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“I think I need a drink,” Tyron rasped, then blinked.

His eyes felt raw as sandpaper, and blinking didn’t seem to help. Was he so lacking in fluid there was nothing left for his eyes?!

Blearily, he looked down at his hands and saw they were trembling, his individual digits resisting the commands of his mind to remain still. He tsked. He couldn’t cast magick like this!

“Dove?” he tried to call, but couldn’t raise his voice much. He coughed, tried to spit, but found he couldn’t, then called again. “Dove?”

“I’m over here.”

Tyron turned to see the onyx skull leaning against the cave wall, watching him.

“How… how long since I… since I slept?” he said.

By the end, his voice had faded to barely a whisper.

“Lo and behold, the sun has risen and fallen eight times since last you lay down your head, o great-balled moron.”

It took a few moments for Tyron to turn that over in his head.

“Eight days?”

That was… a lot. He looked down and saw he was seated at the table, pages filled with notes laid out before him. When he tried to read, his eyes blurred to the point he could barely see his hands anymore. He felt dirty, greasy, hungry and unbelievably thirsty.

“I sent you in here to sleep about ten hours ago,” Dove remarked, not moving from his position on the wall. “I see that you had a change of heart between the cave entrance and your bedroll.”

Turning in the chair seemed to take all of his energy, but Tyron did his best to fumble about until he managed to get his hand onto his pack and waterskin. Knowing from experience what a poor idea it was to gulp while being dehydrated as he was, he brought the skin to his lips and took a cautious sip. Lukewarm and on the brink of going foul, it wasn’t the best drink of his life, but even so, he welcomed it.

In response to that tiny trickle of fluid, his body seemed to wake up to just how much he needed to drink. His thirst became like a physical thing, thrashing and screaming in his chest, in his throat, in his veins. He brought the skin back to his lips and took another small sip. There was perhaps a litre of water left inside the leather skin. To be safe, he would need to consume it all over the better part of an hour.

From inside his pack, he pulled out some hardened bread and began to break it apart in his weak fingers. In small chunks, he could probably digest it. When he had a piece as small as a fingernail, he put it in his mouth and tried to chew. Swallowing felt like he’d eaten a stone and he felt it all the way down to his stomach.

“I must have had a thought,” Tyron replied before taking another small sip as his eyes wandered over the pages before him.

Slowly his thoughts were starting to settle in his head. The haze of fatigue lay thick over his mind, a suffocating blanket that was difficult to work through, but he was getting there, piece by piece. It’d been difficult, extremely difficult, to make any progress. The soul was a component of Necromancy he hadn’t explored sufficiently. Most of his effort had been bent toward creating stronger skeletons and revenants. A soul was a vital component of a revenant, to be sure, but he hadn’t needed to do anything special with them.

Each page on the table contained a furious scrawl of sigils and notes relating to spirits, ghosts and souls in general. He let his eyes trail over them, before he closed them and took another sip from the waterskin. He couldn’t read them properly anyway and the last thing he wanted was to be distracted.

“How much did we succeed?” he asked.

The ritual. He recalled the ritual. When was the last time he’d been this tired?

“Enough. Most of the way. Far enough that I think I can finish it myself,” Dove replied.

That prompted Tyron to crack an eye open. Dove remained where he’d been before, leaning against the wall, skeletal arms folded across his chest. He had his armour on.

“Oh really?” the Necromancer asked, coughing slightly as he held in a chuckle.

Damn that hurt.

“Just because I’m not a once in a hundred year genius doesn’t mean I’m bad at magick.”

“It does to a once in a hundred year genius.”

“Shut up, kid. You really should have gone to bed.”

Another piece of bread. His stomach threatened rebellion, tightening around the crumbs he was feeding it. He mustn’t have eaten for a few days at least. Why had he let his condition get this bad? After the last few times he’d pushed himself to the brink of collapse, he’d promised he wouldn’t do it to himself anymore. Yet here he was.

“How high is your constitution anyway? I can’t believe you’re still standing.”

“High enough,” Tyron leaned back and allowed himself a huge yawn, his jaw creaking as his face stretched out.

With every bit of sustenance, a little awareness returned. This was both a blessing and a curse. The more alert he became, the more he could interpret the screaming protests of his body. It had been pushed well beyond what it was comfortable with, and now it was letting him know.

“You can take an awful lot of punishment for a mage, is all I’m saying. Before you got by on sheer ball-size, but now you’ve got the Unseen lending you a helping hand. Things are getting unfair.”

“Just how much punishment have I taken? Not sleeping for eight days and a lack of food and water isn’t enough to kill a regular Classer, let alone someone of my level,” Tyron said.

“True. There’s a difference between just experiencing those conditions and working solidly through them. You’d agree with that, right?”

It was a fair point and Tyron nodded, his eyes slipping shut again.

“Then there’s the rest of it,” Dove added.

He pushed himself off the wall just as Tyron sighed, causing the skeleton to freeze.

“It’s almost time to go back,” he said. “I had a month, which is pretty much up. I suppose I need to make arrangements with Ortan and then travel back. I suppose you’ll be going back to Yor. Hopefully she lets you die. Or live, I suppose. Your preference.”

“I’ve been getting tired of doing what I’m allowed. I’m fucking sick of it, to be honest.”

There was real anger in Dove’s voice. A bubbling rage, barely suppressed. It was always there, Tyron knew. Some days he hid it better than others, but much like himself, Dove was always furious.

“That’s fair.”

Another sip of water. Everytime he drank, he watered another parched segment of his throat. The gradual improvement meant he no longer sounded like a teamster who smoked leaf ten times a day. He’d graduated to ‘evening fish-monger’. His voice was still as rough as cheese grater, but it was improving.

“I’ve done what I can for you,” Tyron said. “I know it's still terrible, but I've done the best I could by you.”

Dove didn’t move, but Tyron could see the power blazing in his eyes as he fought with his emotions.

“Maybe ‘your best’ isn’t good enough,” Dove said, his voice flat.

The Necromancer reached out and placed his hand flat on the table in front of him. The trembling was subsiding, but hadn’t faded completely.

His minions were fighting. The realisation struck him after threading its way through the fog, causing him to sit up straight. It was hard to focus, extremely hard. Mentally directing his minions to flood the opponents with numbers, he tried to keep track of their progress. What he received from the undead, the tiny thread of awareness from each one of them, snarled like a tangle of cotton strings in his hands. This wasn’t the right state of mind to direct a fight.

“Shit,” he cursed to himself.

Magick began to pour from him in a steady flow, drawn out by the increased activity of the minions.

“We both know you didn’t really do your best by me, Tyron,” Dove went on. “You did what was convenient. Or is it a coincidence that everything you did to help me, just so happened to help you at the same time?”

More water. Another piece of bread.

Tyron turned to glare at the skeletal frame which housed the soul of his friend.

“You’re right,” he growled, deep in his throat. With his voice as raw as it was, he sounded like a starved wolf. “I’m a selfish piece of shit. I’m focused on one goal, and that goal is not making up for the wrong I did to you.”

