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Hey everyone. Thank you for supporting the show and making everything we do possible.  As we have eluded to in the last bonus episode the next one will be on Red Dawn 2012 and I look forward to what everyone has to say about it. 

As we chug towards our second year in operation, which is absolutely shocking to everyone involved in the show, we are curious what kind of suggestions or ideas anyone would like to see added to the show. 

We are trying to get some more interviews as far as historians, authors, and journalists. Though that can prove to be hard as most hard historians want absolutely nothing to do with a show that once threatened to send pictures of their asshole to a retired General. 

We will also be doing some talks at a few universities, which will be named once we get the details ironed out. If you are an educator and think your school would put up with one or all of us, feel free to reach out at jjkassabian@gmail.com. As cool as a live show would be, it doesn't seem possible due to the fact our producer lives in a different country as well as while we have had close to one million downloads, they are scattered across the entire planet.

Again, thank you for everything. We have the best fans on earth.



joe just never forget that I was your first (university talk)


Not holding out hope that you'll speak at good ol' UNR, but a guy can dream. It would be awesome if you guys ever do something on the Mexican War of Independence, I'm almost certain that would end up being a multi-episode series tho


More medieval stuff!

K. D. Campbell

I'd like to hear more episodes on the "little wars" - our intervention in Haiti, or the War For Jenkins Ear, etc. For bonuses, I'm loving the war movies episodes. How about full commentaries? And more truly awful ones, like anything with Steven Segal or Chuck Norris.

Things Shall Get Loud Now

A series on the Yugoslav Wars would be excellent. It's a conflict most people in the US seem to have no knowledge of, despite our direct involvement later on & most of us having been alive when it happened. Also Serbia's propaganda poster after they shot down an F-117 was top tier bant. Oh, and a bonus episode on Spec Ops: The Line.

Michael Davies

Second The Yugoslav Wars. As long as you get the good books on it, not the ones that push the ancient hatred crap, instead of Serbian imperialism driving it. I’m still pushing for The Toyota Wars. Also more non-Euro wars in general. Iron Eagle, Under Siege II, and Hot Shots 1+2 for movie reviews.


Nick has floated the idea of doing a MST type bonus where we record while watching the movie. If we did this it would almost certainly have to be a shorter movie but also we are not entirely sure of the legality of having the movie audibly play in the background.


How about the Civil War? Trae Wisecarver, @outlawredux on Twitter, would be fun.

Michael Davies

Sudden thought: do two episodes: one a review of the invasion of Grenada and a review Heartbreak Ridge