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Not a new chapter! 

I just wanted to put my thoughts down and remind people that there is no BoD this week! You got double the BoD content in that last post, don't forget!

Next week I will post the epilogue and then we go on to book 3! Whoo!

I was very gratified to see that most people enjoyed the end of book 2. From the very beginning, I had intended for it to end that way, though I was supposed to reach that point in one book, not two. Superior pacing!

Lots to look forward to, in fact, this next bit could be the part of the story I was most looking forward to writing when we started. You can think of the story up to this point as Tyron's origin story, and from here on out he finally gets to spread his wings and set his own agenda.

Expect a bit of a time skip, and then for everything to ramp up in scale. Plenty of new characters (since pretty much everyone we knew is dead) and a great deal of magickal mischief!

We will learn why they feared the Necromancer so much, especially this one!

Huge thanks to those who continue to enjoy and support the novel. Without you, it wouldn't be possible to produce this content. Necromancers have always been near and dear to my heart and I always felt they weren't done right a lot of the time. Glad to see some of you out there agree!




I love BoD as a story honestly. Anthony's story is still by favorite right now but that's not really fair. That's like saying 'well I like this new show, but one piece is still my favorite'. I've been watching one piece since I was a kid so it's kind of natural, right? Even so, BoD has a way better start and a premise far closer to my heart then Anthony's. Anthony's story made me love monster evolution stories and really see the potential behind the isekai meme. But I loved necromancer stories before BoD and it's only really stoked that passion to make more stories of my own like that. Got a lot of D&D characters and villains that I have you to thank for.


The magisters should be scared of time-skip Tyron. Hell, I'm scared for them lol


The pacing was good. I'm glad you took the time to write two books.


Pacing was fine, better to find that you need to explain and develop the worldbuilding slowly, than rush it and end up with plotholes galore. Might feel frustrating week after week but when you read it all at once, it becomes clear it's the rihgt way.


Can't wait for Tyrion to settle down a bit and learn lots of Magick as well as take the time to study the dead better!


Love this book, honestly one of my favorite at the moment, and damm you if that ending didn't make it rain on my device! Damm weather. Look forward to seeing what comes next. I had hunch you do ether a time skip or training montage to fast forward through some grinding.

Forrest Ogden

Once again my dear RinoZ, your ability for world building is God tier, coupled with such a big, and roughly touched on magic class brings you even further. I love what you do with zero exceptions. You've seen your fans say it time and time again, but whatever you're doing to come with this stuff, keep doing it. Thanks again big homie.


Maybe less risk of a new comment sharing spoilers if I post it here. I never liked the powerlevel of the parents, it was simply such a ridiculous disparity. A fraction would have served the same purpose without straining credulity as to the worlds coherence. And now, they return to serve a final time as a deus ex machina. I am so dissapointed to see this wrap-up, considering it just wipes out both Rufus and Laurel as an idle afterthought. Any weight or potential these characters had is treated as trash in what seems a way to clear the slate for whatever next stage is coming. Hollow and empty. If they were to perish, it ought have been due to our protagonists efforts. The sour bit on an already sour end? Their revenants will now deliver more overpowered nonsense for a long time to come.

Aaron Baker

I loved books 1 and 2 this is hyping me up more, I'm sure you can deliver though.


Great books🙏 my only 2 cents is, we don't need a goody 2 shoes, real humans have real emotions, we all pretend like we'd be virtuous and fair when things get hard, but if your parents were forced to death by your power grubbing overlords, your moral compass would skew, in short, don't skimp on the revenge! Cheers for the book and here's to many more


I enjoyed BoD quite a bit, but there is a few points that in my opinion detract from its quality. First side characters PoV give too much information for any mystery or plot twists to surprise. We knew not only that Rufus and Laurel are tracking him, but also that they found him and when they will intercept him. Same with marshals. It was quite obvious even if i wasn't 100% certain that his parents will sacrifice them selves. Second there is lack of side characters that interact with MC and have theirs own goal (outside of bounty hunters). This i understand that is because of his situation, but with only Dove that can't do anything and Yor that outside of contempt for Monty and his gang is one dimensional (which is OK for her) character. Third there is some missing information/reasoning. For example every skeleton that is destroyed is considered total loss(there is no mention of any salvaging of intact bones). Either there is no mention of why they can't be salvaged or there is no mention of him savaging them. Other example would be his father reasoning that they can't risk theirs souls to fall to hands of divines. This falls flat since there is no explanation why they can't be bound even if temporarily like Dove was. Better explanation if they have to be killed permanently is that since brand is soul based then if he bound them brand sigils would not break/ power of or how ever magisters know they are dead so he can't bound them. Anyway as i said at the beginning i really enjoyed this book and i can't wait for its continuation.


I partly agree with your argument that sometimes the side-POV chapters could take away some tension, especially those of the people tracking down Tyron, however, some of the side-POV chapters like Dove or his parents were my favorite chapters of all. I also agree with the parent's suicide, I felt like they rushed a bit to that solution, I'm thinking maybe the letter they leave Tyron will contain a bit more info on why exactly they had to make that choice. Or maybe later in the story we'll find out more on why exactly their souls couldn't be kept, and what the specific risk is. Overall though, this is probably my favorite ongoing story as well as the one I'm most obsessed with. It's going to be painful times ahead waiting for new chapters. Great work RinoZ

Dragon Commands

His parents power is the whole reason he’s even in this predicament. It’s because of his parents he’s hated and hunted by thhim divines. It’s because of his parents that he never got to live a normal life. It’s because of them that he got the necromancer class. His parents aren’t powerful for no reason whatsoever. Their current level of power is what kicked off the events of the story. Gods wouldn’t fear normal slayers enough to try to ruin their entire lives. He can’t even make revenants from his parents meaning he loses out on pretty much all of the good stuff he could possibly have. Their souls are gone, in the hands of the court. Their bodies are all that remain, and while the stats may buff the skeletons beyond all belief they’ll never live up to the power of his parents when they were alive. Now Tyron is parentless Besides it was clear laurel and Rufus weren’t long term story material. Rufus was an arrogant dickhead who probably would have ended up dying at some point with or without Tyron being the cause. Laurel also wouldn’t have lasted long as her convictions boiled down to freedom, pose, and money. She lacked enough loyalty to her friend Tyron to even avoid hunting him for cash and paid the price with her life.


my god rino i gotta admit the end of book two is quite possible THE BEST piece of literature i’ve ever read


Revered insanity has excellent literature written that matches it but very well done congrats on consolidating the book beautifully.