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It wouldn’t do to disappear into the cellar for an extended period immediately after he arrived, so Tyron forced himself to postpone. Instead, he got to work ensuring the store was well stocked and supplied.

Which meant he had to take the time needed to go through Flynn’s work and correct his mistakes.

“You haven’t properly accounted for the shape of the core,” he said, indicating the malformed rune. “As a consequence, the matrix isn’t functioning properly; there’s leakage.”

“I’m sorry, Master Almsfield.”

His apprentice wore a hangdog expression, as if he were being scolded.

“I am not criticising, this is instruction. This is the only store in the province which makes such extensive use of low grade cores, and I’m perfectly aware just how difficult it is.”

Engraving sigils onto the uneven surface of only partially formed cores added a layer of difficulty to an already complex process. It was a skill Tyron had cultivated over thousands of hours of practice, but not one most high-end Arcanists would ever make use of. If a core wasn’t a well-formed sphere, they would reject them out of hand.

“If you can do this well, you can purchase cores rejected by other enchanting workshops at a massive discount, even though they’re only a few percent less effective.”

“You always think about the bottom line, Master Almsfield.”

That made him sound like he was some sort of penny pincher.

“It’s about being efficient,” he frowned. “There is no reason to use a core any larger than is necessary for the work.”

This was something Master Willhem lectured his students on frequently. Although the Master was a penny pincher who hated wasting good cores on bad students, Tyron had taken the lesson to heart. His personal focus had been achieving close to lossless conduits to squeeze every drop of power he could out of himself and the cores he used to fuel more and better minions, so there was overlap.

“Of course,” Flynn hastened to agree.

“Even with higher grade cores, Arcanists will reject any that are too uneven. Cores naturally form a spherical shape, but you’ll pay ten times the price for a perfectly smooth one.”

Tyron shook his head.

“You’ll never see one of those cores in this shop, I assure you. Working around uneven surfaces is a necessary skill.”

He took apart much of the merchandise on the shop floor, reworking the cores and correcting the flaws, or throwing them out and enchanting new ones from scratch. By the time it was done, Flynn looked as though he’d been dragged over hot coals, but Tyron didn’t really understand why. As far as he was concerned, he’d delivered a thorough and detail-rich lesson that his apprentice sorely needed. After all, the time to consolidate the basics was after every qualitative leap in Skill.

Basics, basics, basics. It was the mantra of Master Willhem and Tyron saw no reason to disagree with the man. It resonated heavily with how Magnin and Beory had approached their professions.

When all was said and done, it was late afternoon and he sent his apprentice home early, asked Cerry to handle the store closing with Wansa, who remained on duty by the door, then slipped into the spare room. He undid his enchantments, went through the hidden passage and down the stairs before he found himself safely ensconced once again within his study.

He took a deep breath of the stagnant air before a soft smile settled on his lips as he began to unpack his things. Ordering his books, sorting through his notes, making neater copies of the mad scrawl he’d generated, all of it would take days and nights to complete. For now, he created several neat stacks for himself to look over later before he found a clean, blank sheet of paper and placed it carefully in the centre of the table.

“I’d better be level forty-five at least,” he murmured.

He knew that levelling speed dove off a cliff once a slayer reached silver rank, and somehow found another cliff to dive off at gold, but after all that he’d done, surely he had enough. The real limiting factor was the weak kin which emerged from the Cragwhistle rift. It was common knowledge that stronger kin meant greater reward, not just financially in the form of cores, but from the Unseen. This was the reason Magnin and Beory had been able to continue fighting despite being banned from growing any further. Without passing through the most dangerous rifts and battling the terrors only found on the other side, there was nothing they could fight which would allow them to progress.

It must have been so galling for them….

“Enough stalling, Tyron. It is what it is.”

Pushing all the distractions from his mind, he sliced a small cut in the meat of his thumb and pressed it to the page. He spoke the ritual and watched as the red letters formed, staining the white paper with a record of his achievements.

His proficiency had increased in a long list of Skills, Spells and Rituals, but he only glossed over those. The real meat came with the Class notifications.

You have raised skeletons and they have fought on your behalf. Lord of the Ossuary has reached level 45. You have received +6 Strength, +9 Constitution, +9 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +6 Willpower, +6 Manipulation and +9 Poise.

You grow close to the point your patrons will be able to call in their debts. Soon, you will be useful to them. Make ready, and await the call. Forbidden One has reached Level 27. You have received +2 Manipulation, +4 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +4 Willpower and +2 Poise.