The skeleton watched him, silently chewing over the words, his bare jaw working up and down.

“At least you’re prepared to admit it.”

Tyron barked out a harsh laugh.

“I don’t care…”

He coughed, his stomach cramping around the tiny amount of food in his stomach, he hunched over the table and coughed again, pain erupting in his throat. When the fit finally passed, he caught his breath and wiped the sweat from his face. He was in worse shape than he thought.

“Do you really want to do this, Dove?” he asked.

The skeleton took another step toward the table.

“I hate this existence, Tyron. Every second is like having my fingernails ripped out.”

Another step.

“I. Fucking. Hate. It.”

Tyron took a deep breath, and another sip of water.

“And how do you feel about the person who caused it to happen?”

Another step.

“I’m not a fan.”

“Yeah. I thought so.”

Was he talking about Tyron? Or Yor? Or perhaps Dove himself? All three of them bore some responsibility. Tyron suspected the answer was the same for each of those names.

“What did you do to me, Dove?” he asked again, finally.

“Did I ever tell you my third sub-class was herbalist? Never levelled it all that far, but it was a good enough idea. Magickal healing isn’t always available to a slayer team, but areas thick with arcane energy produce all sorts of natural treasures, things that can be made into poultices and the like.”

More magick being pulled away. This attack must have been a big one. Tyron looked down at his hands. Still a hint of movement.

“So you poisoned me?”

“Sure. You ate whatever I put in front of you. It’s not like it was hard.”

Tyron breathed out slowly, then shook his head.

“I really didn’t think you hated me this much.”

Dove laughed, a hysterical edge creeping into his voice.

“At this point, kid, I think I hate everyone. People were never meant to endure what I went through. And why? Why did I go through all that? Because I helped you. I wish every day I’d let you walk into Woodsedge and kept my fucking mouth shut.”

Finally, Tyron noticed the gleaming knife in Dove’s grip.

“One of my butchering knives? Really?”

The skeleton only shrugged.

“You’re a hard fucking prick to kill. The Unseen isn’t lending me any assistance, yet. I’ve got to make do with what I can.”

His stomach roiled again. Whatever he’d been fed, it was a prick of a thing. With a body as tough as his own, it would take something strong to have any sort of effect.

“I suppose Yor is next?” he asked.

“Eventually,” Dove agreed. “It’s going to take a lot of time. Once I finish the status ritual, I’ll have to get a lot of levels. Unlike yourself, she doesn’t trust me at all.”

“And when she’s dead. What happens then?”

Another step. Dove was looming over him now. Tyron had to tilt his head back to look him in the eye.

“Who knows? Maybe I send my spirit into the beyond, with all the pricks who want to keep me here gone. Maybe I take up your mantle and try and kill as many magisters as I can. All I can say for sure is, I’m not going back to that fucking city. When I die, it won’t be because some twisted vampire decided that I could. I’ll go out on my out fucking terms, in my own fucking way. But first, I might indulge myself in a little of that vengeance you seem so caught up in.”

He brought the knife, pointed straight down at Tyron’s chest.

“I have to admit,” he breathed, “it feels pretty fucking good right now.”

The knife plunged down, gleaming in the dim light. Tyron’s hand flashed up to meet it. The blade sank into his palm and pinned it against his chest as the skeleton leaned down with all the strength he could muster.

Where were his revenants? Had they been sent away to fight with the others? What had Dove done?

Tyron’s heart began to thunder in his chest, fear and shock driving the fatigue away as he roared with anger, shoving at the skeletal construct and sending him stumbling away. He tried to push himself up from the chair, but a sharp pain made him realise the knife was still stuck in his palm. When he pulled it out, blood began to gush and his knees wobbled underneath him.

“Fucking. Hell.”

Dove picked himself up.

“I still can’t kill you? Tit’s of the mother, kid. You really are a Steelarm, aren’t you. I guess I’ll have to try again another time.”

“Dove, listen to me. You don’t have to go.”

As much as he wanted to, Tyron wasn’t sure he’d even be able to stand. He needed a bandage for his hand, he was in no condition to be losing blood.

“Oh, I definitely do. I’m not going back, kid. There’s no fucking chance.”

Dove drew himself to his full height.

“If I try to hit you with a spell, it won’t work will it?”

“Of course not,” Tyron shook his head.

“Fucking, prick,” Dove muttered. “If you thought I was going to betray you, why let me stay so close?”

“You deserved a chance,” Tyron said wearily. He’d given up trying to stand. He fumbled in his pack again. There was a roll of medical supplies in there somewhere.

“You’ll probably end up with some sort of dark magick Class. Maybe even Necromancer. You’re close enough to a lich in most of the ways that count,” Tyron said as he wrestled through items with his good hand.

“You’re going to give me advice? I know you’re a little awkward, but read the room.”

“Call it a parting gift.”

He turned back to face his former mentor, face hard as stone.

“No massacres. No slaughter. No wave of zombies across the province. You hear me? The empire will fall down on all of us like a ton of bricks if that starts happening.”

“You’re threatening me? With what?”

“I’ll feed your soul to the Abyss and let them chew on you for eternity. How’s that fucking sound?”

Dove considered a moment.

“That actually works pretty damn well actually. See you around, kid.”

After he was gone, Tyron bandaged up his hand, continued to slowly eat and drink as he recovered. When he finally felt well enough to stand, he staggered out of the cave and found all of his revenants and guards tied up with rope.

Without Tyron consciously ordering them to fight, they’d just let themselves be tied up. Of course. They wanted him dead. The Necromancer just grunted, turned around, and walked into the cave. Whatever he had to deal with, he would deal with after some sleep.

Note: I'm still in two minds about this one. I reserve the right to retcon this chapter next week. I'd planned for the Dove heel-turn, there have been plenty of hints along the way, but I'm still not sure about it.



Shame, I would really love to see achivment for attaching him to system and what class he would get

Conor lennon

I kind of like the turn. It justifies the decision to bring dove back from his original death more.


I for one, wish dove the best of luck. Life delt him a shit hand and Tyron diddnt help much in the end. Honestly, this isn't even much of a betrayal, just a result of tyron's own mistakes. The man needs a break, and there is no reason not to fight tooth and nail for it.

Killer Pickle

Probably what we should of seen before this was the actual ritual Then the ‘betrayal’


Thanks for the chapter even if u retcon it! Imo the Dove betrayal makes sense and fits with the story, but I find it hard to believe he'd try to hurt Tyron instead of just leaving him

Rylie Harris

kinda hate it, but I suppose that's the reaction to be elicited from betrayal. I've always known dove to be bitter and resentful, but he always seemed to have a good soul. it's well written, and probably the perfect kind of betrayal. not one to be too terribly surprised at, it sets up an interesting story, and something like necromancy is bound to corrupt everything it touches. but it is extremely disappointing when I consider that dove has always been a sort of relief in the story, with his humor and what seemed like genuine care for Tyron. this is all just my opinion of course. since you mentioned you might reconsider the narrative, I imagine you'd like feedback. of course, I'd love to see how the story continues from here, but I would certainly not be upset to see an alternate path forward where dove does not betray our beloved antihero.


