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For a brief moment, I’m completely stunned. I’ve gotten so used to the Gravity Bomb being infallible that I expected even a half baked effort to do some serious damage.

Even after this big moron somehow burned the power out of it, I still thought he’d lose an arm or something. I might have been overly reliant on my trump card….

That’s fine. I can still hit him with a bigger one. Or use my new mastery and summon a Gravity Well to squish this pest flat! Or… I would, if I still had a full tank of the sweet, sweet purple mana.

I grit my mandibles and peel off ten mind-constructs to get working on making me some more gravity mana. My main mind is far superior at handling this type of spell than the sub-brains and their constructs, but I need that main mind for casting right now.

Not for the first time, I kick myself for being too lazy to practise the mana construct enough. Working my way through a new mana producing construct is always a mind breaking exercise, and the gravity version is right up there with the omni-elemental construct in terms of complexity.

This is going to be taxing, but I don’t see a way out of it. I pretty much always have an omni-elemental construct humming along these days and I crank it into action now, churning out ice mana which I start to condense. I’m sure I’ll be needing it soon.

[An interesting thing, worm! Did you think that Torrifex, the herald of Arconidem, would be crushed by such weak magic?]

The haughty is pretty much dripping from this demon and his description of my bomb spell as weak is enough to grind my mandibles.

Weak, he says. You’ll be getting served something a little more spicy in a minute. In the meantime….

[Let’s see if you can keep talking when you get a taste of this!]

I check my spacing, then dash forward, drawing on the Altar as I do. The world blurs around me and I find myself standing not ten metres away from the enormous demon.

When I stretch to my full height, extending my legs to lift my body up, I stand around fifteen metres tall, enough to chomp this monster right around the waist, which is what I aim to do.

Void Chomp!

Empowered by the Altar, the Skill howls to life, dragging my opponent forward as the mighty jaws of black light close with inexorable force. Again, the demon doesn’t act as I expect, and instead launches its own strike against mine.

Four demon arms glow with ominous red light, the claws flexing before he slashes forward, sending four slashes that scream through the air straight toward me. I can almost hear the air wail with despair as those claw marks streak toward me, visions of violence and fire trailing in their wake.

That may be a little impressive, but do you really think you can beat the Void Chomp with this nonsense? Keep dreaming!

My jaws slam shut with a deafening roar, everything before me consumed by the power of my Altar infused chomp. When the two skills clash, a shockwave of power explodes outward, blowing my antennae back and sending larvae flying like leaves in the face of a hurricane. Rock disintegrates from the force of the blast, sending dust and stones flying into the air and smashing into my carapace.

Holy moly!

Still, I know that the Void Chomp won out. I could feel it go through, so the demon copped far worse than I did in that blast. Heh. Even if this idiot is tier eight, he’s got to be missing a leg at least.

[How do you like them apples?!] I demand.

[You surprise me, worm. I am not often surprised.]

Before the dust can clear, my antennae blare a warning and I once again flicker to the side before two massive clawed hands sweep through where I had been standing.

Then the demon is revealed again.

Turns out I did do some damage! Which is good! But the demon looks seriously peeved. Which is bad. However, he’s lost a chunk from his side. Which is good! The chunk appears to be healing, filled with a rapidly congealing mass of lava. Which is bad.

Aren’t there two others, just as strong as this guy? That’s going to be a problem! I kind of assumed I’d be able to explode them using the Altar. Considering how easily I dealt with the tier sevens, I’d thought that these would be a bit harder, but not overly difficult.

This is proving to be a heck of a lot more difficult!

[Can I interest you in a second course?!]

Void Chomp!

Energy thunders through the Altar, fed constantly by the unceasing and endless Will of the Colony. It’s impossible that this demon would be able to stand against the power of my family!

Although I probably shouldn’t tell him what I’m planning to do in advance….

Unwilling to go head to head with the chompers knowing he’ll lose, the demon leaps above and brings four claws down in a savage strike that slams down into my carapace.

Or does it? Are you striking me, or are you striking my afterimage? In this case, mostly me.

My super-monstrous reflexes kick into gear and I adjust the angle of my carapace, but in that split second, the demon can’t see that I’ve moved. The Black Hole effect! Gweheheheh!

Demon light streaks down and meets Gravity Compressed diamond. The sheer force of the strike buckles my poor ant legs, but the carapace holds strong!


A few long grooves are carved into my precious exo-skeleton, but the demon didn’t manage to get even halfway through. Take that!

Unimpressed by my survival, the demon decides to have another crack, but I’m standing still and taking it again. Stone cracks beneath me as I dash, reappearing a hundred metres away and staring down this massive demon.

He stares right back, boiling smoke and fire, a rabid grin fixed to his muzzle.

I agree, demon. It’s time to get serious!


Is that Gravity mana ready yet?!


Rahsheem Reid

How is he going to eat a demon made from lava…? Hehe. He needs too use mana Sense find the core rip it out then gravity bomb the hell out of it. Hoping too see some evolution in his gravity magic.


I don't think torrifex is actually made out of lava, iirc he's flesh and blood

Rahsheem Reid

“The chunk appears to be healing, filled with a rapidly congealing mass of lava. Which is bad.” Kinda looks like lava is a base component of what he is made up of. Probably a lava killing demon. Or something like that.


I interpreted that as the "lava" being a healing fluid/substance the demon has.


yea because odin never described him as a giant lump of lava when he was spending all that time with him

Rahsheem Reid

No one said he was a lump of lava. I’m going by what was stated. Lava type healing fluid. There was even mention of demons swimming in the lava. It is not that hard too think that the best monsters of the third strat are made up of the same mana element of said strat….


For how long we didn't see evolution of his skills and he practicing it? I think it was 20 chap++..... i love skills and evolution, but now there's only evo left....?


We saw him practicing his new organs and play with his new skill Gravity. The other skills he practices by using them in battle.


He did practice, fine. But I hope you know what I meant by ‘skills and evolution’. He did not progress his skills, or even buy a new one for quiet a while no? Only organs, and gravity as you said.


He has been using all kind of skills in battle. That's how he evolves the skills. Last time we saw the status quite a few skills evolved to the next rank.


Nah-ah, I was right, there’s no new skills or substantial skill evolution for more than 20 chapters, I just skimmed through all of it


He did uses his skills, but by now, there should be LOTS of new skills to buy, evolve, and combine right? I mean by the topic of new skills and evolving the old one. Anyway, I get your point, I'm not sure you got mine, but let's end our pointless conversation here


At the pace of the story and current skill ranks it takes hundreds of chapters to see substantial skill evolution. 20 chapters are nothing! As for new skills, even before this evolution he had a never ending options to buy. But he doesn't want to spend his limited points on skills that aren't worth it. At the same time, I think he could have looked for new options after his T7 evolution. IIRC, he only looked for the gravity affinity skill.