Name: Tyron Steelarm.

Age: 23

Race: Human (Level 20)


Lord of the Ossuary (Level 45)


  • Forbidden One (Level 27)
  • Focused Enchanter (Level 40)
  • None

Racial Feats:

Level 5: Steady Hand.

Level 10: Night Owl.

Feat Selections Available: 2




















General Skills:

Arithmetic (Level 5)(Max)

Handwriting (Level 5)(Max)

Concentration (Level 5)(Max)

Cooking (Level 4)

Sling (Level 3)

Swordsmanship (Level 2)

Sneak (Level 3)

Butchery (Level 5)(Max)

Engraving (Level 5)(Max)

Skill Selections Available: 5

Necromancer Skills:

Corpse Appraisal (Level 20)(Max)

Corpse Preparation (Level 20)(Max)

Advanced Death Magick (Level 20)(Max)

Enhanced Minion Commander (Level 11)

Undead Control (Level 10)(Max)

Minion Modification (Level 9)

Bone-Soul Melding (Level 10)

Death Infusion (Level 4)

Bone Forging (Level 12)

Anathema Skills:

Abyss Tongue (Level 4)

Spell Concealment (Level 10)(Max)

Arcanist Skills:

Expert Magick Scripting (Level 30)(Max)

Channelling (Level 10)(Max)

Pliance Control (Level 10)(Max)

Expanded Sigil Formation (Level 16)

Core Linking (Level 10)(Max)

Advanced Fine Motor Control (Level 16)

Expert Network Formation (Level 27)

Advanced Conduit Magick (Level 20)(Max)

Advanced Core Sense (Level 16)

Expert Power Control (Level 26)

General Spells:

Globe of Light (Level 5)(Max)

Sleep (Level 5)(Max)

Magick Bolt (Level 5)(Max)

Magick Eye (Level 5)(Max)

Necromancer Spells:

Raise Dead (Level 33)

Bone Animus (Level 25)

Commune with Spirits (Level 10)(Max)

Shivering Curse (Level 8)

Death Blades (Level 8)

Empowered Bone Armour (Level 6)

Minion Sight (Level 10)(Max)

Spirit Binding (Level 10)(Max)

Death’s Grasp (Level 5)

Anoint Dead (Level 5)

Black Miasma (Level 3)

Death Bolt (Level 6)

Summon the Ossuary (Level 2)

Anathema Spells:

Pierce the Veil (Level 8)

Appeal to the Court (Level 4)

Dark Communion (Level 1)

Advanced Suppress Mind (Level 19)

Repository (Level 8)

Fear (Level 3)

Glamour (Level 10)(Max)

Invasive Persuasion (Level 10)(Max)

Crone’s Shade (Level 5)

Bewitch (Level 10)(Max)

Necromancer Feats:

Skeleton Focus III

Magick Battery II

Bone Mastery

Spirit Mastery

Undead Specialist

Anathema Feats:


Wall of Thought II

Drain Life


Arcanist Feats

Magick Thread Control II

Compact Sigils II

Conduit Seal II

Core Networking II


Spell Shaping (Advanced): INT +20 WIS +20

Words of Power (Advanced): WIS +20 CHA +20

Essence of Death (Initial): INT +3 WILL +3

Soul Magick (Initial): WIS+3 CHA +3

Lord of the Ossuary has reached level 45. Choose an Additional Feat:

Ossuary Extraction I - Increase the amount of Death Magick available to the Ossuary.

Ossuary Expansion I - Increase the size of the Ossuary.

Ossuary Infusion I - Increase the efficacy of the bone receptacles.

Awaken the Altar - Allow the Altar to be utilised in the creation of undead.

Class Focus I - Choose two Class Skills or Spells and raise their cap by 10.

Skeleton Focus IV - Improve the quality of Raised Skeletons.

Bone Mastery II - Empower all Bone related Skills, Spells and Minions.

Half-Dead - Allow your own bones to be infused with Death Magick.

Bone Sculptor - Improve your ability to mould and shape bone.

Bone Animator - Empower your constructs.

Lord of the Ossuary has reached Level 44. Choose one additional Skill or Spell:


Bone Lance - Extend a spear of hardened bone.

Skeletal Sacrifice - Detonante a skeleton to shower your foe in shards of bone.

Forbidden One has reached level 26. Choose an additional Skill or Spell:


Corrupting Presence - Subvert the Will to resist from those around you.

Dimension Weaving - Improve your capacity to manipulate the Dimensional Weave.