This seemed very out of nowhere, despite the hints. I kind of expected him to leave after the ritual, figure his own shit out, but not straight up try to kill Tyron. Seems very OOC


I'm kinda split on it, too. I envisioned Dove as Tyrons right hand man. Leading his armies and stuff and being the buffoon he is.

David Burchfield

It just feels a bit off, there are little details that don't quite work. Dove should have been able to kill Tyron when he was in recovery mode (asleep) if that was really his goal. He doesn't really get anything out of doing it right here right now, especially since the ritual doesn't seem to be all the way complete (seems like an unneeded risk in case there is one more hurdle Dove can't quite handle). I don't love Dove betrayal but it does make sense, I just think it would be better if the timing and the motivation felt a little more natural.


The scene just felt bland, there was no emotion for the betrayal and the resolution was ...I don't know. The way it is portrayed it would be the same result as if Dove had mentioned that he would not return without the betrayal attempt.


I get doves pov, but this seems kinda forced :/


I really don't like it, but it fits well. I wish he would stay and they would keep developing dark Magick together. But Dove has been described as broken for a while now. If anything, vengeance is probably lodged even deeper into him than Tyron. I wonder who will get the Mystery for awakening him though? The one who does the ritual or the one that made it all up?


So... Why exactly won't the undead rape Dove's soul for eternity for ruining their investment? I mean Yor, low as she seems in the courts, is able to have her way with Dove. What would her master do to dove if he succeeded?


Dove doesn't seem either irrational or atupid enough to attempt the assassination. If he just poisoned Tyron and ran without attempting to kill him, I'd understand it. It'd be in character. However, if Dove had succeeded in killing Tyron, he would have regretted it for all eternity likely...


Yeah betrayal makes sense but performance isn’t really in the right place. Better if he just left or had Tyron destroy his soul or release it.


Great chapter. Really fits the characters.

Ben Heslop

Feels a bit off ngl think it feels empty following on from the last chapter was just like ok the fuck

james apfel

Honestly the actual murder attempt feels a bit abrupt? Obviously dove has very good reasons to hate Tyron but even so. Also does he think Tyron would force him to go back ro Yor because they’re partners? Because it feels like Tyron would want to help him sneak away and Dove would know that


Wasn't unexpected, even though I hoped he could get over his hatred of Tyron, my issue comes with his plan to off the kid. Poison him and wait? Seems it was half-assed, maybe still a bit conflicted about it...


I like the betrayal. it makes sense and I can understand why Dove waited until Tyron woke up so he could get it of his chest for some catharsis and being able to flex some of his own magical knowledge for his own benefit by finishing the ritual himself would be nice.

Grey Knight Lord

Fucking stupid Summonder. I hate betrayal. Feed him to the Abyss now.

Kris Boxall

I’d understand Dove leaving to figure shit out after getting the ritual, but trying to kill Tyron seems a bit much?


Yeah felt it’s foreshadowed him creating a lich before he was ready not locking down it’s mind the hatred for the living that grows stronger with rage yet indifference that’s lichdom. You can retcon it or rewrite it almost feels like he shouldn’t attempt to kill him just poison him crippling him for a period of time to run away maybe even taking his book of notes as a last insult, as ultimately he should want the magisters dead just as much as anyone and tyron is the perfect distraction for his existence, but dove might not be sane enough to care about that. In the beginning his awakening told him he desires to control others letting dove have freedom was his mistake a Necromancer controls tyron needs this lesson however you choose to write it. I prefer him solo both of them solo hopefully give us doves status sheet when he figures it dove will be a fun side character.


I don’t mind the idea of the Dove turn (though I do feel like he still has a lot of untapped potential if he stayed with Tyron) but honestly even though I get the hints you’re talking about the way the murder attempt goes feels really forced to me. Like Dove has been shown to be going pretty nuts, but between himself, Yor, and Tyron I feel like he would/should hate Tyron the least between the three. Unless he’s gone past unhinged into unstable to the point of harming his own goals trying to kill Tyron right now doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense


Honestly the act of trying to kill Tyron is more Dove severing their relations so he doesn't have to go back. He hates Tyron but he's still "bound" to him.


This is all because he refused to make a penis the last straw dove couldn’t accept it

samuel tupper

Thanks for the chapter, I really love this book 🤗. However I must say that it feels too early for Dove to go bad, the foreshadowing implied to me either insanity and unending rage for the living or it would be a betrayal, but for the betrayal to happen now makes little sense to me. When I put myself in Doves position this seems really premature, Tyron is not the one who currently holds his leash, he may be responsible for the state of Dove's soul but Tyron did not put him in the skull the second time. Yor has shown herself to be a very capable tracker with a vast intelligence network, her kind can move very quickly and cover a lot of ground in a search. Until Dove has the ability to fight her and keep her from controlling his soul it seems that he would keep using Tyron as both a source of more power/better body/enchanted gear ect. and as a form of protection and patronage. Dove may be able to work out the rest of his status ritual but he would not be that materially different from now until he packs on some levels. He clearly is not irrationally insane yet or he would not have been able to poison Tyron, too much planning and follow through is required for someone totally unable to make rational conclusions. So it feels premature, like Dove needs to bulk up first to feel confident betraying a hated ally. And I am biased towards more Dove/Tyron shenanigans, I think Dove brings a little levity into Tyrons life without having to resort to skeleton puns or slapstick, his crude humor really seemed to fit with what Tyron is doing long term. My two cents

Sean Hibbitt

Perhaps there wasn't enough foreshadowing and hurt that was spoken about to justify the way in which this happebed? But I also enjoyed the chapter. He was supposed to be dead. After suffering the torture of being locked inside an object, and enduring yors methods, I'm not surprised he flipped like this. Maybe there's ways to highlight the impact more? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Thanks again for the chapters! Great as always :)


Thanks for the chapter!


For the twist, I could see the foreshadowing but feel its either a little too early or extreme. I think either toning it back to just a parting of ways as killing Tyron seems kinda counterproductive for Dove as Tyron is his best ally in helping stop the Magisters and helping make his existence more and more bearable considering he is a necromantic genius. Or pushing the scene later into the story after we have seen Dove really degrade mentally would make more sense to me and could give him the time to set up a more elaborate escape/murder, maybe with the help from the power he gets from the Unseen

Shawn Lockhart

I think I hate this direction. I understand the reasoning behind the betrayal but feels inappropriate in that Dove is better off never betraying Tyron as that's probably the fastest path to true death or it's mistimed in that there really is nothing at stake here. You can't let him actually succeed so the attempt doesn't have the gravity it should for such a huge shift in Dove's role mentor/companion to nemesis I guess. All I think Tyron should be at the bottom of the list of people Dove hates Yor and himself are to blame for is current round of being trapped in a skull. You went through the trouble of bringing him back so you must have bigger plans with his story so is it a new series, side story POV chapters that follow Dove, something else? I think we all like Dove but do we care enough about him that his revenge is more important than Tyron's? I personally don't. Also I find it hard to believe that Yor will just let Dove run. So I'm crossing my fingers for a retcon and a new plan that kills Yor. Anyway thanks for the chapter

Elijah Coleman

I get the turn, but why after a breakthrough and potential upgrades to whatever binds Dove.

