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The issue with accepting help from ‘patrons’, was that they expected something back from him in turn. The Abyss had offered Tyron an incredible wealth of knowledge, secrets that would push his magick beyond his current capabilities, if only he were willing to pay a terrible price. What he had extracted from that blighted place had been paid in literal human souls, a cost which haunted him.

The Old Gods were more mysterious, more fickle. What exactly they did for him, Tyron wasn’t sure. There was support in the form of Elsbeth and help from their mortal followers, but the gods themselves had not moved to assist him, that he was aware. However, he was still expected to perform certain duties. They wanted his assistance to throw down the empire of their enemies, a goal that aligned with his own.

The Scarlet Court were the most transactional of the three. He had done favours for Yor and her coven and received assistance in turn. So far, nothing too onerous had been placed on his shoulders, but now Tyron was in a position he was being asked to do something he really didn’t want to do.

Could he say no? Was that even an option? If he refused, then the Vampires would threaten to withdraw their support, or ask for compensation even more painful than this. He did, in the end, owe them. Dove had been allowed to travel with him on the understanding that he would return the lost soul to Yor upon their return. He had broken the agreement, he had incurred a debt.

No matter how he twisted the matter in his mind, he didn’t see a way to refuse the request that wouldn’t cost him even more. To achieve his goals, to satisfy his vengeance, he needed the support of his patrons, all of them. They were too powerful to throw them aside, and certainly too powerful to have them act against him.

Despite his growing strength, Tyron was careful not to fool himself. Yor could turn him against his will at any time. It wasn’t fear of him that held her in check.

Which is why Tyron found himself outside the golden district once again, his cloak pulled tight against the rain, raucous laughter drifting from the light of Veil Street.

“Papers,” the guard said with a bone deep sense of boredom. The kind of boredom born from repeating this one, simple routine a thousand times a night over a period of years.

“Lucas Almsfield, Arcanist,” Tyron said, sliding his identification over.

“Oh yeah? My uncle’s an Arcanist, got all the brains in the family. Who’d you train under?”


“Oh shit.”

Tyron shrugged uncomfortably.

“Can I… get through?”

“Right. Everything seems fine. Have a good evening.”

He accepted his paperwork back and moved through the checkpoint, only to repeat the process at the next. At least nobody at the second had a family member in the trade.

“Make sure you don’t step on any toes. The gold ranks will rip your feet off and beat you to death with them,” said the guard before he left.

Tyron blinked.

“Is that something that really happens?” he couldn’t help asking.

The guard, a middle aged, weary-looking man, stared back at him levelly.

“I’m not creative enough to make this stuff up, sir. That happened yesterday. Guy was dead by the time the brand overwhelmed the slayer. The golds seem jumpy lately.”

As if being ‘jumpy’ were enough to kill a person and submit yourself to excruciating torture. Eyes widening, Tyron nodded.

“I’ll be careful.”

“Good idea.”

Veil Street, adjacent to the Golden District without being part of it, nevertheless contained the only place it was possible for the normal citizens of Kenmor to interact with these high-level slayers. A place of indulgence for the powerful and the wealthy.

The Red Pavillion was around halfway down the street, and it wasn’t short, so Tyron started walking. Making sure he stayed out of everyone’s way was easier said than done. Between the stumbling drunks, the oblivious, drugged-out customers and the beguiling workers, he had to be alert at all times, keeping his hands to himself and his steps firm. Everytime he stopped for more than a few seconds, someone would descend on him, male or female, and try to lure him into a nearby establishment.

He issued so many polite apologies he was thoroughly tired of it by the time the red building loomed in the distance.

Trepidation gripped him, but it wasn’t as if he could turn back now. The two armoured guards by the door let him in without a word and he was immediately plunged into a smoky, dim world of hedonism and indulgence.

Thankfully, he wasn’t forced to explore the labyrinthine corridors, inhaling the intoxicating smoke with every breath until he found Yor. A familiar face greeted him just inside the door.

“The mistress is waiting for you below,” the young man said, a trace of nervousness in his demeanour.

Tyron looked at him with narrowed eyes, then realised who this was. He reached up and drew a finger down his own cheek, which caused the shirtless man to flinch.

“They healed you up nicely,” Tyron remarked neutrally.

His guide swallowed.

“I am most fortunate for the mistress's favour. If you’ll follow me?”

Perhaps a little more rushed than was strictly appropriate, the young man turned and strode away, guiding Tyron to a hitherto unexplored part of the Red Pavillion. On his previous visits, Tyron had met with Yor upstairs, but this time he was led to the back of the ground floor, and then down.