Advanced Invasive Persuasion - Replace Invasive Persuasion and Increase the maximum level by 10.

Advanced Bewitch - Replace Bewitch and increase the maximum level by 10.

Blood Shield - Draw the essence from your opponents to form a protective barrier.

You have qualified for a new sub-class:

Death Mage.

Do you accept?

There was much that pleased Tyron about his updated status. His control over his minions had substantially improved after a month of remote directing battles on the mountain. He continued to make gains in his fundamental Skills, which was always a priority.

He’d even improved a few of his enchanting Skills, which was a nice surprise. Sometimes working on something new was worth a hundred times the progression that grinding away on the same old patterns would provide.

Other things, he was a little disappointed over. Despite everything, he’d hoped to get more than just three levels after all the fighting he’d done. It seemed, if he really wanted to progress using the Cragwhistle rift, he would need to spend more time through the rift hunting for powerful kin.

At least he’d reached his goal and gotten a look at the Feat list for Lord of the Ossuary. A few things caught his eye immediately. Three separate, multi-level feats that empowered the space itself, rather than him. This was… unusual, but not unheard of. Even his father had possessed some abilities that strengthened whatever blade he had in his hand. If he thought of the Ossuary as a tool, then it made a little more sense.

A second level in Bone Mastery was beyond tempting. He used bones for everything at this point, and this feat caught all of that, giving another boost from the Unseen. The next level of skeleton focus had appeared, as he’d suspected it might. Currently he had skeleton focus three, and that number, odd, was displeasing in the extreme.

Class Focus was not to be looked down on either. He could pick any of his Class abilities and raise the maximum level of two of them by ten. That was enormous, and could be a considerable boost if he were to make the right choices.

Then there was the Altar… that intrigued him greatly. The lack of information provided was extremely grating, as usual, but he was almost overcome with curiosity. He’d inspected that altar minutely, using every trick at his disposal to determine if there were something he could do with it, and he’d come up with nothing.

This feat would enable… something. It would be a risk to choose it… but could he afford to pass it up?

Other feats relating to Bone Constructs were also intriguing, though one of them sparked a thought. Bone Sculptor? Tyron had experienced difficulty when shaping bone from the very beginning, and though he’d gotten better, it was still hard. If sculpting would improve it….

He had selections to burn anyway, so Tyron decided to use a general Skill slot and wrote ‘Sculpting’ in his own blood on the sheet. With any luck, proficiency with the general Skill would help him shape bone as well.

The Spell and Skill selections were a little more straightforward, at least he’d been offered two this time. Bone Spear was the clear favourite in Tyron’s mind. Sure, there would doubtless be times when shattering one of his own minions would be the correct, tactical decision, but Tyron hated the thought of wasting his time and effort. His skeletons were to be masterworks, not cannon fodder!

Masterwork cannon fodder, at the very least.

After contemplating, Tyron shook his head and committed, placing a bloody thumbprint next to Awaken the Altar and Bone Spear.

Turning his attention to the next set of abilities his sub-class provided, Tyron could only grimace. Anathema and Forbidden One only seemed to offer him things that he found distasteful, even if they later proved to be useful.

Advanced Invasive Persuasion was the clear standout, in his opinion. He’d never wanted to use the ability in the first place, but now he was turning it against the Magisters themselves. He would need all the proficiency he could get.

Then he came to the last, puzzling notification. He had qualified for a new sub-class, seemingly by training himself. This was… unusual, though not unheard of. Normally, one gained proficiency by working with an expert, or someone who already possessed the Class. With that guidance, it was much easier to reach a level of skill or ability that the Unseen was prepared to acknowledge.

It had taken Tyron a few weeks working under Master Willhem before he’d been able to accept the Enchanter sub-class. Though that had been more than a month faster than any of the other apprentices who’d joined at the same time.

Apparently he’d now worked enough Death Magick spells that the Unseen considered him qualified to take up the mantle of Death Mage, and Tyron wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He’d never made a firm decision as to what his final sub-class would be, and now one had been thrown at him out of the blue.

In reality, there wasn’t really any reason to refuse it, he could abandon the Class at any time if he wanted to take up another, so he marked his acceptance with a trace of reluctance.

The status ritual was complete and the moment Tyron ended it, his eyes rolled back as a wave of information pounded into his brain.



BoD fans eating good with this one.


Skeletal death mages anyone?

Rahsheem Reid

I think they want Ty right before gold before they make their move fully


I thought for sure Class Focus + Raise Dead. Maybe in the future? I feel like if he's going to make high quality undead he'll need that one beyond maxed.