Elijah Coleman

Also begs the question what new undead soul is gonna benefit from this boon of research.

Elijah Coleman

This also gets rid another staple character for a while. 😔 looking forward I need the trade off to be worth it.

Elijah Coleman

Also this would have been better if the captain was a good soul replacement for upcoming test.


Didn't seem to make all that much of an effort to kill him. COuld have just ignored the [Fireball] and Tyron would have died in the last chapter. Anyways Tyron was taking Dove for granted for quite some time, so its OK for them to part ways now.


If Dove leaves, Tyron's dialogue opportunities to break down his thought process with another mage, who he trusts, drop dead. With his isolated and illegal existence I can't see any replacement any time soon, if ever. Maybe he takes an apprentice under his wing. Personally I find Dove's murder attempt out of place. Tyron kept his word and tried to free him, plus he was his fastest ticket to power and his strongest supporter. Yor is the one who is stopping his release. I'd have expected him to be crazier, and hence the attempt less calculated, to try killing Tyron. Especially since Dove seemed geniunely excited about the Status ritual. Would have thought it would temporarily distract him from his grievances. That the armed revenants on guard duty allowed Dove to immobilise them and poison Tyron seems off imo. They must have known, and if they were aware they'd be bound however unwillingly to protect. Dove striking out alone is an interesting move, but I think it's a little early.


I really dislike this, cause Dove was shown to be an intelligent person, and even with the status ritual there is no guarantee that he's going to be strong enough to even run away from Yor. Then why he would try to kill (with absolutely no guarantee of sucess) the only person who is protecting him and making him stronger? It makes little sense. Even if his hatred for Tyron is a point worth exploring, It feels to premature and artificial, since if he has bidden his time through all those years with Yor, why wouldn't he do the same now to be stronger and not making the soon to be strongest mage of the empire your enemy for absolutely no reason aside from a personal vendetta? I think that exploring his feelings of gratitude and hatred for Tyron as he finally free him from Yor for good (Since he did tried to free him), or even put him against Tyron when he is strong enough to kill Yor on his own would be a better way to explore this... anyway, just my opinion. The history's probably going to be enjoyable either way (if you keep this chapter cannon or not). Thanks for the chapter!

Elijah Coleman

With how focal Dove is as a person if he vocalize is qualms with Tyron maybe the could got to a clean separation and could gave him some of his revised tips.


Dive didn't want tyron to die at that point, because I believe tyron was in the process of performing the ritual so dove could perform the status ritual


Upgrade the archer she’s redeemable unlike Rufus a top notch archer undead that grows


Dove struggling side stories will be so good


Tyron handled the fireball, while in the ritual that’s what shocked gramble it’s beyond human beyond his expectations then dove punches him in the face


lets say the prison is Yor, the warden is Tyrion and Dove is the prisoner, no matter how much favor you get from warden he will still won't let you leave the prison, so if the chance for escape the life in prison appears you don't care about the warden, you try to take it because you don't know if a chance will ever appear. Same here, Dove saw a chance and took it and so that no one knows what happened you kill the person that saw you aka the warden. Of course their are emotions and stuff but leaving the first true opportunity presented is the right call from doves side of view. Trying to kill Tyrion is more like a declaration that he would rather die, betray or anything rather then be in prison.


This chapter felt so weird to read... The whole time I thought Tyron would suddenly wake up, and reveal it was all just a nightmare. There is no way Dove can escape Yor with his current power, and he's smart enough to know it. He will be back as a crotch cover before the week is over.


I like the progress Tyron is making but I'm not so sure about the direction with Dove. It's understandable that Dove is mentally unstable and has a sort of grudge in regards to Tyron and especially Yor. Nonetheless I think Dove is also too smart to just break ties with Tyron, his best way to get revenge on the magisters and possibly Yor, who can help make his existence "liveable" . I always thought of him as one of the few people keeping Tyron somewhat grounded and even human in some abstract way. Imo there should be some sort of conflict with Dove but I'm not a fan of both separating indefinitely.


I think dove whispering how much he hates him as tyron sleeps maybe a better result but I'm not sure what you have planned for dove in either case. A han solo return for the former? A golum for the latter? This is why i pay you the big bucks lol

Allen Polak

I agree with Dove leaving, but the murder attempt feels off. Like it's hard to imagine that he truly hates Tyron. Blame and jealousy for sure, but hate enough to make an attempt, doesn't feel right. Of course, there's something to be said about the cheapness of life from the perspective of the undead, and I could see a more casual attempt on his life if that was better established.


For my two cents it doesn't make sense to do this quite yet. Dove doesn't have the power to back it up. After the class ritual is complete, and he prays on the last sliver of guilt Tyron has as a person then it'd be a great heel turn. Hell maybe Tyron Yor and dove have to travel through the abyss and dove double crosses them in exchange for knowledge on how to regrow his beloved dick. That seems far more like Dove.


Big yikes! While I’ll be sad to see dove go I also like that he isn’t just sticking around because he’s part of the main cast. Finding his own path (even though he’s mad and it’s a very unhealthy path) is something he really needed to do. I love the idea of friend/mentor becoming a main antagonist this deep in the story though. Keep up the great work!

Jac Onue

I think the betrayal makes sense, but they way it's handled doesn't. So, it makes sense that Dove doesn't want to go back to Yor, especially now when he's just a step away from gaining the Unseen and being able to level up again. Him parting ways with Tyron to pursue his own goals (becoming powerful enough to kill Yor, for instance) fits the story well. However, his attempt to kill Tyron is a bit meh. First, does he really want to do it? Certainly Tyron is the one who bound his soul, causing the rest to happen, but he also created the new status ritual allowing Dove to level up again. Maybe in pursuit of his own goals, but still. So, does Dove really want to kill Tyron? If the answer is yes, then what's up with this half-hearted attempt? He could've killed Tyron when he was out, he could've tied him up, could've used more/stronger poison. It just feels like Dove's heart isn't in it. And maybe that makes sense too (like he's going mad, but doesn't necessarily want to kill Tyron subconsciously). Anyway, I think it would be better if Dove poisons Tyron to weaken him, then announces that he's leaving Tyron to pursue his own goals, maybe drops a hint that his hatred for Tyron is also rising the more time he spends as a skeleton, so he leaves on ambiguous terms - perhaps an ally against the magisters, but possibly an enemy as well.


I think it's good. Dove's been tortured by this state of existence for so, so long, and it's been made clear he can't, physically can't, feel emotions properly. Detractors may say it was 'too soon', but I think with Dove's spiraling mental state, anything else would've downplayed his suffering.

kalada William-jumbo

Dove doest care about any of that. He doesn’t want to go back to yor … thats all he’s concerned about … this is the furthest he can get from her and the best chance in his eyes. He also knows he needs to gain levels to kill yor and is mentally unstable

Conor lennon

Think being am undead has driven him mad a bit. He probably won't be as hostile later possibly.