The smoke was even thicker here, hanging dense in the air as masked revellers and attendants moved between curtained rooms in various stages of undress.

These were the higher ranked among the clientele, Tyron realised. Stronger smoke, more potent alcohol, all were required to overcome the higher resistance of such customers.

Perhaps there was a minimum constitution score required to descend those stairs. If there was, Tyron was confident he cleared it. The lights grew ever more dim and smoke ever more thick as they moved deeper and deeper. Down another flight of steps, and the light was almost perfectly dark.

Tyron’s guide began to feel his way, a hand trailing along the wall. Unwilling to do the same, he conjured a ball of light with a simple gesture, driving back the shadows.

“Put it out,” a male voice hissed from a nearby room.

The Necromancer ignored him, gesturing for the guide to keep moving. The man nodded nervously and began to walk again, only to freeze in place when the voice spoke out again.

“I said, put out the fucking light,” a figure growled, stepping out into the corridor.

Tyron frowned and turned, which caused the man to hiss as his eyes were exposed directly to the glare. A vampire, one of Yor’s coven. She was very protective of these creatures, like a mother hen clucking over her chicks. Perhaps they were especially sensitive to light at an early stage of their… condition? He was unsympathetic.

“Close your eyes, I’ll be gone in a minute.”

“You sure will be.”

Whoever he was, this nascent vampire was fast, but he simply wasn’t fast enough. Tyron slammed his mind against his and crushed his will in an instant. For an undead, he was strangely pliant, with a weak and undeveloped will.

“Go to bed,” Tyron told him, enforcing his commands with a flex of his mind.

Like a puppet, the man turned and stumbled back behind the curtain, confused voices murmuring from the other side.

“Let’s keep going,” Tyron told his guide, and the man jerkily began to walk once more.

Before long, they reached a thick, black door, painted in sigils written in blood. The Necromancer curled his lip despite himself; it was all a bit overdramatic.

“The mistress awaits you on the other side,” the young man stammered, offering a short bow before he fled.

With a rising sense of trepidation and anger, Tyron rapped his knuckles on the door.

“Come in,” Yor called.

“I’m not going to find a pool of blood in there, am I?”

“There’s one way to find out,” replied the muffled voice.

There was nowhere to go now…. He grasped the iron handle and turned it, revealing the contents of this inner sanctum.

“I knew it,” Tyron said.

Yor stood behind a depression in the floor which was, true to form, filled with red liquid, dressed all in black.

“We are blood magick experts,” she said frostily, “you can’t be surprised when we use it as a medium.”

“Even for dimension magick?”

“Some realms are more sympathetic to blood than others.”

That… actually made sense. The realm occupied by the Scarlet Court was absolutely dripping with the stuff, if even half of what Yor had told him about the place was true. Perhaps using blood as a medium for the ritual would make it easier to form a gate.

“Let’s get started then,” he said.

Yor didn’t bother to reply, but raised her hands and began to cast. The moment she began to speak, the blood contained within the depression began to bubble and writhe, responding to her words and gestures.

It was fascinating for Tyron to watch the process. Blood magick, as far as he was aware, was not something the people of the empire practised. An entirely different form of arcane manipulation, using blood as a receptacle to channel power.

As time passed, the room dimmed, until it was difficult for Tyron to see his hand in front of his face. The blood however, began to glow, emanating a crimson light that could be seen even through the unnatural darkness.

As Yor continued to speak, her eyes matched that light, turning red as the vampiric words of power rolled from her tongue.

The blood continued to shift and dance, tendrils rising up and binding around each other as the gateway between realms slowly took form.

The room must have been enchanted heavily. There was no chance that the vampires could risk letting even the slightest trace of this energy leak. Considering just one floor above were gold ranked slayers, some of them mages, it was a breathtaking show of confidence that Yor would conduct this ritual here at all.

The blood twined up and around itself, hardening into a glowing crystal, like multi-faceted glass, as the final shape of the gate continued to take form. Of course, the gate would have to take an artful shape. He wondered if that was built into the ritual or if Yor had added these touches herself.

When it was finally done, the blood contained in the floor had been consumed, and in its place stood an arched doorway, from beyond which a cold wind blew. Yor lowered her hands and gazed on her creation with a critical eye.

“Not satisfied with the aesthetic?” he asked.

“It is… somewhat lacking.”