What was the extra thing he gained for completing the status ritual for Dove?


Where is the feast we were promised


Dimensional weave sounded tempting since it might be needed for the ossuary or other stuff with rifts and the abyss though outside his immediate needs the mind control versus the magisters is more important, as seen in his competition against the one at craigwhistle or the next one sent there/reinforcing his previous work to cover his traces. We got subclass info about the capacity to discard them so nice and he picked a new general skill. Rinoz i think you glanced over the mysteries there should be an announcement at the beginning of his status page for it looks like he got two at once unless I’m mistaken the death one is likely what unlocked the subclass maybe


He meant an actual feast Tyron should’ve taken his workers to that cute butcher’s daughter and ordered a feast


Agree needs a callout or paragraph talking about it. It’s easy to skim and miss it not sure what its effect even is


In all my ideas about his third sub class I never thought of Death Mage. Which is stupid, because the synergy with Necromancer is going to be insane. And I'm sure he'll focus a lot of it in his undead but some offensive spells will also be useful. Thanks for the chapter!


Essence of death was gained when maxed his Undead Weaver class.


I really thought he would not choose Bone Spear (or any other similar skill in the future) because he has Bone Forging skill.


Death mage can advance once(edited wrong info) at 20 it could turn into something unrecognizable or he harvests it for whatever new spell work he can take from it just too abandon it when something better comes along either way it likely helps him improve his minions or his understanding of death magick which will improve his minions. That’s eventually another 8 feats that’ll passively make him better and the stats that comes with leveling it up. RinoZ you have it so slayers can discard a subclass what happens to that stats would he lose those i assume so

Kris Boxall

Thanks for the chapter! :D


Manipulation of magick in captured souls lich stuff i assume do think a small mention at top of status page is fitting touching the unseen magick within souls kinda line I think other status rituals had a line for the mystery (soul magick sounds like working towards something similar to the brand)


So no new mystery for his work essentially giving Dove back his access to the unseen?


We don't know what Bone Lance does. "Extend a spear of hardened bone" is kind of unclear. It could mean that he can now mass produce bone spears, perhaps without requiring raw materials. If so, I'd agree that it's not so useful (because, as you said, he has the Bone Forging skill). It could be a skill used in combat to temporarily create a spear. Perhaps he could use it in battle to temporarily create throwing spears which fall apart after use. Again, I don't think that this would be very useful. It shouldn't be hard to get a length of wood and use Bone Forging to create a little spike at the end. It could be that he can now improve mass-produced bone spears. As in, he uses his Bone Forging skill to create a spear, then he casts a spell on that spear to "extend a spear of hardened bone", turning the spear into a lance. Some settings have the lance being longer, heavier, or more sturdily built than spears. Again, I agree that his possession of the Bone Forging skill would make this skill largely redundant. Another option would be an attack spell. Perhaps a big bone spear would rapidly extend out of one of his skeletons, stabbing at whoever is fighting that skeleton. Or perhaps it's like Death Bolt, but instead of a bolt of death magick it launches a bone spear over long distances (with some advantaged and some disadvantages over a Dealth Bolt). EDIT: if it's like Death Bolt I wouldn't expect it to be hugely useful. A lot of magic-users have classes that revolve around long-ranged magick damage-dealing spells. His class cannot compete with them, and he shouldn't be trying to make his class compete with them. In conclusion: I'm curious to see what this spell does, and why it's better than using Death Bolt or Bone Forging.


Subclasses are limited to bronze rank, i.e., one advancement.


Wdym? He gained his 4th mystery from that. It's on the status...


Okay, you know how Dove needs blood to do his leveling? Please tell me that when we see him again, Dove is going a have a whirlwind romance with a fawning young woman who thinks the world of him and would do anything to 'get his body back' Because that sounds hilarious. could have Tyrion say 'you know he's a filthy old git, right?'


Tyrion could imprint the spell to his undead to ether have a lance to fight with it or shot like a bolt, in that aspect it is useful


Your probably right at 20 would be the first and only advancement had assumed at 40 there was a pick that no longer leveled up or gained feats. Still assume the forbidden one has no limit like other subclasses more a main class provided by his benefactors

Sly Lyon

I can't say I agree with the death mage class. I wonder what the rest of the community thinks about this.


Corrupting Presence was also the name for one of the previous feats for Forbidden One, I think it's confusing to also be the name of a skill.


