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Obviously I didn't hit the quota of Chrysalis chapters last week... I succumbed to the temptation of street fighter six and failed you. I'll catch up on those this week! Eight Chaps of Chrysalis? Oh my!


I have crushed their will. I can see it in their eyes, I can sense it through the Vestibule and I can smell it in the air. The hope has been drained out of the Endless and I take no joy in it.

A little pride, perhaps, but certainly no joy.

It would be a thing of Dark Anthony to enjoy the demolition of this team and their talented, skillful leader, humbling them in front of this enormous audience…..

Yesssssss. It feeelssss good!

NO! Down, dark one! I reject you utterly!

Next tiiiiiiiime. I’m alwaysssssssss waiiiiiiiting…….

Phew, that was close.

Can never be too careful in these situations. Dark Anthony never truly sleeps, but keeps one eye open, watching for a moment of weakness. I will not subject my siblings to that evil!

Still, it’s plain as day that the match is over. I have one more offence, which I will skip, thank you very much. I don’t enjoy the sensation of unbearable pain any more than the next person.

After that, I can stuff the Endless into their little box and drag them down to the fourth, where I can finally relax.




“As expected,” Solent remarked, her scent flat and emotionless.

“I suppose the Eldest has proven their point,” Leonidant said, “they only need to score against us once, since we can’t get close to scoring against them.”

She glanced at the other members of the team and noted the unusual air around the others. She almost couldn’t find a word to describe it. This was something strange, something she’d experienced before.


Perhaps it was to be expected, they had never lost before, that was true, but more than that, they had never been in a position where they didn’t think they could win.

But she did.

“Solant. What’s the plan?”

She always had a plan.

“This is what we will do,” the little general said carefully. “There is no plan. Play naturally, in formation, and react to my instructions when they happen.”

Leonidant was confused.

“So… is there a plan, or isn’t there?”

“What I have,” Solant said, looking directly at her scout, “is not a plan, but more of an idea.”

“But can we score?”

“No,” she said, emphatically. “Believe that completely. We cannot score.”

She looked at the others.

“Don’t perform in a way that will disappoint yourselves. At the very end, have pride in your own standards, and your ability to keep them.”

And that was all it took to firm their resolve. The Endless took their positions for the final play of the game.


“It all, comes down, to this. One final offence, one final attack, to save the unbeatable reputation of the Endless. They can no longer win the game, but by forcing a draw, they can avoid losing it, Commentant.”

[Yes indeed, but that doesn’t seem all that likely. Staring them across the pitch, the Eldest is clearly done with this game. All the antics, the strategies, the tactics, so far, it hasn’t meant anything in the face of overwhelming power.]

“I have to agree. This seems like the end of an era. No one will ever be able to say that the Endless didn’t lose to a worthy opponent. There isn’t a single team I’ve ever seen, not the Pink Blitz at the height of their powers, that I would back against this one ant.”

[Naturally. The Eldest is the oldest, wisest and strongest in the entire Colony. We may be siblings, but there isn’t a one of us who doesn’t know of their incredible achievements.]

“The Endless are lining up now, taking a… surprisingly generic formation. I’m sure they have something planned, but this is about as plain an attacking look as I’ve ever seen from them. Surely they haven’t given up?”

[I doubt it. It may be easy to become disheartened in the face of the overwhelming strength they’ve been fighting, but if there were one team who would rather their carapace break than lose, I’m sure it’s this one.]

“Couldn’t agree more. Solant takes possession of the ball, very high up in the formation, right behind the two soldiers. Bold, risky play, even against normal opposition.”

[AND HERE WE GO! The Endless charge forward, rushing to the midline, and the Eldest waits in their own half. I can feel mana churning once again, something big is coming!]

“Something different is happening, as expected of this team! Solant has climbed onto the backs of her two charging soldiers in a classic chariot strategy, and the scouts have fallen in to run alongside.”

[The mages are desperately trying to maintain control of the mana around the formation. They know they can’t hope to stop whatever the Eldest is doing, but if they prevent a direct attack on the ball… they may have a chance!]

“As before, they are just that bit sluggish… as if weighed down by the immense pressure of the moment. Regardless, they charge forward! It’s a stirring sight!”


[An enormous wall of fire erupts across the midline as the Eldest once again stamps their authority on the game! You WILL NOT cross this line!]


“But what’s happening?! The Endless rush forward, heedless of the danger!”

[That fire is much too hot for them to pass through alive! If they can’t dampen the flames…..!]

“Would the Endless really rather die than lose?!”

[I can’t watch!]

“The formation contracts even further, the scouts are piling onto the soldiers’ backs, and they are raising Solant high! I’ve never seen ANYTHING like this! Are they SERIOUSLY trying to fling her over the fire?!”

[SURELY NOT! But… BUT YES! Solant soars majestically through the air and over the fire, ball gripped tightly in her mandibles!]

“A brilliant strategy! They’ve finally made it across the midline, but for how long! The Eldest rises to meet her, mandibles wide! This CANNOT end well for the little general!”



“I CANNOT believe my eyes! She’s fallen like a stone, straight through the mandibles of the Eldest! She’s running through their legs and straight to the touchline! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!”



Haaahahhaa I get it - Solant is being naughty! Who knows how the Eldest sill repay her decision later on...

kalada William-jumbo

I hope she doesn’t score … it’s good to keep the little ones with something to strive for


Yeah, it would also be unrealistic, I mean Anthony was able to use gravity right below their feet to "make them sink into the ground", there's no way he can't do it here or just straight up turn the ball to mud, melt it with fire, etc... or just plot down onto her. It just really wouln't be satisfying if Endless "won" "just like that", after it was repeatedly proven they simply can't...


Thanks for the chapter!


I think the surprise will letc them score

Jac Onue

Running up behind Eldest? It's time for Solant to learn the greatness of Anthony's commercial district!

Koala Man

Yes :)


I mean, no way he actually blasts her with acid, same reason he doesn't bite them; they'd die.


Oh snap, taking advantage of the gravity well to fall faster than Anthony expected. I still have some suspicions about the poison cake from earlier but... we'll see.


Wait..... When did Anthony ever score? Did I somehow miss that?


He scored just before the halftime, when he picked the ball up and simply walked over to the touchline.