Stepping closer, Tyron inspected it. If it weren’t for the colour and texture, the gate would almost look organic. The twisted ropes of blood were similar to vines, and in fact, small crystalline flowers peeked out from amongst the tendrils, adding to the effect.

“I think it’s fine,” he said.

To be honest, such wasteful flourishes seemed ridiculous to him, but he certainly wasn’t going to say so, considering where he was going and how much he would rely on Yor when he got there.

As if reading his mind, she smiled, the slow, eager smile of a predator.

“Let’s step through together, shall we?” she said, striding around the gate and taking hold of his arm.

“Am I escorting you, or are you worried I’ll run away?” he said, uncomfortable at the contact.

She didn’t reply, only stepping forward and pulling him along with her. He stepped down into the depression on the floor, then through the gate. There was a moment of disorientation as he stepped from one realm to another, but it quickly passed.

On the other side, he found himself in a relatively small room. The gate had formed on a raised platform of stone, with two steps leading down to a red carpeted floor. Around the room glowed the telltale lights of enchantments, blood-red cores sunk into the stone at the centre of the arrays. Statues were spaced evenly around the room, each an example of the human form, but horribly distorted, twisted into horrific visages. Agonised, screaming faces with pleading eyes emerged from those nightmare shapes.

“Interesting taste in decoration,” Tyron said, face twisted in disgust.

“We are in the rooms beneath my Mistress’ palace. She likes to make an impression on her guests. It also serves as a warning.”

Tyron frowned at her words, then turned back to examine the statues once more. It took a moment, but he saw one blink, then he swiftly shifted his gaze, stomach heaving.

“Interesting,” he muttered.

Yor paid his discomfort no mind, maintaining her grip on his arm.

“The Mistress awaits.”

She began to walk again, pulling him forward, though he didn’t resist. From the gate-room, they entered a long, dim corridor with gaps carved into the stone at set intervals.

He passed three before he succumbed to his curiosity. When he reached the fourth, he paused for a moment to look out, only to freeze at what he saw.

He thought he would be in a basement, and in a sense, he was. Where he stood was below ground, but the space below was open, to the point he was suspended dozens of metres above the ground below.

That space was filled with people. They sat in cages, silent, staring, weeping, as figures cloaked and armoured in black moved between them. In the distance, at the edge of the cavern, he saw figures bound and chained to spiked tables, blood flowing freely and being collected in vessels that glowed with power.

There were thousands of them. If he looked out the matching window on the other side, would he see more of the same? It was cruelty on a staggering scale.

With difficulty, he mastered himself and resumed his walk.

“Another warning, I take it.”

Yor patted his arm and he struggled not to shake off her touch.

“My Mistress is fond of warnings. One of the many things you must keep in mind when you meet her.”

Yor began to lecture him on the seemingly endless rules that must be minded while standing before the ancient monster. Don’t look her in the eyes. Don’t speak unless spoken to. Make sure you don’t bleed in her presence. Keep your language formal and courteous. Hands by your sides at all times. If there are cattle present, do not acknowledge them. If there are undead present, do not acknowledge them either.

On and on it went. They reached the end of the corridor and entered a twisting maze of hallways. They passed other figures, but never stopped to interact with them. Yor continued to drag him, navigating the way unerringly until they stood before a large, wooden door.

“This is the Mistress’ lower chambers. Normally, I would present you in the throne room, but circumstances don’t allow it, unfortunately. Remember what I said.”

“Which things you said?”

All the things I said.

She knocked with one, elegant hand, and immediately the door swung open soundlessly. The room beyond was lavish, to say the least. If he hadn’t been told otherwise, Tyron would have assumed that this was the throne room. The ceiling was absurdly high, large, intricate banners hung between columns formed of blood-coloured marble.

There were so many more details. The rich furnishings. The tapestries. Paintings and sculptures along the walls. The kneeling figures, hands crossed across their chests and faces pressed into the floor. The huge figures in full-plate armour, swords and shields resonating with incredible power.

All of it faded in the presence of the woman on the throne.

It was almost impossible to look at her. It was almost impossible to look away.

She was majestic in appearance, her expression both regal and cruel. Hastily, Tyron tried to avert his gaze, lest he look into her eyes, but somehow, as if drawn by a magnet, he could never fully direct his attention elsewhere.

Seated on her golden throne, her posture perfect and dressed like an empress, she radiated power.  The very air around her was tinged red, as if the blood within her were so strong it affected everything around it. Yor dragged him forward and he struggled to remember to breathe. The closer he got to that throne, the more his heart pounded painfully in his chest. He felt as if his blood were slowing to a crawl within his veins.