I don't like the direction of the story or the way it's executed. Sure, we've seen signs of Dove careening towards insanity, but to disregard the friendship they've built up all those months cheapens the chemistry between those 2 characters. Heck, I'm not even sure the herbalist nonsense is even necessary- Ty prolly would've just let him walk away regardless. Besides, if you're building up the inevitable confrontation between Ty and the Magisters, you need characters like Dove in his army. Right now, he just has the Revs, and those characters are barely developed, if at all. Dove served a very important narrative function throughout the plot- who else can Ty theorycraft with? Who else could be his confidante? Who else could be the comedic relief in a very dark storyline? Hell, if you're that set on making Ty struggle through all of this alone, then you shouldn't have brought back Dove in the first place. Just let him die a beautiful death at the end of Book 2 and skip the convoluted plotline he currently has.


You reserve the right to toy with my heart like this? RinoZ you monster. Keep up the good work

Wholly Anonymous

I think maybe instead of an out-and-out attempt to kill Ty, maybe Dove could do something of a “soft betrayal” - abandoning Ty and refusing to return with him, but leaving the possibility of reconciliation open (or at least alliance, if their goals align). Or maybe just dove lashing out in anger and demanding a more independent/equal position rather than the way Ty has just cast him in a subordinate role.

Wholly Anonymous

It just seems as though this is too …conniving for Dove. He’s a person largely driven by impulse, especially after his sanity has been gradually eroded by years of unlife. It feels out of character for him to try poisoning Ty instead of just, I don’t know, snapping after one insensitive comment too many and trying to bash Ty’s brains in.


What it could turn in to, is Dove unlocking a separate class and eventually making amends with his student- friend -mentor. As to needing dove, that part can swiftly change now that Ty has managed to develop a way to use a status ritual he could then (possibly) apply to his revenants.


How much friendship DO they have? Remember, most of the time Dove's known Tyron, it's been as a skull slowly going insane, getting ever more bitter. The chemistry was one-sided.


If anything for most of their relationship Tyron was in the position of an abuser. Everything they built is on that. Doesn't take much for all of it to go up in smoke.

Kris Piskorski

This twist just doesn't seem to git right now, especially after the last couple of chapters it feel off


It's okay if you're planning on Dove betraying Tyron, but this is a bit forced. If you'd planned foreshadowing, it fell through. Moaning about his existence is entirely different than plotting to murder someone that might have done you wrong, but has gone out of their way to accommodate you. Plus, he's never going to be able to achieve any of those goals he's set for himself. Tyron could, but he's burnt the bridge. He's seen first-hand how powerful his enemies are, and for him to ever consider that he's better at magic than any of those people, Tyron now included, or ever will be considering how towering their ability in magic is, is laughable at best. Most are immortal monsters too, he doesn't even have time on his side. He can't even figure out his own ritual, but thinks having the unseen hold his hand will be enough? Magic can be cast independent of the Unseen's involvement, which means Dove is so bad at magic that he can't even wade into the waters the people he's angry at swim in. His only actual chance at any of the things he wants is to help Tyron.


I kinda get the vibe Dove felt like he had to try in a way. I hope that after a time they are friends again because really, who can they relate to other than each other? Now though the dynamic of their relationship will be more balanced. Dove hasn’t had any agency in things and I feel like he should have a chance to have some


Hmm I don't know how to feel about that. To me his moaning about existence always felt more like banter. And from the POV of Dove sections I always got the feeling of reluctant admiration for Tyrion, but no actual hostility.


The MC has no one else. If Dove really betrays and leaves, then I'm wondering how the story will progress. Also Tyron will never be able to fully trust again after this. It would leave a shattered MC with nothing left except revenge and I personally am not a fan of pure revenge stories. Second note. I've never really figured out why Tyron and Dove hate each other so much despite everything they've been through. You'd think all the trials they have endured would have brought them closer together. If they've got nothing but each other, why would they drift apart? Its just confused me more and more as the story has progressed.


Felt kind of out of left-field lol. Also, is Tyron just going to be doing his thing... alone, now? Talking to himself? I know Tyron is a bit of a shitheel now, but I honestly liked Dove as one of the last links to the 'good' Tyron who wanted to use his class to help people in book one...


Tyron trapped Dove in a skull? That's plenty enough. Sure he managed to be "upbeat" because Tyron told him he would release him but he had absolutely no control on that. He's felt powerless for so long. The timing may be off as some are pointing out but this is not coming out of nowhere. Dove got betrayed first when Tyron trapped him, as a thank-you for saving his life.


How is it left field? Dove's been spiraling out of control ever since he was first put in a skull.


Tyron put Dove in a skull, which we saw was a nightmarish state of existence from Dove's PoV. What do you mean 'all they've been through'? Most of what Dove's been through was Tyron.

Elijah Coleman

I have full confidence in RinoZ


a bit sudden but understandable when you think of what tyron has made dove endure


It makes sense. He finally got his opportunity. Tyron has been an ass to dude for a while now. Especially since his parents died. Dove was promised a month or so and he ended up in that state for 4 years! He deserved to snap. I like the twist


I agree with everything said above. Plus like... Dove going feral like this right Before the ritual is actually completed seems... excessively foolish, like what happens if he Cant finish the status ritual? What if he needs more work done to be able to 'qualify' for character status? At that point he's completely screwed and all things considered killing Tyron seems like it should be a lot lower on the priority list. It'd make sense if Dove just went insane and decided spontaneously to try and stab Tyron but instead he clearly made himself a plan with the poison and other things. So basically it feels like a wierd mix of Dove planning ahead for his betrayal but at the same time jumping the gun so to speak. That said I guess planning his poison scheme to culminate on the day they where supposed to return makes a kind of sense. Turning on the only person in the world that could remotely be considered an ally also seems strange... but I guess that's just part of what makes Dove insane.

Koala Man

Ye I kinda expected dove to get going as soon as he could , no sense in heading back to yor, the whole poison ,trying to stab Tyron thing seems meh tbh . He could have let the fireball hit, could have tried to kill him while he was asleep , bunch of ways he could have done it much easier. It would have made sense if he had just gone “fuck this I’m out of here ,thanks for the legs bye hope I never see you again .


He protected Tyron in the previous chapter, Doves actions look to sudden. Won't it be more reasonable if Dove poisoning Tyron happend after he knew that they return?

Imagine Baggins

I love this twist. Was halfway waiting for it ever since that chapter where Dove noted his emotions were dulled all the way back when he first got reanimated.

Rahsheem Reid

Great chap. Give the story a way dark turn which I love.

Rahsheem Reid

Ty never needed anyone! The whole story started with his friend’s betrayal and his parents never even being there for his awakening. Dove was always going to be character progression.