Tyron wears bone armor the bone lance would likely pull needed bone material from his armor. The spell seems out of place for how he fights and the way bone resources are used more diablo then BOD. Bone lance is a Necromancer staple though


Possible oversight: "You have received +6 Strength, +9 Constitution, +9 Intelligence, +6 Wisdom, +6 Willpower, +6 Manipulation and +9 Poise." However, Lord of the Ossuary also gives +2 Dexterity per level (for a total of +6). Unless it was retconed.


Do love a good status sheet


I mean it’s more power available now and swappable if or when he gets a better option. he’s also a genius so he can get extra spells to deconstruct and even if he throws the class away later he can still keep those insights so it’s not even a waste of time/effort if he does trash it later.

Bob ashwen

So where is a good place to start reading this?


Honestly so far I haven't seen a better option than Death Mage and it has been debated a lot in the comments. Death Mage has a logical synergy with Necromancer. I think even if he were to replace with something else, Necromancer would still have gotten some improvements because of it.


Better to have than not have it. As he said, the subclass can always be replaced.

Mech Hand

Honestly the fact that Tyron has so many general skill points has been breaking my immersion this whole time- he is not the kind of person to waste potential like this. It feels more like the author didn't know what kind of general passives to give thab otherwise. And they are all glossed over, every time.

Mech Hand

In the start of the story he was so excited about the benefits of general skills- and they have been mentioned multiple times in the story and how they facilitate things- it just makes no sense to ignore his surplus. Maybe 1 or 2 fir emergencies, buy 4-5? That literally slows down his progress more than even using a whole day to ponder on them.

Mech Hand

If anything tyron probably would obsess about general skills in his downtime, since class skills are a bit different and he already has a clear path there.


I prefer my bedroom or the living room but anywhere is good really. ;) but if you are referring to chapters then the first chapter is normally the best place to start a story.


thank you!


Go on royalroad website and comeback on patreon when you have catch up.

Mech Hand

I think that book 1 is indeed o. Patreon... But patreon really sucks for reading old posts. I suggest you try reading it on Kindle if possible

Rylie Harris

thanks for another great chapter!


He doesn’t have a clear path on class skills he is literally going blind no idea what choices will pop up or what he is missing unlike a swordsman that has every path documented. The general skills are picked up when he needs to be better at something irl both the general skills and racial feats benefit people in their daily lives his enchanting master had a giggle about nightowl. The general skills have limitations placed upon them and can be turned into class skills he wouldn’t know the synergy between them and his class he seen sculpting in his feats reminding him that could be a synergy between general skills and class similar to his butchery a necessary evil/inconvenience. He picked up stealth, as a general skill since it’s cheaper than spending a class skill on it though the class one he was offered is better he got that early on before he even got a stealth choice in his class he no longer needed stealth then. In a world of classes where even cooks and blacksmiths have a class and or subclasses the general skills benefit everyone and they have plenty to choose from the general skills and feats would be more common knowledge and documented.

Dash Marley

I mean, it definitely makes sense that he unlocked it, and it makes no sense not to take it since it will probably level just from what he was planning to do anyways. He can always swap it later, maybe for something related to that sculpting, if the general skill he just picked up proves to be more useful than anticipated.

christian montgomery

The first 2 books are on kindle now, which may be why they’re not on here anymore. A lot of authors tend to remove them when they officially get published

Suastes Jiménez Miguel Angel

These last three chapters have been crazy. Dove's status, and his real name! Tyron’s world was bigger than what was shown so far! How will other parts of the world be? Will civilizations elsewhere have survived or will they be areas infested with magic and monsters? How much can Tyron grow before the five gods detect it?


Thank you for the chapter!


here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lxkB2caGlIQFiXWg_B-EQvRk4JFYyTyiQ7ZWK0aVNi8/edit?usp=sharing i copied most of book 1 to read mobile offline when id have no internet on the road from 2 yrs ago. i couldnt find chapter 12 or 13 patreon posts so i thought id just post this here. but remember from chapter 14 and 15 onward u can just read the patreon posts themselves using the filters feature from october 2021 or later or chrysalis chapter 876 or later, their still available. seems theres no filter on mobile but u can still scroll all the down to chrysalis chapter 876 real fast to finder chapter 14 and 15+. 1-11 r available in a mass post but as i said the google doc link for 1-14 seems to b gone which is the main reason im posting my link. hopefully this is all ok by rinoz. dont want any1 missing out on his brilliant written creations. :D


Some skills really need consolidation! that status sheet is far too big. Can't all the Networking skills be consolidated ?


[Death Mage] is good because it will allow him to survive without his minions. Esp if he is ambushed