When they were still twenty metres away, Yor pulled him down to the ground and he knelt, trying to master himself as she knelt beside him.

“Mistress,” Yor intoned, her voice cold and formal, “it brings me endless joy to kneel in your presence once more.”

So saying, she leaned forward and pressed her head to the floor, glaring at Tyron from the corner of her eye until he did the same.

“Rise, child.”

The voice was… indescribable. As the sound entered his ears, Tyron felt his veins tremble. More and more, he began to realise that this was not a place, not a person whom a mortal should ever draw near.

“You have brought him as I asked. Well done.”

Tyron rose as Yor did, eyes squeezed shut as he attempted to control himself. What would it be like for someone with a weaker body to be here? Would they already be dead?

“He is a promising specimen. So much growth in one so young.”

“As you say, Mistress. It has been difficult to remove him from the influence of the others.”

“Yet now he is here.”

There was silence for a moment and Tyron finally felt as if he had steadied the trembling of his limbs. He opened his eyes again, only to find the ancient vampire regarding him directly.

“What is your name, mortal?”

The way she pronounced ‘mortal’ was as if she spoke a profane or filthy word.

“Tyron Steelarm, Mistress.”

Another pause.

“You have done well, to reach this point. Yet there is still so much you do not comprehend. You’ve never truly understood the nature of our alliance. The Dark Ones. The Abyss. Myself. For instance, you do not know that those Old Gods shield you from the sight of those who replaced them.”

Though he was kneeling, he still twitched. He hadn’t known that. Why hadn’t Elsbeth told him?

“They also protect you from manipulation. Yet here, in this realm, you have been stripped of such protections.”

Her mind overwhelmed his in less than an instant. Like a blade of grass before a hurricane, all he could do was bend. His eyes rolled up his head as she seized his will without any discernible effort.

“What… are… you… doing?” he forced out.

It was Yor who answered.

“A slight modification. Your desires do not always align with ours. That will change.”

“I… will… remember… this!”

It took all his effort to speak those words while the monster on the throne rifled through his mind like a lion playing a mouse. He glared at Yor, who only looked amused.

“No,” she said, “you won’t.”


Rylie Harris

ty for the chapter


Really? Mind control, so lame.


Thanks for the chapter! I have a feeling this is not going to go as well for the vamps as they imagine, in the long run. Part of me wonders if Dove escaping will have a part in that


That seems pretty out of character for Tyron to fall for something like that.

Anton Shomshor

Oh my… how the tables have turned, Tyron! I’ve got a ten spot that he figures it out. Because he’s a genius and an MC.

Dragon Commands

Congratulations tyron, was it worth it doing this for dove?


I think, when he next speaks to Elizabeth there will be a reckoning, as she will notice that he’s changed and ask raven about it , that or the changes will be destroyed when he next deals with the abyss and it tastes tampering…

Gabus Deux

He didn't fall for anything though? He was forced in every sense of the word.


His next mystery will be a mental mystery, from making mental constructs, suppressing others minds, and healing his own mind.


I highly doubt that the guy all these factions are keeping watch on for being beyond all expectations will not figure out something.


Tyron is a bit of a bastard. They may modify him to be more accepting of their cause, but honestly his revenge drives him. No mind control is perfect nor is a personality shift. If this research addict notices that he's acting strangely by his own standards I'm pretty sure he'll find a way to try and undo it.


Thank you!

The Golem Crafter

I imagine dove with be on the hunt for vampires after he grows strong enough. He probably hates them more than the world and the vampires just gave an ageless enemy freedom after torturing him.

The Golem Crafter

This makes no sense for the vampires. They should know better than to manipulate Tyron so openly, he's got the other patrons that would sniff the manipulation from a mile away especially the old gods when they realize Tyrone left the realm. He's got elsbeth who's he known since childhood who would be able to spot the manipulation fairly quickly even with how much tryons changed, she's met him and talked to him fairly recently. I honestly hate the idea of vampires being that organized and effective without some massive downside. Why are they in such a rush? They life forever, they should have a warped sense of time that makes them lazy or unaware of how fast time can pass a mortal by. It just doesn't work and I hate those blood sucking fuckwads


Will probably drop the story over this depending on how the next chapter plays out


Removing the agency of the protagonist. Bold move there cotton, lets see if it works out for them.

Brandon Terry

The abyss doesn’t take kindly to taking away its stuff. It’ll see through any manipulations and be displeased. And it’s always hungry.