Rahsheem Reid

This gives the the Royalty something tricky too look out for dove should get over ten lvls. He will be a big ass pain in the ass for anyone once he lvl up some more.


He protected him last chapter because he needed him to do the status ritual


Not sure about the other things, but he couldn't let the fireball hit because dove needed him to finish the status ritual


I actually think that going at it when Tyron is unbelievably tired was the only option. Tyron is crazy paranoid, there is no way he doesn't have something planned when he's asleep. Also, he was basically asleep! Just writing on a table instead. Dove even had the time to take care of the revenants.


I think it would have been better if Dove finished the ritual while Tyrone slept, unlocked a skill to hide from Yor, and left Tyron a note of his plans to leave, seeking his own revenge or whatever. Killing Tyrone, his only known benefactor (albeit jerk) in the story seems off as he only seemed to become more impulsive, but with no thoughts of muder. If it was shown that his undead state rendered him entirely emotionless, but logical, then he would have either kept Tyron as a chess piece, manipulating him beyond status ritual. If he was emotionless, but impulsive, then he would have probably slit Tyron's throat while he slept (the chance). Emotional, but impulsive: Tyron making a asshole comment, Dove then proceeds to go off the rails. Emotional, but logical: understands Tyron's position in relation to usefulness and the reasons behind Tyron's actions, therefore keeping him at least at arms length to either use or far away to assist due to similarities in existence (both dealt unfairly, both are either alone or manipulated by great forces, etc). Anyway, this is what I'm thinking


I mean he has already spiraled way past coming back to “good Tyron” if your looking for a hero best you’re gonna get here is someone who does things that incidentally have positive outcomes for some people sometimes mostly not though lol. The link was nice yea but once he gets back to town we’ll have his shop helpers to help us pretend he’s still a somewhat decent person. Hell by letting dove leave he’s actually less of a shitty person like definitionally and maybe without that link he can actually start to grow up a bit and redefine himself as a person instead of just a revenge focused automaton with human skin, unlikely but possible.


You can admire someone’s skill and still absolutely loath them

Josh Turple

That sucks glad dove can level though. Hope he kills yor


I think the twist is already fine but if people demand more “justification” playing up the part a few chapters back where Tyrone nocked dove out and forced him out of the ossuary would be a good place to start. Perfectly highlights how fucked the situation actually is from Doves pov.


I think the twist is already fine but if people demand more “justification” playing up the part a few chapters back where Tyrone nocked dove out and forced him out of the ossuary would be a good place to start. Perfectly highlights how fucked the situation actually is from Doves pov.


Hmm I am very surprised. I don't really see dove trying to kill Tyrone, id have expected him to just leave with maybe a note. Though still could see him poisoning him as a little payback before leaving


Nooo dove should stay by his side like a lieutenant. Or atleast leave peacefully with a hint of assisting him after he eliminates yor. It’s not like Tyron has been bad to him throughout the story it’s just an unfortunate term of events that’s happened to them both


I think it's to early for dove to go bad if he ever does. It always seemed to me he wanted to see how far Tyrone would go. Also he's pretty pragmatic and wouldn't kill Tyrone because until he is certain he has status back


I doubt you'll get this far through the comments to read this, RinoZ, but here goes. The plot beat of Dove killing Tyron seems poor. The implementation of the plan wasn't well-done; Dove could actually have waited for Tyron to go in a drugged sleep, bring the knife down on Tyron's exposed jugular, and that's the end of the necromancer. Aborting the plan by starting early was unwise from Dove's perspective, and not the kind of thing I think he'd do on a whim. Moreover, he *knows* that Yor has a lot that she wants from Tyron. If he kills Tyron, *he is on her shit-list forever*, and she's the kind of person to be extremely spiteful about it. It would be smarter to not head back with Tyron, but let Tyron return so Yor doesn't hunt him down. It would be so much easier to volunteer to stay behind and mind the undead army while Tyron heads back, and then abandon him when Dove's entirely unsupervised. Finally... this would hit so much harder if Dove actually just asked Tyron instead of trying to kill him. He just sits down with his pupil and starts to break down as he says that he can't go back. He can't go back to being a cod-piece used by Yor, he's still so *tired* and ready for it to be over, and the only reason he hasn't shaved off his own sigils is fear that he'll be caught in another net. If he can't die, even though Tyron sent him off once, then at least let him be *free*. To not worry about Yor anymore, or at least get the levels to throw off her yoke. It's a meaningful parting of ways, and if he admit he hates Tyron... Tyron can still give him a hug. Tyron killed him once. Too late for Dove's taste, but that *wasn't* for Tyron's benefit. Dove can trust Tyron to take him seriously enough for one chat, can't he?


I do not like it, and honestly if betrayal is coming, it would be after some levels not before the ritual. Him plotting to kill yor? Yep and I actually want her at his mercy but not Tyron. Not because it won’t work but because Tyron dying will probably make yor use all her power to undo what’s been done, destroy his ability to react and make him into a chamberpot


Really hate that shift/enter is needed to make a newline rather than just a regular enter key.


Or instead of ret-conning it have dove come back and try to gaslight Tyrone and pretend it was a dream. This betrayal is too soon after dove protecting Tyrone in the last chapter.

Nathan Patrick

The betrayal hurts my soul but I understand the reason for using it. To address some of the comments above about why now, Dove did say he can probably finish whatever they started to give him levels and Tyron being wasted from 8 days of working + whatever poisons Dove could wrangle up was probably the best chance Dove may have thought he could get in the near future since he did also say that every moment in his existence is horrible + knowing that "they" would be returning soon. Our beloved Dove, grow strong.


I find Dove being forced into a codpiece by Yor very unsettling and was disconcerted by him being brought back. This betrayal feels like the worst. Not sure I like this progression. Came out of left field.


Yeah, but it felt way more like he was spiraling out of control in a 'woah I'm getting even wackier' way than an 'I've been overtaken by bloodlust' kind of way.


Yeah, I feel like this moment wasn’t built up enough. Ideally having a climactic moment would have been more ideal. This feels a bit too sudden to really throw such a big change :/


Not sure we have read the same story. Tyron did bound his soul after Dove died without consent but think about Tyron's situation at that time, he was desperate a needed guidance, Dove knew the truth and still helped him. Tyron may be too fixated on his revenge and isn't the best friend but he kept his promise and broke Dove's skull to let him rest in peace, only because of Yor is Dove trapped again. To make it short: Tyron is definitely NOT an abuser and they definitely developed some kind of friendship from both sides.


That chapter seems really out of place and kind of forced, while I do understand Dove's insanity spiral it feels currently too out of character. Others already said, it's really a bad timing for him to abandon Tyron (and even trying to kill him), the real enemy is Yor, she trapped him. Dove is still sane enough that he should be able to understand that there's a much bigger chance at getting free from Yor, if he works with Tyron and not against him. Tyron did bound his soul forcefully and it took a long time but he kept his promise and released Dove, it's only because of Yor that he is trapped again and suffers. While Tyron did help him for his own ambitions, it doesn't change the fact that it's only thanks to him, that Dove has a body, can use magic again and will be able to feel the Unseen's influence again. So Dove abandoning or hurting Tyron in the future understandable but trying to kill him without going insane, I think that is too much. RinoZ in case you read this, while I personally hope you change that chapter, I (and I think many others) will continue to enjoy BoD either way, and thank you for all your great stories!


