracy and its links to fascism hold true (Churchill hated him early...). If you haven’t seen it, the portrayal of him in the latest series of Peaky Blinders, while not historically accurate in any way, is totally vicious. His wife, Diana Mitford, was an utter, utter, **** —they married at Goebbels’ home. As you do. In an added moment you probably would enjoy, his son (who ran Formula One for a while) gpt into a tabloid battle in the 00s when they got hold of a photo of him being spanked by a working girl dressed in a Nazi uniform...#gotsomeissues


There is a lot of weird shit with British politics of the era (continuing until today) and as much as we wanted to talk about the length of the weird support for fascism in the government had and the BUF (we even left out the battle for cable street) we were trying to just trying to lay the ground work for the BFC. At a later time we definitely plan on returning to Cable Street.