This chapter left a bad aftertaste. Author, Tyron's revenge against them better be glorious! If not, I may have to track you down 😈


Not a fan of this chapter. Doesn't really align with how the story has gone so far.


Over what? Over Tyron not absolutely winning everything on his own?


Not sure how the vampires imagine this wouldn't be noticed the second Tyron goes back, but they've always come off as overly-arrogant assholes who think the world revolves around them.


Gabus has the right of it. What could he have done? Just, not gone? Give the vampires even more cause to come after him in his sleep or something? Just because the protagonist doesn't roflstomp everything in his way and get things his way every time all the time, isn't a weakness in the story.


Who was the guy with th he cut? I dont remember.

Grey Knight Lord

The Vampires remind me of the gods of God of War. Arrogant little shits. Look what Kratos did to them, and now Tyron is the kratos of this universe.

Dylan Alexander

Now he’s going to want to destroy the court if and when he remembers what they’ve done to him.


I guess I'm confused about why the other two groups haven't done this then. Didn't the vampires prevent the old gods from taking over a long while back? Does the mutual annihilation not work the other way as well? Was he truly able to take no precautions before coming in since he felt there would be some danger involved? I feel like if this were on the table Yor didn't need to waste so much time and could have grabbed him and brought him in for his lobotomy earlier on (that would actually have been a good plot twist if he found out this did happen previously). Why did they even try to get him to choose them voluntarily before?


Down vote only reason foe this to work out is if he made a prior deal with the abyss to protect himself which by all right makes sense for him to do this turn is definitely for the worse if not handled properly.


No, because a Main Character being brainwashed or anything similar is a hard No for me in stories, completely removes my ability to enjoy a story.


Right but didn't he do a bunch of prep work before entering the eldtritch dark lands? (forget what they're called). He felt like he had a chance of surviving if he followed certain rules or whatever. Felt like he came into this situation with less thought. Like what about bringing a rep of the old gods into the vampire land just like Yor accompanied him to that early meeting with the old gods?


I'm not exactly sure what the vampires are trying here. The abyss and the old gods aren't going to be fooled and they aren't going to take this lying down. I understood the blood court to be the weakest of the three factions. Unless they're implanting small behavior adjustments for minor things such as forcing him to learn their etiquette and respect their ways while dealing with them, there's not too much they can do to him without having 2 bigger factions come down on them.


i probably wouldn't drop the story, but i understand the sentiment. I loathe mind-control in stories. If the vamps had forced him to sell them souls, get terribly injured, compromise more on his morals by killing innocents, etc then i think that's a way for him to get 'level-checked' without mind-control.


Tbh this makes sense to me, the vampires have always seemed to be conniving and controlling out of the 3. Makes sense for them to try and tip the scales


a rep there would be an excellent option. i kinda agree him going in right when they say to seems odd. he was definitely boned, but some kind of delaying action/prep work is more in line for him.


Its not the first time attempt in manipulation occurred, once was by the old gods themselves and yor help tyrion to get out of there, which essentially means you can trust no one.

Koala Man

I think the vamps are underestimating Tyron, he may not remember immediately, but he will. If he’s going to be growing strong enough to take down gods then he will be able to deal with vamps. What do you call the people above gold rank?

Brian Mcglinchey

People not realizing that he 100% made a deal with the other patrons before coming here. Remember, there was a pretty large gap in time between when Yor arrived at his shop and he went to the red pavilion.


Dislike it sorry this is a bad cliff before going on vacation for one and your plan is mind control your own main character that’s literally built for mind control and had two mind protection feats i get it he is weaker but come on story wise this is ugh when he is being pulled between three stronger parties the abyss should stomp face right at the end at least. This feels just like the Dove chapter so out of character besides for being evil vampires that enslave millions it’s too be expected that doesn’t make it good story wise though when he’s torn between these powerful forces.


I am not a fan. I like Brian’s theory that he has taken precautions, but in that case there should be a line at least pointing slightly in that direction. This leaves a worse taste than the original Dove betrayal. BoD is quite good, this is rocky though.

Sean Hibbitt

Yeah I don't think this is as bad as others are saying :) it's left a bitter taste in my mouth just because I'm invested in Tyron and he just got messed with in such a bad way ..


The 20th till after Christmas and hope he enjoys it with the family


eh, that's the problem with serialized publishing schedule- I don't know what to feel about this chapter until I see the next one. Having said that, Ty can't possibly be that naive- he had to have known this was a possibility ever since they set up the Dove gambit. After all, the only trustworthy vampire is a dusted one. And the Scarlet Court is either arrogant or stupid to pull this shit. Why go for maximalist goals when the odds of backfire are very high? A lot of characters holding the stupid ball this chapter.