I don't know. If Dove really wanted to kill him, Why not do it while he sleeps? I find the chapter very interesting but a little flat because the feelings of both characters could be much more complex than "I hate you, I really don't care."


I like the idea of the heel turn but I don't feel is was hinted enough.


Maybe make it a dream or vision?? It just seems sudden.


I’m fine with the idea of dove leaving him but I do think the attempted murder doesn’t work that well

Ryan N

Personally I think you made the right decision with this chapter. It was shocking, but it was foreshadowed that he was slowly losing his mind. Being stuck in an undead body and essentially tortured by a vampire all because he helped Tyron is a good motivation for anger. Tyron ultimately treated Dove very poorly from the moment he died. I do hope that once he gains access to the status ritual he will regain some of his former friendship with Tyron, but either way this was well written and greatly appreciate the chapter as always!

Ryan N

To me it doesn't seem that large of a leap that he would pick this time to abandon Tyron. He doesn't want to go back to the city where he will be forced back to Yor. And that is ignoring the fact that ultimately all of his suffering is because of Tyron. Regardless of his reasons if Tyron had not delayed releasing him (or never desecrated his soul in the beginning) then Dove would not have suffered so. Not saying Tyron didn't have his reasons or that Yor wasn't more directly malicious, but it seems well within the bounds of logic that Dove would hate Tyron.

Ryan N

I have to respectfully disagree with this post and will try to break down why. To address the first point that his murder attempt of Tyron was poorly done...well yes it was. Dove is losing his mind and I think that has been amply demonstrated by the author. He spent immense amounts of time as just a skull. Try to think of that existence. And then he spent more time being actively abused by Yor. This is not a sane individual and so a poorly thought out murder plan is not beyond expectations. I further expect that he may not have subconsciously wanted to kill Tyron but could not reconcile that with his rage and hatred. I will further add that it is not a given that Yor would care too much if Tyron is killed. The vampires do not seem the type to suffer weakness so someone who gets offed by a weak no level skeleton is not going to be worth avenging. As for why Dove didn't ask Tyron I would think that is obvious. Tyron has failed Dove at every turn. First, he desecrates his soul, then he fails to let him die again until it is convenient for him which leads to him getting captured by Yor. Tyron also delayed helping Dove with the status ritual or a body until it would benefit him. I won't deny that Tyron had his reasons but ultimately they were ones that didn't consider Dove and that makes him a very poor friend. Not someone you sit down with and plead with when you have been disappointed so often before and are losing your mind. Just my thoughts

Ryan N

I have to respectfully disagree with the first conclusion you drew here. Dove tried the path of working with Tyron and that led to his ultimate capture by Yor. We can debate all we want, but it cannot be denied that Tyron's selfish decision to entrap Dove and then continue extending the time until he let him die is what led to his current situation. Frankly, from that perspective Tyron is probably just as high on the list of people Dove hates as Yor. Probably more so since the power level is less. Yor is essentially a demi-god after all.

Haley Nohrden

I really liked this chapter I've been waiting for this for a while and have actually been quite disappointed that it seemed dove was going along with it for some reason. This just... feels right


i really like dove’s spiral of madness. Makes him more human somewhat. Flawed in the right ways. Though I feel the MC got bamboozled a bit too easily for someone who had seen all the signs and could somehow anticipate the betrayal.


I respectfully disagree with your disagreement; 1. I don’t agree that Dove losing his mind to the point he would do this HAS been amply demonstrated. Has he been shown to be different, suffering, and going slowly mad? Yes, but he really isn’t portrayed in dialogue or most of his POV’s as being that different from when he was alive, dick jokes and all. He is, but not to the extent of what we see here. If he’s holding the extent of all his insanity inside and acting for Tyron, then I think it’s valid to say this is a surprise and OOC to the average reader. 2. Yor would most definitely care about Tyron being killed especially by Dove, not for sentimental reasons like you’re discarding but because her superiors in the Scarlet Court seem very interested in him and what he can gain them. Seeing as she is the reason Dove exists as he does, she would indirectly be responsible for Tyron’s death and mucking up her superiors plans, and vampires don’t seem to be the forgiving sort. 3. Dove absolutely has reason to hate Tyron, but he is also very much the lesser evil to Dove, and Dove as written should be smart enough to know that. Tyron hates the old gods for trying to imprison him, but he works with them still because he knows they’re more valuable as an ally; it should be pretty obvious to Dove he’s in a similar situation. Even if you say his hatred for Yor and Tyron are equal, only one of those two characters are currently actively impeding his goal (dying), while the other is working to make him stronger (regardless of motivation for doing so) and would put him to rest if he could do so without significant sacrifice. 4. Tyron hasn’t ever broken a promise to Dove, as far as I can tell. His original sin was bringing him back in the first place, which he did as a desperate kid hoping to see his sort-of benefactor/mentor again. He said he would release him, and he did. Dove got brought back because he couldn’t stop himself from pissing off an immortal vampire. It makes sense he’s not friendly and somewhat hostile to Tyron, but Tyron built him a body, gave him magic, and even gave him the status ritual back, regardless of why he did so. I really think that between Yor, himself, and Tyron, it makes sense at this point for him to hate Tyron the least, or at least to have the least amount of motivation to kill him without it being a perfect situation to do so.


The murder attempt felt half-hearted, I think drugging and abandoning Tyron would be enough to get the point across

David Burchfield

This post does an excellent job putting what I am feeling clearly into words, thank you.

Max Becker

It's good and believable the only thing that bothers me a bit is that dove wanted to have a last talk one could argue that he believed he could poison Tyron but maybe just have dove just finish tying up the revenants instead of waiting until tyron woke up


Poison was never ment to kill just incapacitate tyrion. I would argue that Dove poisoned only to have best chance to escape. When tyrion said the plan for Dove to return to Yor only then did Dove got triggered, and whent for a kill


I don’t really like this turn of events. Dove has poor planning in the murder attempt and I feel Dove has always had resentment for making him undead, but not enough to actually kill. Hell I don’t even think them splitting makes sense, Tyron is the only one with a shred of possibility to actually get him a final death. Everything so far felt like banter with a few real moments, but no hatred.


In the MC's defense, he was going on 8 days without sleep.

Daan Kindermans

Your would absolutely be petty enough to torture him for having wasted her time with Tyron. And her masters certainly would not be pleased she came home empty handed.


I really like the turn. I wish it was flushed out a little more, but Tyron would be kind of boring without anyone to talk too

Daan Kindermans

I think the storytelling devices Dove fulfills are too important to let him leave without replacing him almost instantly. Tyron still needs at least one confidant at this point in the story and that is Dove. No matter how reluctant. The second in command of the big bad evil fulfills a very important role. Its the opposite of good characters having an anchor in their friends. And Dove is that role at the moment as well. The story reasons for him wanting to escape are fine but the betrayal less so, since he should hate Yor way more than Tyron at this point. And Tyron not caring is kind of a trap. Because if the MC doesn't care the readers won't either. And lastly if he doesn't fight to the death why is he fighting at all. Keep on stabbing at the least. He's not yet mad enough to actually do it imho.


Whilst I’m not sold on doves betrayal I can see once dove gets his glass it being something similar to a necromancer have spent a lot of time with tyron he was bound to pick up a few bits, then perhaps once the rebellion starts fully having another necromancer join the fray

James Harrison

Personally I think that as much as Dove isn't mad enough to actually kill Tyron, he also just wants to decisively put an end to his time spent with and relationship with Tyron. Being around a necromancer all the time as a soul trapped in a skeleton means that its just one more constant reminder of what he is and what he has lost. I actually suspect Dove might become a little LESS insane/messed up mentally once he has enough space from Tyron. He will have just one less constant negativity about his current state of existence.

Koala Man

All that said , I think dove really does need to get out of Tyron’s shadow if he’s going to grow into his own character. Now he can do that status ritual the only way he’ll get good is to go it alone. The results of that status ritual would be interesting . I’m thinking that his first ritual would be like gaining the first nub class everyone does but he’d have lots of bonuses due his history while alive


Ive been mulling this chapter over this day and I do not really know what sort of chapter could replace this. We were given enough information to anticipate practically exactly this, even if it does very much make little sense if you look at it from the position of Yor probs just instagibbing Dove if he succeeded. But Im pretty sure it does make sense, because he is just that gone at this point. The main fear I do have, is the same I expressed, when Tyrone released Dove the first time. The fact, that Tyrone alone will really just slip further into his mindspace… well… Dove was an adequate counterweight, at least when we got him back. I’m just wondering where this is going with Tyrone. And how the narrative is going to play out. Is Tyrone going to become lonely? Is he going to be a bigger part in the resistance? Elsbeth exists, Yor I guess and now a Rogue wandering skeleton. And his fbuddy in the city I guess… but I don’t know if you can count her beyond… well. But then again. Ive been here for a time and I’m gonna stay. So thank you for the constant entertainment. It is greatly appreciated.


u mean make a new paragraph or set an organized better looking comment? i guess i could agree, but its also hard not to remember for me and i can just edit my comment after. so i dont feel have any reason to care beyond it being a minor annoyance. now youtube on the other hand with the shift-enter creating some sort of thing where trying to backspace anything b4 that deletes it all pisses me off, that i forget more than with patreon and my habit is to shift-enter cuz of using patreon to type long comments more.


This feels like a bit too far for Dove. He surely wants to escape his situation, but I don't think he would loathe Tyron like this at this point. Yor, sure, but Tyron did legitimately try and free him. I think a more nuanced way forward would be for the increased power corrupting Dove. An inherent aspect of more death mana in undead maybe.

The Gerg

I think he would just up and leave before killing the kid but in the end its up to you I don't feel like it's too out of place but at the same time I feel like dove couldn't kill the kid and knows it


i think yor wouldve wanted leverage over tyron from the moment she realized he wouldnt fall for her charm and stuff when she was summoned. so she wouldve talked with the dead on the farm till she found some1 close to him if she couldnt get any info out of him. 1 sort of good thing is that elbeth seems to b off limits since she has the protection of the old gods as her patrons.


I am a bit conflicted about Dove doing this as it seems like he knows better than to mess with Tyron as he knows Tyron’s growth and understanding of Magic is massive.


While I'm glad dove reacted in a human way, which I think is a complete warping of who he is and what he's capable of especially when discovering he's been turned into an abomination and dealing with horrible trauma, I wish this chapter wrapped it up. I would have preferred Tyron finishing him off here.

Alexander O'Brien

I like the chap, Dove's been spiralling for a while and him snaping and making a break for it tracks. He could have waited for the ritual but then it would have been wait till Tyron leaves or when he had more levels, there would always be a reason to stay. I would have just had him drug him with some mage bane after the fugue and took all the notes but that's me lol. The stabbing was a bit... off, it did help raise the tension and made the betrayal more real though so God knows :? Has he taken the necro magic generator with him? Hard to believe he'd leave it when he's got little magic regen himself. I wish him all the best, fingers crossed his class gives him something good. Or just a cock lmao. Skeleton homunculus or undead neophyte due to Yor :? I wouldn't second guess yourself, it was clear something was wrong with dove for a while. I'm interested to see how this progresses :)


I like it. I think it gives Dove more depth. Otherwise he is relegated to comedic relief and a foil for Tyron's magical talent. It feels sudden but not unreasonably so

Suastes Jiménez Miguel Angel

Dove betraying Tyron was predictable, but I thought he’d just run away, not that he would try to kill him, or want to kill Yor.

Suastes Jiménez Miguel Angel

You gave any clues that Dove would betray Tyron, but I honestly thought we’d have to wait until Dove went even crazier. It makes me want to see what class Dove will get. Does Dove still retain the knowledge of the herbalist subclass it had when it was alive?


His knowledge is still in tact, as he made a slightly effective poison he doesn’t have access to any skills that subclass had in his current form. Being undead his total number of subclass slots will be two his class and subclasses will likely be reset, as he is no longer human and didn’t go through a natural process of transition ex( a class like lich that would retain previous experience/subclasses)


Thanks for the chapter!

Felix Venter

Is there a week off or will be back next year?


He cut his hand and the ants get priority sadly


honestly felt a bit out of nowhere for dove to do that, i think. feels weird to have banter one chapter, tyron creating a new status ritual the next, and then dove, his long time mentor, once friend, now prisoner, immediately try to kill him, right after sending him off to have a rest. Surely he would wait until he was asleep? or anything? Idk.


i was hoping somewhere down the line they would find a way to heal dove, i would really feel that losing him would make the story less interesting.


I suspected there might be a delay. It's a major turning point and he said that he may change it. That means less time spent writing and more time deliberating the plot line. I think he wrote the first "death" as an undead well while still bringing him back into the story


Dove trying to kill Tyron felt very off. Him running away. Sure, makes sense, but killing Tyron? Idk... Seems too big of a jump to me...

Felix Venter

Super fair, whatever the next move is big changes are happening soon. I'm so hyped to see his status sheet and if he's got a mystery plus Dove is an incredible character and it's going to be so emotional when his story ends

Adrian Engel

So I've just binged this entire novel and decided to subscribe to your Patreon. Funny this is the latest chapter. I will say this, I had thought that this might happen, like the author said, there were hints. That being said, I feel this wasn't executed at the standard of this novels writing. It wasn't terrible but just felt a bit out of character in some ways and not executed the best. Whether you retcon or not I still think this novel is the bees knees. Now I'm going to go ahead and read Chrysalis! KU ftw.


Finally our guy got betrayed again wish their was a more intense emotional reaction to haveing your mentor betray you but it is what it is.