I liked the chapter. Made sense there would be a price to pay to ally with reds


Ehehe, very curious how this will turn out. What manipulation did they do, did he take precautions, will others be able to tell? A good clif for the break 😈


Awesome chap! Interesting cliff. Loved the way the head vampire was described. Looking forward to the next one - I wonder if others will notice how his behaviour has changed first? And why do the vamps assume that the others haven't also manipulated Tyron? 🤔


Yeah I'm not saying anything like that. I'm saying that Tyron is the king of paranoia and should have extracted a promise to not get anything done to him before he went in there. But he didn't even try.; or at least we haven't seen any of his preparation for it yet.


For the last question, my guesses are Yor is looking out for that + Tyron's actions (he interacts with all factions).


My guesses are: The manipulation will make Tyron stop relying on the other 2 factions + Forbidden One subclass choices will be related to the Vampires + maybe down the line even turn him into a vampire. I do think Tyron took precautions, he was always on the lookout with all his patrons + is not the 1st time a faction tried to force themselves on him. If the others are those related with his patrons + have had interactions with him, they will be able to tell something is different. _ I think his precautions are related to Elsbeth and her connection to the Dark Ones.


I hate it when the MC gets brainwashed. No chapter heart for you! :(


Yeah, I would have thought that the Blood Court being around for so long, they wouldn't be so stupid. Everyone knows that brainwashing always breaks or is broken, and with them talking about Tyron's potential, why would they trade that for a worthless puppet or a vengeful necromancer?

Sly Lyon

This chapter was written extremely well. I'm really impressed.


In a story about fighting against impossible odds, and not always coming out the winner, but still giving it your all... getting walked up to an OP boss and mentally curbstomped with absolutely no recourse is not anywhere near how the story has been portrayed so far.

Isiah Debarros

Yeah exactly like he's literally a revenge obsessed genius and they're trying to control him. That's not a good idea.


Could also be a standing deal with the abyss, as it’s the most lets say neutral of all of them, content to let its corrupting knowledge bleed into him peacemeal. Maybe he gave it some souls with the request that should his mind ever be altered by one of the other patrons the abyss will revert the alteration on his next visit to it. That itself would be a big risk though letting the abyss directly touch his mind so who knows.


In fictions when it happens to MC’s it’s always broken. In the actual world of this fiction I’d bet this kind of mind control is very rarely broken like 1:100,000,000 or more. We know he’s the MC and will break it eventually they think he’s another talented mortal one of hundreds of thousands hundreds of millions they’ve dealt with over the years.


The thing is Tyron doesn't trust any of his patrons but Elsbeth is a different story. IMO, letting the Abyss have such access to his mind is even more dangerous than current situation.

Sebin Paul

Oof, I get why this is happening, it makes sense considering the parties in play, but it’s probably my least favorite trope in fiction :/


I’m just not a fan of MC’s being mind controlled in general so I hope Tyrone has a backup of some kind and this isn’t drawn out. To me the 2 reasons MC’s get mind controlled are 1 to creat unreconcilable enmity and 2 to make the MC do things out of character because the plot needs them to. For me reason 1 is fine and generally has the MC overcome the mind control quickly then swear revenge all good. My issue is with reason 2 I read this story in particular for world building but a strong #2 is for Tyrone and until this gets undone I don’t get to read about Tyrone I have to read about the doppelgänger wearing his skin Mind Controlled Tyrone who I just don’t care about as much.

b bor

Why do I hate this chapter so much? I don't know why but this is the sort of chapter that could make you drop a book if not followed properly.... like when Jason (He who fights Monsters Book 10) suddenly makes a deal with a god of death for just a little bit of edge in exchange for future immortality and the ability to resurrect others. I dropped the book after having loved the previous 9... it was soo out of character. I am hoping for 2 things... either he go mental protection before hand by making deal with the Abbys or that he destroys the vampire faction or both... I like this book but him exposing himself like this over Dove? does not fit his character at all.


All that said I don’t get the comments saying this is out of character. Tyrone has been depicted as being to close and trusting of the vamps for the last 100 chapters or more and this is 100% something the vamps would do I just don’t like the plot device as a rule because it makes me less invested in the story when the MC is forcibly taken away for an extended period. As I said above I consider a Mind Controlled MC to be a completely separate character from the actual MC


I'm quite sure he has a backup plan just for this instance, between genius and mc armor the vamps are pretty fubar'd. They did say slight modification so we'll see what that means in future chaps. In any case, have a great holiday with family and looking forward to the next chap!!! Take care.

Kris Boxall

Yeah this was a poor cliff to end on hope the next chapter comes quickly and explains how the MC found a way out of the mind control

Cat Man

I feel like he's either gonna have a batman with prep time type moment or the dark ones are gonna notice something is up the second he leaves and move to correct things, and also use that as a way to make him indebted to them. If its the latter than he is very out character in his naivety here. Though I do like that he is finally receiving some pressure, felt like that was lacking in the past while.


So you're saying in a story about 'fighting impossible odds and not always winning despite your best efforts', Tyron fighting the impossible odds of the Mistress and not winning despite his best efforts is odd for the story? k


Holy hell so many people here are getting upset over Tyron getting bad stuff happen to him. Chill the hell out, people.

Jac Onue

Was somewhat surprised that the vampires decided to go with mind control, almost too crude a method. But then again, the Gold Gods tried to bully Tyrone into joining them by threatening Elsebeth, on their very first meeting. And the only reason the Abyss hasn't taken over his mind is because Tyrone is most cautious when dealing with them. I guess it will depend on how big a change the vamps made (only a slight change to where he favors their faction a bit more would make sense), but I half expect the next chapter to be like: Old Gods:"OK, he just came back from the vampire realm, check him for mind control. Oh, there it is, those silly vampires are too predictable." Of course, this raises the question of why do this? Other than giving Tyrone a clear reason to destroy the vampires, which aligns him with Dove for future shenanigans together.


Congrats, RinoZ. I read this last night, got pissed off, and went to bed to hopefully cool off. I woke up, remembered this chapter, and am still pissed off. Dove's betrayal felt off, but it didn't make me want to punch something. You managed to seriously irritate at least one fan going into the holiday season. Humbly requesting a follow-up before you go on break to mitigate the number of sources of bad feels going into an already-stressful time of year.


hahahaha. Had same thoughts. Those silly vampires never learn


It would make so much more sense if they tried to buy him with knowledge. Like bring him to the realm make him more confortable with dealing with the vampires and make the vampires keep paying him with information and other favours. I really don’t understand why the vampires need him so much, the guy is a super genius, but still, how does this mater so much for their plan of making this a blood milking realm?


@Kain, sure, let's play the odds. But they know the other 2 factions have interest in him too. It's naive to think they wouldn't react to this blatant provocation. Like I've said, there are too many ways this power play could backfire, and the leeches are too smart for this.


In a world of Magick like that I'm sure there are Oath that can bind people to at least non-aggression for a short while. Even just a simple Guest protection would be enough. Clearly Rinoz went another way and I hope that Tyron prepared in some way for the possibility of the Vampire trying bullshit on him. I don't mind that they did this on him. I mind that he seems to have gone in there thinking that everything was going to be fine, without any backup and that he would be protected somehow.


They’ve been doing that for literal years and it’s what got him too trusting to walk into their domain without any rep or guard from the other factions.


Love how many possibilities this chapter brings up, was he prepaed for something loke this? A ritual? The abyss? Yhe elder gods will finally intervene? He's cobfident he will fond something wrong with himself (how will the scarlet court justify not asking him for anything?) Or maybe something entirely new? Anyways, keep up the great work Rinoz!


I like it but hope it resolves quickly


I think he deserves this punishment for still being naive trust no power but your own.


I really do hope he has a backup plan. Either that or the moment he returns the old gods get pissed at her intervention. Never step into the den of the lion unless you're prepared to kill them. No amount of promises can turn a predator trustworthy. Unless you have full understanding of their capabilities you do not mess around with powers like Tyron did here.


similar for me, not dropping it, but the 1st mind control thing of a series that i can remember the top of my head that turned my stomach enough to drop the series was bleach episode 300+ also code geass tho more so the many deaths. deaths of characters i like in a gruesome way like aot and stuff will turn me off right away and gore. tho a novel i expect will help reduce my feelings on this. havent read any novels with any of this by coincidence yet. :) hopefully tyron gets thru this and breaks out of their hold and makes them regret it. :D


he was also the 1 that held dove on his belt and dove had to see his junk screwing every girl, or guy, he was with till tyron finally got him free.


well considering he doesnt like any of them and would owe another a favor again was probably a major deterrent. tho i agree if that was 1 of the reasons and a few other things it shouldve been narrated for at least a single sentence cuz it does seem like he just went along with things like "well theyve got this sin around my neck about dove so i guess ill just walk up to the big vamp who likely has mind control just like yor and me and expect after everything to go well just like with the old gods last time."


thatd b amazing and fitting foresight by him. id expect hed at least some sort of safe guards that would activate after he leaves, or he asked for the other 2 to force a meeting between the 3 to ensure nothing untoward was done. tho i get the feeling this will work out for the vamps for some time but eventually something will happen and the 3 and tyron will have a meeting eventually.


agreed, im rly eager to find out how he and the other 2 will find out and what will b done. hopefully tyron eventually finds out, breaks free of what was done and eventually takes his revenge on them b4 or after he deals with the 4 divines. mayb uses the 4 divines borrowed divinity to smite his 2 vamp captors, or better yet enslave them in his knew army, mayb gives yor over to dove as a forever slave. :D


He should have made a plan. I mean he has already experienced mind control by his patrons in their domain before - so he should have fully expected this.


*Anxiety* I wonder what they are changing his mind on and if he will be suspicious of his sudden change of heart on some ideas.


I like it. I doubt she just stepped into his head and rewrote his whole personality and mind, it's probably a more discreet kind of influence, a sowing of certain seeds. Tyron mind is still his own, and he's still in play between the anathema factions. What would the old gods do if the vampires ruined Tyron to the point where he couldn't play whatever role they have in mind for him in their plans? There's probably a value in having someone willingly join them as well, rather than creating a mindless drone. From what we know, the vampires have plenty of necromancers already, and Yor seems to be decidedly more powerful than Tyron, so what's the point of straight up compelling him? If all they need is a powerful being in his plane/world, they already have her in place. Sure, maybe there's a reason she can't grow further while in situ, and Tyrons potential is unlimited? Who know's at this point, but I'm eager to find out. Tyron chose to pay a price for Dove. Actions have consequences, that's just good writing. He's been playing with fire for a good while now. If discovering this influence and working to remove it leads to character developement, all the better.


The issue with accepting help from ‘patrons’, was that they expected something back from him in turn. Anyone else read that and think he was talking about us for a hot second?

Cat Man

No one is complaining bad stuff happened to him, in fact I was starting to feel like not enough bad stuff was happening over the past while. The reason people are upset is because of how it happened and how out of character it is for him.

Cat Man

I think you need to log off bro if you are that worked up over a book


But... it's not out of character. As nice as it'd be for Tyron to pull a 'aha I was secretly 5 moves ahead of you' there's only so much he can do. It's not about him being trusting, or naive. It's about the walls closing in and him, at the end of the day, still only being a silver-ranked slayer.


If I was not deeply invested in the book, why would I be paying $60/year for early access to a few chapters? You're right, though. Why shouldn't I just check out and stop caring? Membership cancelled, unless the free chapters draw me back in some months later.

jonathan Wieringa

You will be drawn in, it's inevitable, cause this story is epic. This was bound to happen to Ty, he is only weak

Suastes Jiménez Miguel Angel

A great chapter. The vampire kingdom looks more like hell than anything else. Like many, I wonder what "slight adjustment" they have done to Tyron.


how often does rhino usualy post new chapter? Im new dont know yet.

Rahsheem Reid

I think overall they are trying too influence his next evolution too suit their needs.


Queens guard starving rn


Exactly. When have they not tried to fuck him over? Take for example when he visited the old gods, they held Elizabeth hostage and tried to force him. The Abyss doesn't even need to be mentioned. When given the opportunity, they've tried to control him every time.


he said he would be taking 2 weeks vacation less than 2 weeks ago so....


he said he would be taking 2 weeks vacation less than 2 weeks ago so....

Grey Knight Lord

He started on the 20th. Today is the 2nd, so the 3rd would be 2 weeks. I just want to see the stories continue.

Olavi Kaukamieli

They might be right to rush, as he has been thinking about that lichhood a bit too much lately.


TBF I think they were always planning to make this the price.


Aww, poor boy-whore. First Creepy Guy slices his face open just to send a message to the Mistress, he doesn't even know what it was about Then he has to walk the guy past the high ranks Creepy Guy picks a fight with unstable new vampires, over a light Creepy Guy *wins the fight* using *apparently mind control* and does not move a muscle. Just tells a superhuman creature it's bedtime, and violent monster agrees that it's bedtime. Will boy-whore be in trouble for having a vampire disrespected in his presence and not somehow stopping it? Yes probably